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February 05 2009 at
Name: Gary Chew
Topic: More On Rue
Email: Arnoldzberg
Comments: Hail Rue McClanahan! She's in
one of my very favorite older films: "They Might Be Giants," with George
C. Scott and Joanne Woodward. From 1971.
Rue plays Scott's sister in the film. Her character's name is Daisy Playfair.
Scott's is Justin Playfair. He's a classic paranoid in the movie; thinks
he's Sherlock Holmes.
Joanne is his protective shrink of sorts. She's Mildred... Dr. Mildred Watson.
Get it?
The film works on so many levels, it might still be ahead of its time. From
the head of James Goldman, who won an Oscar for adapting "The Lion in Winter"
with O'Toole and Hepburn.
Leave it to Rue to know how to pick a part and a good script.
First time I saw it, I didn't know Rue was Tulsa People.
Delemeaux de Gillette du Coffeyville
February 05 2009 at
Name: Carl Bartholomew (via email to webmaster)
Topic: Hereford
Comments: Think I saw something about Hereford
Heaven steaks. FYI, they were a sponsor of mine (Uncle Zeb Show) for
I don't think they were real tasty but I do remember being told to say, "Hereford
Heaven brand beef steaks, cut 'em with a fork every time."
More about Carl's movie and books in the original
TTM Gift Shop.
05 2009 at 13:35:56
Name: Mike Miller
Topic: Convention
Comments: Beaumont Bruestle was right. My dad, Lew Miller,
was a theatrical booking agent during the 40s and 50s and ran a dance studio
at 15th and Newport. He used to talk about the stage of the old theater on
West Brady that was not level, but slanted toward the orchestra pit. It was
so bad some dancers refused to perform on it, fearing they might fall onto
a tuba or worse. I believe at least one did fall off that stage.
I remember seeing many a performance there from dance recitals to Olsen and
Johnson, a popular comedy team of vaudeville and Broadway. My father booked
Louis Armstrong at the theater as well as other performers and bands.
Incidentally, the Louie Miller who disappeared in the lyrics of "Mack the
Knife" was not my dad.
Mike's book, How High Can a Guy Stoop?,
is loaded with interesting Tulsa lore.
February 05 2009 at 13:13:13
Name: Mike Bruchas
Topic: Music music
Comments: Channeling the 80's again in the live theatre area
Xanadu - a so-so movie with soundtrack by some of the members of The Electric
Light Orchestra and originally starring Olivia Newton-John is "in revival"
as a Broadway musical.
Is the Broadway Theatre League still in existence in Tulsa?
When I was at TU - they brought the best of the Broadway Equity road shows
to the "old Lady of Brady".
The late Beaumont Bruestle told us in
class that Tulsa almost got cut off the list of traveling shows because of
bad, ratty (worn and the four-legged kind)dressing rooms and often an issue
of heat or cooling in the house.
February 05 2009 at 00:28:21
Name: Clan L's Most Twisted Sibling
Topic: Rue McClanahan
Email: Santa's Inland Bay
Rue in the TU yearbook.
More in GB 94. |
Rue McClanahan also appears in the off-kilter comedy on Logo channel called
"Sordid Lives", as Peggy, a trailer-park family matriarch who's having an
affair with the much younger double-amputee husband of her neighbor. The
cheated-on wife/neighbor (played by Caroline Rhea) is also a close friend
of her daughters.
Rue is a HOOT as always.
Interesting and entertaining off-the-beaten-track show - also stars Beth
Grant as Peggy's sister, Bonnie Bedelia as Peggy's daughter, Leslie Jordan
as Peggy's gay son (who channels and drags Tammy Wynette; he's visited by
Georgette Jones as Tammy's ghost!), Olivia Newton-John does a turn as a bisexual
country singer.
Very entertaining and quirky good fun (not one to watch with the kiddies
February 04 2009 at 22:40:55
Name: Mike Bruchas
Topic: Rue
Comments: She popped up tonight on Law and Order as the mother
of a guy obsessed with JFK. Her character supposedly had a fling with JFK
in 1950.
They shot her in kind of soft focus.
Them Tulsa girls can always find work!
Ditto Dr. Chew on the Mark Twain Award Show honoring Billy Crystal. At points
corny but Crystal will always be a great guy with a schtick!!
February 04 2009 at
Name: Gary Chew
Topic: George Carlin Meets Mark
Mark my words: here's a suggestion for TV tonight or to record for later
Leading American entertainers Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Garry Shandling, Lily
Tomlin, Denis Leary, Joan Rivers, Lewis Black, Richard Belzer, and Margaret
Cho honor the late George Carlin in the Kennedy Center Concert Hall at the
Kennedy Center with the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.
The event happened on November 10, 2008. The evening recognized the life
and achievements of the beloved comedian. And will be shown for the first
time on PBS Wednesday, February 4, 2009. Check local listing for air time,
by George!
Delmeaux de Gillette du Coffeyville
February 04 2009 at 17:58:07
Name: Lance Gray
Topic: Wild Child Mitch at Osage Apts.
Email: lagray at aol dot com
Comments: Mr. Sawyer, please accept my sincere apologies if
you were a victim of the random biter known as Mitch. I am Mitch's older
brother. I feel compelled to say that Mitch was only acting out his frustration
as a result of my beating him on a daily basis.
My memory of those days at Osage Apartments and Osage Elementary are pretty
foggy. I would often fly into a blind rage and beat the tar out of my brother
(and sister) for no apparent reason and then have no recollection of what
angered me in the first place. Maybe I'm a victim of my environment. I don't
really have fond memories of that time or place.
February 04 2009 at 10:18:57
Name: Karen
Topic: Outsiders Pictures
Comments: To Tulsa Collector--- I know someone who is definitely
interested in talking to you. I will pass along your information, and he
will contact you.
Thank you so much to everyone who helped us to identify the newly found Outsiders
filming pictures. We now have all of the locations noted. Cheers!
February 03 2009 at 21:28:45
Name: Dave
Topic: Buddy Holly site
Comments: See a
fascinating interactive
site about Buddy Holly and the Iowa crash produced by the Des Moines
February 03 2009 at 15:40:54
Name: Charles
Topic: Buddy Holly Plane Crash
Comments: The anniversary of the plane crash is always
noted in my new hometown of Fargo, North Dakota. The plane was headed to
Fargo where Holly and crew were scheduled to have their next Dance Party
concert across the river in Moorhead, MN. The concert was still held with
local bands filling in. One of the locals to fill in that night was 15 year
old Bobby Vee who went on to Pop stardom in the 1960s.
February 03 2009 at 14:31:43
Name: Webmaster
Topic: Buddy Holly
By way of Karl Soliday, today on
MSNBC.com: "Sorry,
Don McLean, but the music didn't die".
"The wreckage of a single-engine Beechcraft Bonanza was scattered across
a small area of snow-covered cornfield outside of Clear Lake, Iowa. The plane
crashed into the ground suddenly, so most of the smoldering rubble was
concentrated in one area. Three passengers Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and
J.P. Richardson, a.k.a. 'The Big Bopper' were ejected from the plane and
died on impact, as did the pilot, 21-year-old Roger Peterson.
"That happened on Feb. 3, 1959, exactly 50 years ago this Tuesday."
February 03 2009 at 12:06:58
Name: Lanette B Giese
Topic: BBQ, Sears & Toppers @ Gibson
Email: im4cruisnatmyw dodotcom
Comments: I indeed remember the Hillbilly BBQ sandwiches,
and I remember my Mom saying NO.
The popcorn stand at the West entrance of the 21st St. Sears brings back
memories with more reward, as my Mom would actually stop there and buy some.
One day, the store security was chasing some shoplifter and the shoplifter
fell down those VERY hard granite stairs... I'll never forget the sound of
his faceplant on the floor right in front of us. They jerked his shoes off
and off he went to jail.
I also spent a lot of time at their downstairs Candy Store, putting nose
prints on the glass.

Courtesy of the Beryl Ford Collection/Rotary Club of Tulsa, Tulsa
City-County Library and Tulsa Historical Society.
The Toppers pic is awesome Webster. We had a
cabin there, across the channel from Toppers, on the same side of the channel
as Whitehorn Cove, and went to the boat races on a regular basis. THAT's
the closest we got to Sea World's Ski Show, Whitehorn Cove and Toppers were
like a second home. Our dad built up some fast boats in those days, even
setting a record in '68. I have a few hours of 1962-1969 8 and 16mm race
clips that my brother put on DVD. The originals were filmed by the owner
of long ago boat dealer Cooley Coolie Marine. Tulsa has
a rich lake, fishing, and skiing history, it really is more than
Joe and Wanda. (I speak of Wanda with honor,
I knew her and she was great!)
We on the Tulsa Water Ski Team DID try to get the news crew to get out there
and ski one time THO...they came out to film our Polar Bear Ski Day Jan 1,
1990. For some reason they turned down the opportunity.
I believe Cooley Lake was the namesake of Cooley Marine's Mr.
Cooley (Not so, Lanette later told me. I also made the correction
above to "Coolie" per her information).
Cooley Lake was behind the old East Central High School/Lewis and Clark
Jr. High/Green Country Christian Academy, just east of Admiral and Garnett.

Cooley Lake dead center in this USGS topographic map
February 03 2009 at 11:18:13
Name: Mike Bruchas
Topic: Dime Store Food
Comments: Growing up in the Chicago area in the 50s and
60s, many of the Woolworth stores had lunch counters.
On Saturdays they had a special area adjacent the candy counter in my hometown.
They sold ham sandwiches on great kaiser rolls for initially 50 cents a sandwich;
later it went up to a $1 a sandwich. Made while you waited. It was away from
the soda fountain usually, so it did not disrupt traffic there.
Maybe later they used was Krakus Ham (which ain't as good now as it was then...)
They also sold sliced ham per the pound and it was great. No lettuce, no
mustard, no ketchup, no cheese nor onions on the sandwiches... Mayo was
offered... But "we liked it that way" in the Midwest.
February 03 2009 at 09:11:28
Name: Steve Bagsby
Topic: Fooood Wagons
Comments: I well remember the Hillbilly BBQ carts showing up at
various grocers. I also remember the Brach's Candy Carts set up in several
local stores. We used to "eyeball" the dumpster room at the Sheridan Village
Humpty Dumpty for any unusual display materials (wheeled or otherwise).
February 03 2009 at 08:37:00
Name: Mitch Gray
Topic: Masked Back Biter
Email: North Of You
Comments: I'm not ashamed to say that Tim Sawyer's recollection
of a "Wild Child" was indeed....me.
Once, while out at a burger joint, my mother was placing our order when she
looked down to see me biting some guy's leg. I don't remember when I finally
grew out of my toothy fetish. I do remember the TG&Y store but I couldnt
recall if it was a TG&Y or an Otasco.
Also, I do have knowledge of the Naughty Club, however, my attorney says
I don't have any memory of participation in the activity.
So Tim, do you remember Jose the Hispanic maintenance man?
After Dad had to come home from the lounge, he
would punch holes in the walls so we were well acquainted with this particular
maintenance man who came to repair them.
February 02 2009 at 21:50:02
Name: Tim Sawyer
Topic: Osage
Email: sawyer_tim at cox dot net
Comments: Hello to everyone in memory land,
I don't do this much but when I saw some of the comments about the Osage
Apartments and surrounding area, I just had to add my two mills worth...
I lived in these apartments somewhere around 1959 through 1962, with my two
older brothers and "mommie dearest". Parents were divorced but the "old man"
would pick us up every weekend and take us to all the "great" movies (mainly
drive-ins - Admiral Twin, Riverside, Capri - pre-porno, and all the others
as well documented by Mr. Ransom on this stupendous site), like "Seventh
Voyage of Sinbad", "The Thing" (original with James Arness - although I gotta
admit, John Carpenter's remake is a hundred times better), then later on,
we went to see all the James Bond movies (Sean Connery, of course - "there
can be only one" - although I like Daniel Craig in this role very much).
But I digress...
Back to the Osage Apts. scenario...
I didn't attend Osage kindergarten or elementary but instead my mom would
drop me and my "middle" brother off at this old woman's house who did babysitting
on the side - the woman, not the house (no telling what her primary function
Then later when I started school I attended first grade at Immaculate Conception
(parochial school just north of the Osage Hills Shopping Center).
By the way, the apartment we lived in was just directly across the street
(east) of the Shopping Center and grade school.
Mitch Gray didn't mention it in his note but there
was also a TG&Y "dime store" in that shopping center (provided me with
plenty of opportunities to work through my "shoplifting issues" at an early
age). However, during one of my crime sprees inside TG&Y my middle brother
botched a concealment maneuver and got both of us nabbed by the manager.
He had to stay there, as hostage, while I ran across the street to get my
mom to vouch for us and assure management that we would never darken the
interior of that store again. My brother started crying during the ordeal
but I had difficulty restraining my laughter. My mom has told that story
many times throughout the past forty seven years and never fails to expound
on my obvious lack of remorse (what can I say? I was only six).
Fortunately for me the first grade at Immaculate, second and third at Holy
Family (school and Cathedral downtown Tulsa) and fourth through eigth at
Marquette (15th and Rockford), helped to show me the error of my ways. I
have now gone on to be a productive citizen. Often stop to wonder if those
petty thieveries of mine contributed to the eventual downfall of the TG&Y
Some other memories of the Osage apartments include my oldest brother organizing
a "nasty club" where the little boys and little girls living in the immediate
area would go behind the bushes and pull down their pants to show each other
their "things". That was about the only activity that went on in the club
but it seemed to suffice at the time.
One last idiotic revelation before I mercifully end this...
First a disclaimer: Mr. Mitch Gray - please don't take offense to anything
I say here! Just ranting about old memories that are for the most part completely
subjective and may or may not represent reality in any fashion. Any similarity
to real persons, living and / or dead, is purely a fantastic coincidence.
Like I said, the inspiration for this entire note was Mitch's observations
about the Osage apartments. I have a memory of a "wild
child" that I knew only as Mitch, who lived at these apartments. While
my specialty was shoplifting and mouthing off to adults, this guy liked to
leap onto people and bite them on the back. Everyone around there was completely
in awe and constantly fearful of this "maniac". Always wondered what ever
became of this ambassador of ill will??
If anyone recognizes the above description I would love to hear from you.
I eventually grew out of my shoplifting habit and assume that the "toothy
monster" also paid his karma.
Well, enough said. Thanks for listening, or not?
February 02 2009 at 12:49:07
Name: DolfanBob
Topic: Good food
Email: MiamiPhin at yahoo dot
Comments: Wow, hillbilly sandwiches. They did have a distinctive
kind of taste that just made you want more. Those were sold way before the
big carney-type wagons shown up out front of the grocery stores.
My Dad use to take me to Morgan's Cafe on North Cincinnati after I had caddied
for him out at Mohawk golf course. They had the best burgers, cooked right
in front of you with the greasy top buns and all. Mmmm good.
February 02 2009 at 12:26:00
Name: Jeff H
Topic: Foods of the past
Email: Looking for a place to use
my Uncola Card
Comments: Once again this blog dredges up pleasant and tasty
memories of the past.
I remember the "Hillbilly BBQ" sandwiches and sauce.I think the sauce came
in the same style bottle as Griffin's Waffle
Syrup or something very similar.
As for the BBQ sandwiches, I can't remember the price, but I think the IGA
next to Shoppers Fair had a stand set up on
a regular basis. The current trend is to sell racks of ribs, unfortunately
they're not 4 for a $1.
"Hereford Heaven" steaks as I recall were frozen
minute steaks or sometimes called cubed steaks in a multi-pack in the frozen
food section. They were perfect sandwich size, I can't remember if they only
came breaded or if there was a plain version as well.
As a side note: As a kid, a friend of mine's family would have me stay for
dinner on Mondays, which was "Sandwich Night Monday". I think their favorite
was Sloppy Joe's, "Charles Chips" (from the big tan can) and pickles. I bet
they had the Hillbilly BBQ on occasion.
Gotta run and see if my "See The Meat Pizza" is ready.
February 01 2009 at 21:26:03
Name: Dave
Topic: Connor's Corner
Comments: They've got it right about Connor's
Corner, and there's more.
Their burgers were called "steakburgers." You did NOT call them hamburgers,
at least not in the presence of the proprietors. And you dared not ask for
ketchup, mustard, etc. These burgers were intended to stand on their own,
and they did. They had some special spiciness of their own that would have
been ruined with any condiment on them. Just the juicy steakburger and a
bun. That's all they needed. They took quite awhile to cook, and the menu
warned of that. And they were more expensive than the average burger. I guess
$3 sounds about right, pricey for the day.
Connor's Corner was around during most of the 1960s. I remember being there
for the last time in 1969. I don't know how long it lasted after that. It
advertised on the radio a lot, but without revealing the location. You were
supposed to ask around. It must have worked. It was always crowded.
Since we're talking beef, here's a question I asked back in GB 93: does
anyone recall this slogan "uddered" by a cartoon cow on a 60s local TV
"For goodness sakes,
get Hereford Heaven quick-cookin' steaks"
February 01 2009 at 09:00:35
Name: Beverly
Topic: Osage Elementary
Comments: Thank you to everyone who responded with
information about Osage Elementary.
I didn't know they had old phone books at the Central Library! I will have
to look into that. There's no better way to find out where things used to
be. I really had no idea. Thank you!
January 31 2009 at 23:38:48
Name: Tulsa Collector
Topic: Outsiders Picture Identification
Email: ebayer2 AT swbell DOT net
(Karen said in GB 280: "We still have not identified the locations for
Outsiders pictures
#5 and #12. Can anyone help us on these locations? Thanks!")
Picture #5 is located at 1404 South Quaker. It is now Butler & Butler,
Inc., an advertising agency owned by my friend Ron Butler.
I never realized that it was part of the movie and will give Ron a call and
see if he owned the building during this time.
The building behind it is the back of Moore Funeral Homes location on Peoria,
and there is an apartment building located to the south.
Picture #12 MAY be looking south down Quaker, back toward 15th Street. I
believe that's Lincoln Plaza in the background of the shot. I'll have to
take a look next week and see, but I know you can't park on the west side
of Quaker and there are always cars parked along the east side.
My only other connection to the film was via my brother. He was a medical
intern at Tulsa Regional Hospital during the time the movie was being filmed.
He has some great stories of Matt Dillon rehearsing scenes for him and the
cast always trying to get him to come and join them to eat or go out partying.
Hope that helps.
January 31 2009 at 22:13:37
Name: Bryan Crain (via email to webmaster)
Topic: Washington and Osage Elementary School
Comments: I was at Central Library today and grabbed
a 1960 phonebook.
Washington was at 7505 East Queen (close to Pine and Memorial), and Osage
was at 318 West Golden, right in the middle of the Osage Expressway, just
north and west of downtown.
The old Washington site is completely obliterated by CCC Parts Co. Queen
Street now comes to an abrupt end at N 68th E Ave.
January 31 2009 at 20:05:00
John Hillis
Topic: Estimations
Comments: I guess it's a function of when I came up in the business
that my estimation of spatial objects comes in widths of tape: 2" quad, the
1" reel to reel that succeeded it, 1/2" for Betacam and VHS, quarter-inch
for audio tape, and 1/8" for audio cassettes. 16mm film fits in there, too,
but is not very useful as a gauge unless you're somewhere in the metric world.
This small revelation struck me as I was attempting to clear the walk of
ice after this week's storm and found it Betacam thick, and mostly unbreakable
until the thaw.
Weight can also be calculated the same way; a heavy bag of groceries is about
as heavy as an hour reel of 2" videotape in those big blue plastic shipping
January 31 2009 at 15:21:24
Name: Wilhelm Murg
Topic: A Fine Artiste
Email: wilhelmurg at Yahoo dot
Comments: I don't know if anyone has mentioned it, but next
Saturday Gailard Sartain will have an art opening at The Roger Lloyd Gallery
107 E. 6th St.,in Pawhuska, on Feb. 7th at 5pm. (call for hours at
Roger is a retired attorney who "in a fit of inspiration" saw one of the
many empty storefronts in Pawhuska and decided to start a gallery. It should
be interesting as Roger has excellent taste - as oppose to the many people
who have tried to have cowboy and Indian galleries up there in the past -
and it seems to be more of a hobby rather than a means of self-support.
Even if you can't make the opening, Sartain's art is always worth seeking
out. The exhibit will be up for eight weeks. I have a convoy going up for
the opening.
January 31 2009 at 12:28:17
Topic: Restaurant
Comments: Re: Jim Ruddle's restaurant
(described below)
If this was decades ago, I would guess it was Connor's Corner. I mean a long
time ago. However, I think there's a more recent version that, according
to a bit of Internet surfing, may be J. J. Gourmet Cafe at 647 South Peoria.
It's supposed to use the same recipe. Can anybody confirm?
This article,
turning customers away: J.J.'s Gourmet Cafe in Tulsa", confirms the Connor's
Corner connection to J.J.'s.
I visited J. J. Gourmet Cafe the day of the '57 Belvedere unearthing,
and wrote about it in GB 244. It was the Rubicon
in the 70s, and J.J. owned it back then, too, which the above article doesn't
January 31 2009 at 12:05:05
Name: John K. Young
Topic: Hilllll-Billy BBQ!!
Comments: All these posts about Hillbilly BBQ sammiches has
given me a serious hungry!
I remember mom and dad going to the Humpty Dumpty in Sapulpa and also the
Green Spray grocery store in Sapulpa and getting those things by the bag
full! I think at first they were 10 cents a piece and then went to 4 for
a dollar.
The last time I remember seeing a Hillbilly BBQ stand in a store had to have
been in the late 70s or so. They maintained an office out on Hwy 66 between
Tulsa and Sapulpa for years and then, one day, they were closed up tighter
than the liquor cabinet in a house full of painters.
I miss both the sandwiches and the sauce. Head Country sauce is CLOSE, but
it's still not Hillbilly...
January 31 2009 at 08:21:43
Topic: Meat
Comments: Does anyone remember this place?
I had been away from Tulsa for several years and came back for a visit. A
friend took me to a restaurant whose name escapes me--The Colonial, or something
like that, I believe.
On being seated at a table, a waiter would recite the menu: There were four
items, just four, three of which were chopped sirloin burgers and the fourth
was dessert--apple pie.
The burgers were differentiated by their names and sizes. From the smallest
to the largest they were "eeny," "meeny," and :miney."
When you asked the waiter what was "mo," he said, "If you want "mo," you
get the apple pie."
I didn't dream this.
January 30 2009 at 22:03:37
Name: Singe
Topic: Hillbilly sandwiches
Comments: Sorry to go off the Washington topic for a
sec...but speaking of those Hillbilly BBQ sandwiches brought back memories.
I remember in the early 70s going to the Humpty Dumpty grocery in the Cherokee
Village at 21st and Garnett with my Mom and she would buy 4 sandwiches for
a dollar from the lady and her slow cooker standing by the entrance...then
she would mention to me how expensive they were on the ride home...Ha! It
would feed our family of four on a Saturday night...yummy.
January 30 2009 at 21:35:19
Name: Clan L's Most Twisted Sister
Topic: Hillbilly Sandwiches
Email: ok_lemoineatyahoodotcom
Comments: If I remember correctly, those were Hillbilly Bar-B-Q
Sandwiches - sold on special Saturdays at the Thrif-T-Wise and IGA stores,
too (and maybe Jitney Jungle & Sipes?)
It was always a big deal for us when we got to have those for dinner. The
BBQ sauce available in bottles as well. First time I remember having one
was at a big grocery store grand opening. Heck, I think they were still selling
them into the '80s, though I may be wrong...
From this
at Topix.com comes:
"Also remember that on Admiral was 'Jubilee City". It was sort of the city's
first big discount store before we ever had WalMart. Jubilee City also had
a grocery store inside; there was a little stand after you checked out and
my mom used to get 'Hillbilly Bar B Que" sandwiches '3 for a dollar'."
In the TTM Gift Shop is a book,
City: A Memoir at Full Speed by artist Joe Andoe, and it is the same
Jubilee City.
January 30 2009 at 19:00:20
Name: Patti Marshall
Topic: Northland
Comments: I grew up going to Northland at least weekly. I
think Dillard's also used to be near Northland. It was called Brown Dunkin
at that time.
Also, got my 1st credit card from Frougs. My mom would drive us kids in her
unairconditioned Chevy to Northland and then head to Warehouse Market to
buy BarBQ sandwiches they used to sell in the store. Can't remember the brand...
What a treat they were. Brings back a lot of wonderful memories.
Scroll up for more memories of these tasty sandwiches.
January 30 2009 at 16:03:20
Name: Charlie Tooley
Topic: Washington Elementary School
Comments: The earlier comments about Washington Elementary
School off of Pine Street are indeed correct.
I attended that school, for two years prior to 7th grade at Hamilton Jr.
Washington Elementary in 1959 was a series of pre-fab buildings arranged
in a campus-like fashion.
In the summer of 1959, I played YMCA Kid Baseball for non-other than the
famous, undefeated Washington Bombers. We made headlines in the newspaper
and I played in the YMCA All-Star game. I seem to remember beating the Mitchell
Devils many times ! (Just kidding Don).
At Washington in the 6th Grade, I was Captain of the Safety Patrol (sponsored
by the Triple-A) as well as being named "King" of the school. Actually I
raised the most funds for a charity project.
Emil Schellstede was recalled as the principal of that interim school; which
never completed permanent buildings. I lived up the hill from Worthington
Steel and OTASCO Warehouses, nearby the school. Somewhere I can dig out my
old photo of the "Washington Bombers" of 1959 for this discussion.
Emil Schellstede was the principal at Mitchell during my years there
January 30 2009 at 15:34:47
Name: Carol
Topic: Washington Elem
Comments: Thanks for input on Washington Elem. You are right that
Mitchell Elem absorbed the Washington students. I remember Washington being
a white building and a pretty architecture.
It would be wonderful to see pictures again. Looking forward to Lakeview
Amusement Park pics. I am a Tulsa native who lived in Dallas/Ft Worth for
20yrs, but was thrilled to return to Tulsa after my divorce and adore the
history of this town.
I raised my daughters here (Union) and think it's one of the best places
in the country to raise children. Thanks to everyone who participates in
sharing memories.
I think that the person David (Goldsboro NC), who wrote about Skyline Park,
is my brother.
January 30 2009 at 13:44:39
Name: Webmaster
Topic: Ralph Bardgett
Bardgett obit with photo in the Tulsa World, 1/29/2009.
January 30 2009 at 12:50:37
Name: Mitch Gray
Topic: Osage
Email: North Of You
Comments: I did time as a kindergarten and 1st grade student
at Osage elementary back in 1962. As I recall, the school sat on the west
side of Denver where highway 244 crosses over now. I believe the school was
built as a WPA project. Typical red brick fortress that was torn down in
the late 60s to accommodate the new "Crosstown Expressway".
Just up the street was a bakery called Oscar's Oven where we would grab a
warm gingerbread man each morning before school for five cents.
My family lived in the Osage apartments on Country Club Drive. The buildings
were constructed of cinder block with crank-out casement windows and flat
Across the street was the Country Club shopping center that featured a
Thrif-T-Wise food store, a drug store whose name eludes me, but had a real
soda fountain, a knock-off coney island, and the infamous Club Lounge.
My mother would send me over to the lounge to get my father for dinner. However,
my dad would give me coins for the mini bowling
machine and free popcorn to keep me occupied so he could stay just a
little longer.
Until my mother came and corralled us both.

Courtesy of the Beryl Ford Collection/Rotary Club of Tulsa, Tulsa
City-County Library and Tulsa Historical Society.
January 30 2009 at 12:21:59
Name: Lanette Giese
Topic: KWEN-FM
Email: im4cruisn anywhere I can!
Comments: I guess radio station call letters are like medical
names, they affect me the same way... I just can't retain them.
KWEN sounds more familiar, and it being in Liberty
Towers would explain the elevator ride! Sorry if I confused anyone, and
thanks for clearing up the fog in my head.
It's interesting to read about the radio stuff that went on while I was cutting
my teeth on worrying about how soon I could get out of high school and go
to work. Yea that's me, glutton for punishment.
January 30 2009 at 10:50:03
Name: P. Casey Morgan
Topic: Osage apartments
Comments: Mike - I think the huge complex of apartments next
to Tulsa Country Club might be the Osage (mumble mumble) apartments that
are or were between Denver and the (then non-existent) Tisdale expressway.
They were there when I lived on North Denver at Jasper between 1976 and 1980;
it was a big rambling series of apartments and/or duplexes. Seems like they
were brick or block. It was low income housing when I was there.
I think that some of them have survived and been rehabbed a little further
north of where I was, but I could be wrong. The Tisdale wiped out a lot of
Wayman Tisdale's father, Louis, was pastor of Friendship Church for 28
years. The L. L. Tisdale Parkway was named after him in 2005.
I just "drove" this area via Google StreetView, and it looks like all
new development in the area not covered by the expressway. The photo below
is circa 1951-55.
The current day Osage Expressway/L.L. Tisdale Parkway obliterated
the Osage Fairway Apartments.
Looking SE, with downtown Tulsa on the left, Arkansas River at the top, Tulsa
Country Club on the right.

Courtesy of the Beryl Ford Collection/Rotary Club of Tulsa, Tulsa
City-County Library and Tulsa Historical Society.
January 30 2009 at 08:08:06
Name: Beverly
Topic: Osage Elementary
Comments: A good friend of mine attended Osage Elementary
and we're both wondering when it was torn down. Also, does anyone remember
the exact location? I'd love to see pictures. I don't know much about that
area and am fascinated with the history of it.
Not much luck with this one so far, but I did find an interesting Tulsa
World article by Gene Curtis dated 7/14/2007,
in Oklahoma: Fairchild pioneered 'cooking with radar'" about Betty Boyd's
aunt, Margaret Fairchild, who developed recipes for the "radar range" (microwave
She came to Tulsa in 1919 and taught at Osage Elementary School.
Margaret was Betty Boyd's first guest on her 1954 KOTV morning show.
Richard Hamby told us in GB 273 that the
family of Tulsa pro wrestler,
Angelo Savoldi
(Wikipedia), and several other pro wrestling families, lived down the street
from him, and that Mario Savoldi was a friend of his from Osage Elementary
School days. (More on this topic: The Rasslin'
Richard mentioned that his street was next to Tulsa Country Club in "The
Apartments", a huge complex in Osage County built at the end of WWII when
housing was short. Is that in or near Owen Park?
(Added 1/31: Bryan Crain told us above that Washington was at 7505 E.
Queen near Pine and Memorial, and Osage was at 318 W. Golden, which today
is right in the middle of the Osage Expressway, just north and west of
Scroll up for more on Osage, both down and up for comments about Washington
Elementary School out east on Pine St.
January 29 2009 at 20:53:04
Name: Don Lundy
Topic: Washington Elementary
Comments: Mike: Your memory serves you correctly. Washington
Elementary was near Pine Street. I remember playing Little League Baseball
there. I was in the first group to populate McKinley Elementary on King Street
in East Tulsa and remember using the field at Washington
I was also a pupil at McKinley for a couple of years before switching
to Mitchell.
January 29 2009 at 15:42:20
Name: Carol Mann Reeder
Topic: Washington Elem off Pine St
Comments: My Dad had a business on Pine St. and right behind
our house (right beside the business) was an Elementary school that I attended
for a few years before it was torn down and the Tulsa Public School buses
were kept.
Does anyone have pictures or memory of this elementary? I would love to see
pictures. I love this website and the memories that it keeps for us to enjoy.
I especially love the pictures of Skyline Amusement park. Would also love
to see pictures of Lakeview Amusement Park on Apache.
Thanks, Carol. Bryan Crain, who provided the great
Skyline photos, has sent me some Lakeview pix which
I hope to have out here in a few days.
If I remember correctly, the Washington district was partially absorbed
by Mitchell around 1963. My baseball team was called the Mitchell Devils,
but the name and jersey style were carried over from Washington's team, since
a number of our players had transferred over.
January 29 2009 at 02:33:21
Name: Webmaster
Topic: Previous GroupBlog link
Archived GroupBlog 280.
Mike Miller was just talking about Mary Lou Wiley, aka Ma Barker, a director
at KTUL in the 1950s. You've got to read her story about filling a programming
gap with an unpreviewed
service film.
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