Tulsa TV Memories Guestbook 173 TTM main | What's new on TTM? | GB Archive
I noticed that, in a
2003 rant,
columnist Michael A. Smith had expressed an interest in the old
General Cinema "Coming Attractions"/"Feature
Presentation" jingle with jazzy harpsichord. I sent them a link to it
on this site, and
both gentlemen
were very pleased to hear it.
And, like a parent, I'm sure Mike feels like a proud papa seeing how this little spot on the web has grown. Here's to many more! Also, Happy New Year to all. I will be working tomorrow, which is going to seriously curtail my football intake.
Yes, Erick, you arrived in the very first Guestbook, and yes, this site has wildly exceeded my expectations. Thanks to all contributors; you literally make this site.
Good wishes to you all in the coming year!
Thanks, John.
In my days at KTUL - "Bewitched" for years - was the first ABC network show
- Mon.-Fri. at 10:30am. Forever when I hear the theme - I will flash back
to Tuma doing the live KTUL i.d. with "...It's 10:30...", as we "took the
No Dick Clark this year, but I am so old I remember his first New Year's Rockin' Eve on KTUL. And I remember NBC's Midnight Special way back when going live on New Year's Eve. I hate it when VH1 or other channels NOW pre-tape concerts for New Years and fake the stroke of midnight in a studio! For us oldsters - it was NOT officially the New Year till Guy Lombardo and the Royal Canadians "played it in". Growing up in Chicago - one of the stations - WLS or WGN - used to do an all night Marx Brothers movie marathon AFTER Chicago celebrated 12am. Didn't one of the stations in Tulsa try this at one time, too? WFMT radio in Chicago used also go live or raid its archives for their Midnight Special all night radio show on New Year's night - often dragging out old discs with Mike Nichols(!) stuff on it from before his days as a comedian. (WFMT starts tonight's broadcast at 8pm!).
However you end the old year and start the the NEW - be safe! Best wishes!
Happy Birthday to you.
And kudos, whatever that means, to His Royal Webmasterness, Mike Ransom for
making it all so totally TULSA, my old home town.
Congrats to Mike Ransom for having the "stickiness" (there's a good Internet word) to keep the doors open for all of us to spill our old legends, lies, and the occasional fish story. As Johnny Martin would surely say from that great air studio announce booth up yonder, "Thanks for the use of the hall."
You're welcome, John. Quite a few of the questions posed on the linked page (Guestbook 7) have been answered. I have severely curtailed my use of the exclamation point since then, too.
While a senior in college, he began working at WKY-TV (now KFOR) as a reporter, noting recently that his first big story was about a giant radish. He worked in TV news at Channel 4 for fifteen years, where he produced and hosted public affairs programs, as well as the acclaimed weekly "Saturday Magazine." Steve also served as adjunct professor of speech and media for OU, OSU, and SNU. As a college student, Steve filmed for the OU football coach's TV show, produced and hosted by his father, Howard Neumann, who hosted OU shows going back to the Bud Wilkinson days. He later hosted and produced both the OU football and basketball coaches' shows through his company, Steve Neumann Productions, which also produced "Discover Oklahoma" for the Oklahoma Tourism Commission. While maintaining his freelance business, Steve served as Director of Athletic Broadcasting at OU for several years, under both Steve Owens and Joe Castiglione. At the time of his death, he worked for Daktronics, the world leader in sports scoreboards.
obituary and guestbook at NewsOK.com
Wish we had one of those "Timothy" spots for OTASCO. We do have the OTASCO Christmas jingle, though.
OK, you'd better, or you'll be getting another crank call.
On the sixth anniversary of the start of Tulsa TV Memories, thank you so much for giving us the forum to recollect and reconnect. Here's to you!
I was well acquainted with the Jaycees building, which was the national headquarters. I worked there for a number of years -- first as public relations manager and then for several years doing a/v services and video editing.
The Jaycees organization has been shrinking steadily for decades. The staff,
which numbered about 75 when I first worked there, was down to probably less
than 20 when the offer came in. The building's plant systems were in need
of replacement, a number of other expensive repairs and updates were needed,
and they just didn't need that much space any more to run the organization,
so it was an offer they couldn't refuse. The Jaycees constructed a new national
headquarters building on South Lewis (just north of ORU) which looks just
like a branch bank.
It actually ran about a half-season, I believe. This was the second effort by WB to turn "Casablanca" into a series, the first (starring Charles McGraw) having been one of three rotating installments of "Warner Bros. Presents," the very first WB series ever, in 1955. All three segments were based on successful WB features. Of the three, the only one to survive as its own series was "Cheyenne" ("Kings Row" being the third).
Here is more about Warner Bros. Presents.
I was by 21st and Boulder and saw that the U.S. Jaycees building has been torn down. It's just a graded plat of dirt with signs announcing that nine homes will be build on the lot. I knew the Jaycees had moved to another part of town, but I would have thought someone would want to buy and use a magnificent architectural gem such as the Jaycees building. Too bad.
For that matter, the old Oral Roberts building down the street still has
a For Sale sign up. It looks pretty sad on the outside and I'd be scared
to think what it may be like inside by now. I hope the south part of downtown
can experience some renaissance sooner than later as the north part is now
David Soul of "Starsky and Hutch" fame. Earlier this year - he played a possessive, arrogant symphony conductor on "Law & Order - SVU" episode. I recognized the voice but he has become a chameleon in his charactor roles.
Do you remember a time after Starsky when he was "Rick" at Rick's Cafe Amercaine
on ABC. The network tried to resurrect "Casablanca" as a series and I think
only did a pilot.
No, our Dick West is deceased. You can read more about him and see his KTUL signoff on the 8's The Place page.
I have a mention of it in my still unpublished book:
Alcohol was not the only vice offered to Tulsa newsmen by flacks. At an informal news conference at the Tulsa Press Club announcing a big drag racing event, the promoter handed out a card with a call girls phone number. "I had a budget to promote this event," he said. "I put the money where I figure it would do the most good, between a beautiful hooker's legs. Give her this card and services are free." As far as I could determine, seven or eight business cards were later exchanged for sex in the racy promotion: "These street cars were named desire."
The girl's apartment was just off Riverside Drive. And she was gorgeous. -----
My name is Joe Tanner. I'm currently working on an autobio and research led to your site. As an adolescent and the son of one of the highest earners there, I was employed at Rideshy. I mowed the lawns of the various houses, tended bar at Bud Holt's private residence, etc. - flunky, gofer, call it what you will. I'm now 42 and trying to make sense of many things, not least of them being memories of the people and events at Rideshy and my time in Tulsa. My uncle was a local musician named Lynn Tanner. He played at Jose's Hideaway and the Filling Station, among other places. Any help you can offer wouild be greatly appreciated. Any persons with perspectives on the place and/or people, please contact me. Thank you.
It was previously noted in Guestbook 89 that dialing RIDESHY (an old RIverside exchange number) in the 1960s/early 70s would connect you with a brothel.
Here's a look back at the first What's New page. Below: a site of New Year's celebration in the 70s: Cardo's Cadillac.
We had formed the octet mainly to entertain on campus. But, we also cruised the rich neighborhoods during the Christmas season, looking for a house that had lots of cars out front, indicating a party was in progress. We would stop, go onto the front yard, and start singing. People inside would hear us and invite us in for food and drinks. The producer of the TV show had heard us singing on campus and invited us to perform on their TV show. Dave Hindman, who had lots of experience in radio but none in TV, was the announcer/host. After we sang, Dave was to announce the next part of the program. He had done fine up until then, but something happened. He froze. The stage manager whispered to the octet to sing some more. So we repeated "White Christmas" while Dave recovered.
Dave, my former roommate, went on to a fine career in radio and TV on WKY
in Oklahoma City either before or after he joined the Navy. I lost track
of him after he got out of the service.
You're welcome, sir, and a Merry Christmas to you.
In those days, 6 was much more professional but not near as much fun. Oh!
the tales I won't tell. However, I can say that I ran camera on
Lee Woodward's audition and I was the one who put
vodka (from a bootlegger) in Uncle Hiram's
7-up cup on live TV. Never missing a beat, he smacked his lips and asked
for more. ![]() Welcome, Roy! Is that you in this photo of the first telethon in Tulsa?
I remember everyone in that picture. Television then was all live and wild. We did some of the worst TV, but everyone worked very hard. We did a Saturday night live remote of the Leon McAuliffe dance at the Cimarron Ballroom. Ellison Stambaugh, who was the best director in town, did the show. One Saturday night we were 5 minutes late going on the air because the ladies at the dance had us occupied up in the balcony where the cameras were. Ellison would have killed us but he was 3 floors away. I hid from him for a week. If you have questions about names, I remember almost all of the production people at both stations.
By the way I worked with Mr. Gomi. Your readers
might be interested to know that TU drama classes did some shows on KVOO.
One name I remember was Edie Rue McClanahan.
You know how she is known today. (The link shows a couple of TU pics of
Ms. McClanahan with Frank Morrow...webmaster)
Here is an item I'm sure you won't find anywhere else: a KOTV brochure for the 1963-65 drama anthology, "Suspense Theatre" (courtesy of Chris Sloan). The theme was written by Johnny Williams (later known as John Williams of movie fame, and piano player on Mancini's "Dreamsville", a tune with Tulsa and OKC TV significance.) The IMDb listing shows that many future movie directors, such as Robert Altman and Irvin Kershner, worked on the show.
I noticed something I never saw before. In the scene with Fran Drescher and Billy Barty outside of "City Hall", you can see KTUL's NewsStar 8 satellite truck parked on 10th Street.
Happy Holidays!
I believe the Daylight Donuts pictured originally was a burger drive-in like Miller's or Boots...I just can't remember which. I don't remember Sandy's having that Sonic-style drive-up; it was more like a McDonald's clone, I think.
A Stroll at the 2004 Tulsa State Fair. The Return of Dr. Omed's Patented Sunset Derby. Like it says, lots of Tulsa sunset scenes.
Tulsa: Signs Of Other Times. The Meadow Gold sign, Jim's Coney
Island...which burger drive-in did that Daylight Donuts on Yale near the
Celebrity Club used to be?
In it: the starry ceiling at the Ritz, the statues at the Orpheum, the wall decorations at the Will Rogers, the pipe organs, the interior of the Ritz in 1927, the Majestic in 1918, the Circle in 1934, Third Street in front of the Rialto in 1937, the Ritz neon sign, locations of all the theatres from Tulsa's past, and the biggest parade in Tulsa history (for the world premiere of the 1949 movie, "Tulsa"). In addition to the theatres, there's a brief background on thirty-one Tulsans who are, or have been, connected with the movie industry. OU/OSU nostalgic almanac/football calendars are also available for 2005. These items are available at the offices of Yellow Pad on Main Street in downtown Tulsa and they can also be ordered online at YellowPadInc.com.
(Also noted on the Bulletin Board.)
The station had bought a package of B&W movies pretty cheaply. The movies were not made in B&W, but we didn't pay for the color rights. Most of the time we'd get a B&W print of a color movie, but sometimes we'd get a color print with a note from Euell to run it in B&W. I was a little rebellious and used to run them in color anyway. I never heard from anyone about it. One night I got a print of the John Wayne film "The War Wagon" with a note to run it in B&W. I ignored the instructions like usual and ran it in color. Unfortunately, when I got to reels 2 & 3, they were actually in B&W. All I could do was run the film that way and answer the hundred or so phone calls that I got from angry viewers.
Just got back from a Caribbean cruise. I checked in on the site from Soapy's Internet Station in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands on 12/9, and found TTM unavailable (except for the Guestbook). I was able to fix it from there. Looks like the site went off the air sometime on Tuesday 12/7. Sorry for the suspense. I went back and added comments to some of the entries made in Guestbook 172 while I was away. The OTASCO Christmas jingle was mentioned. Wilhelm and others weighed in on Rob's Records, a used record store near 15th & Memorial. Skitch Henderson, former "Tonight Show" bandleader and Tulsa Philharmonic conductor, was discussed. Local food topics chewed over included Tastee-Freez on 11th & Yale, the IHOP near Utica Square, S&J Oyster Company on Brookside (now closed), the Steak 'N' Shake at 62nd & Memorial (soon open), and Kitty Clover Potato Chips. I came into some U-Matic professional video tapes made by Dirty Butter Creek Gang Productions in the early 90s, possibly including some old late night ads for Christina's International Introductions. It was a Tulsa-based marriage agency with videos of potential brides from South America. Thanks to Edwin, I now have a player that can handle these tapes (after a visit to Radio Shack). We heard from Tulsa TV veterans Rich Laudon and Dick Enderwood for the first time. We learned that Dr. Billy James Hargis, colorful and controversial Tulsa-based televangelist of the 60s and 70s, passed away. He was probably a partial inspiration for Mazeppa's character Rev. Dr. Menleaux Park (seen on the Lost Tapes of Mazeppa, Vol. 1, now available on DVD; a good Xmas gift idea).
There was much more besides, so check out Guestbook
172 at your leisure.