Tulsa TV Memories Guestbook 128
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Time: April 25 2003 at 23:58:12 Name: Booger Red Location: Burbs Comments: I thought the anticipation of Tulsa's Admiral Twin drive-in was a big part of the escape to fantasy. Those who remember the 4 lanes all the way to Admiral Blvd. that were separated by a tall hedge in between. On weekends cars would pack the 2 entry lanes hours before sundown, to get their favorite spot! The big neon sign had the colors that would be imbedded in your memory, to remind you of the enjoyment you could have. Double features allowed more time for us kids to play on the swings & slides, because we were "Hyped" starting from the middle of the week, when we heard we were going. The intermission cartoons were the best! All ages got it, and enjoyed them. |
Time: April 25 2003 at 19:42:40 Name: Wade Location: Just a few miles north of the ol' 51 drive-in Comments: I remember going to the 11th Street Drive-In during the early '80's; seems that whatever movie my group of fellow teenaged friends and I went to was some non-descript "PG" fare, but over on the other screen the much saucier "Endless Love" was showing, with the ultra-talented Brooke Shields showing off her, uh, uh,,,,,,acting abilities.... |
![]() Name: Steve Bagsby Location: Drivin' through the ROBO with my windows down Comments: Speaking of Drive-Ins, our clan spent a lot of time at the 11th Street Drive-In. Dad told me it was originally called the "66" and was one the first big landmarks you saw before getting into town. I can remember Mom loading up a metal ice chest with Cragmont Soda Pop (Sparkling Punch for David and me). Seems like it was a big deal in the 1970's when they added a second screen on the West Side. I do remember seeing a long line of tail lights stacked up on 11th whenever they had a big feature.
It made you appreciate the strength of a Ford Galaxie to have seen me and
Dave climbing all over that car waiting for the show to start. Too much Sparkling
Punch and Oreos I guess. |
Time: April 25 2003 at 09:50:51 Name: Bryan Crain Comments: I was a news photog at Channel 2 when the 51 Drive-in closed down. We did a story with the woman who owned it (her name escapes me). She and her husband owned the theater for many years together. Unfortunately he passed away just a few months before the screen blew down in 93, so she felt it was the 'right time' to close it for good (despite offers from several people/groups to purchase and re-open it).
I happen to work with one of those people who was interested in buying the 51, Bob Ritter. I wish he had gotten the chance, because then it would probably still be a going concern. He is now the reigning monarch of Hubcap Kingdom, the biggest (and best organized) source for new and used hubcaps in Tulsa and northeast Oklahoma. He is also the same fellow with the elaborate Christmas lights seen in Guestbook 65. |
Time: April 25 2003 at 08:16:39 Name: Jim Ruddle Location: Rye, NY Comments: As long as people are coming up with arcane establishments on Tulsa's fringes, there was another joint on Highway 75 that I never got to, but which I saw many, many times as we drove by. It was "Trigger Beeler's Barn," and I always thought that was the best name I ever heard for beer joint. I seem to recall a story that ran in one of the Tulsa papers to the effect that the place's namesake had picked up that moniker by the simple expedient of shooting somebody.
Does anyone know anything more about it? |
Time: April 25 2003 at 07:10:34 Name: Wade Location: T-town Comments: Speaking of drive-ins...I'm going to bring one up that was a little drive out of Tulsa; up near Collinsville, where I grew up. The skeleton of a frame for the screen stood clear up into the 1970's for this one; it was located at the corner of Highway 20 and Memorial, which was U.S. 75 up till the time the newer highway was built a couple of miles west. I understand this drive-in ran only for a few years; does anyone remember this one? |
Time: April 24 2003 at 23:13:06 Name: Andre Hinds Location: Somewhere out there Comments: Regarding Rich Lohman's remembrance of the 51 Drive-In in Broken Arrow... I was fortunate enough to see a movie at the 51 on one of the last nights it was open. The screen was destroyed in a minor tornado (or as one of the Tulsa meteorologists would call it, a "gustnado") in May 1993. I was editor of the Broken Arrow edition of the Community World at the time -- it had just started. The movie showing that night -- the Saturday before the screen was destroyed -- was Disney's Aladdin. The place was just packed. I always loved that drive-in. When I was a kid, we'd arrive really early and chase the wild rabbits. The only disappointment was that they didn't have any playground, unlike all the other area drive-ins. Once I became an adult, I kept going to the 51, although I would usually be asked to open the trunk of my mammoth 1972 Ford LTD so they could make sure I wasn't sneaking anyone in.
Even though it was on 71st Street, it was called the 51 because, when it
opened, 71st Street was State Highway 51. They never renamed it when 51 was
moved to the Broken Arrow Expressway when it opened in 1965. |
Time: April 24 2003 at 22:44:17 Name: Rich Lohman Location: America's Most Beautiful City... Comments: Hey, I was just tripping around the drive-in page and I want to call attention to a vanishing drive in on the 71st Street drag. It's about 4 blocks east of 71st and 145th (if you are headed toward the Wal-Mart Supercenter, it's on your right). The fence and the posts where the speakers hung are still there, but a gated/new community is threatening to swallow it whole.
I am either not old enough to have gone to any of the other DI's or I didn't
live here at the time, but I remember that one from my teenage years. Saw
Rocky 3 and SpaceHunter there, as I remember. Dad and I sat on the roof of
the family 1978 Olds Cutlass Supreme and watched them. |
Time: April 23 2003 at 14:32:28 Name: Joy Cooper Location: The Computer Room Comments: The park with the fountain featured in the Outsiders made me think it was filmed where I remember a park that had the pool area with no fountain left, playground equipment, an old brick or stone shelter and a baseball/softball field. My father played Tulsa league softball when I was young and I can remember playing in that empty pool and on the playground stuff. It seems like it was kinda tucked away in an older neighborhood somewhere, but the brain is fuzzy with the memory so I can't be sure. But I have always been curious as to where those scenes were filmed and if it was the same location. Even as a kid, I recall that the pool/playground area was kind of eerie and mysterious to me but that just helped the imagination. Does anyone know for sure where that was filmed or the location of the park I am remembering. MISS T-TOWN!
Apparently, Bryan Crain is a precog, since he answered your question several minutes before you asked it. Of course, Wade also asked it two days ago. |
Time: April 23 2003 at 14:26:21 Name: Bryan Crain Comments: The park in the Outsiders was Crutchfield Park located at 1345 E. Independence St.
Time: April 23 2003 at 05:24:36 Name: Wade Location: T-town Comments: Re: the Tulsa-Bartlesville rail line
That was the Santa Fe that went northwards from Tulsa to Bartlesville; still
can, but now it's owned by the North Kansas and Oklahoma Railroad. Top speed
limit: approximately 25 mph. |
Time: April 22 2003 at 18:03:59 Name: Booger Red Location: brown lake west of Tulsa Comments: I wasn't a "Brooksider" growing up, but I am aware of the good times that could be had at drive-ins! Many a guy has asked for Mom & Dad's car, to go get a burger, and check for babes. Usually it was the poor car hop who was visually molested, stiffed of tip, and had to smell Mommy's car that had its choke pulled to make a "rumpety-rump" sound like a hotrod might. Yep, nothing like going to Norman Angel's and watching DC-3's take off and land as you looked for cool cars and girls. The owner was on the lookout for troublemakers who's worst crimes were usually "spinning in the gravel" making clouds of dust for the patrons. I only heard of that! Not! |
Time: April 22 2003 at 14:25:00 Name: John Hillis Location: Lookin' for a burger, cherry Coke, and a slab o' black bottom pie Comments: Pennington's also had fried pickles as a side on the menu, didn't they? My spouse was quite taken with the concept, if not the execution, when we first arrived in T-town. |
Time: April 21 2003 at 21:13:11 Name: Jim Reid Location: Dallas Comments: I was working at Channel 11 at the time The Outsiders was filmed. We shot quite a bit of behind the scenes stuff on the set. The park was on a sidestreet on the northside very close to the old school Coppola was using as headquarters. Although I don't remember the exact location, 12th & North Rockford is sticking in my mind. At the end of filming, they had a party for the neighborhood at that park. Pony rides, free food, etc. I got to talk to Dennis Hopper there. Nice guy.
![]() Francis Ford Coppola directs Gailard Sartain. Photo by Dave Kraus of the Tulsa Tribune. |
Time: April 21 2003 at 20:51:46 Name: David Bagsby Location: Lawrence KS Comments: Not sure, but wasn't the park with the fountain downtown at around 6th & Peoria? I know the scene near the end when the cops shoot that one guy was shot at Zink Park behind the Brook Theatre.
Concerning trains, my brother Steve and I rode on one of the last passenger
trains from Tulsa to Bartlesville at the behest of our grandparents. Frisco
line I believe. |
Time: April 21 2003 at 20:07:50 Name: Wade Location: Speaking of Tulsa-related movies... Comments: Where is the location of the park that was used in "The Outsiders", the one that had the fountain? I understand that the fountain was not original to the park, and that it was left there for awhile but eventually torn back down... |
Time: April 21 2003 at 15:15:05 Name: Jim Ruddle Location: Rye, NY Comments: Another Freedom Train crossed the country in 1946-47. It went to Union Depot, which, of course, was still operating as a passenger station. I took a train from there to Kansas City as late as 1951. |
Time: April 21 2003 at 03:06:14 Name: Don Norton Location: Tulsa, former Oil Capital Comments: Just checked Google; its very first offering says "Keys to Tulsa" was shot in Dallas.
I am well aware of Fort Worth's nickname as "Cowtown," but I didn't want
to apply that to Tulsa and I'm sure a few oil barons live in Fort Worth.
The reviews indicate the picture isn't worth a quibble. |
Time: April 20 2003 at 23:56:28 Name: Lowell Burch Location: Almost in bed. Comments: I lived in Ft. Worth (actually a cattle town, not an oil town) for about four months. It is very nice, but no Tulsa. I had a Brownie's burger on Saturday, the place was packed. I had to stand in line for awhile to get in. Tulsa radio personality Michael DelGiorno was right behind me. We had a nice visit about the radio biz until we finally were seated. Speaking of bad movies that refer to Tulsa, did anyone see that one where John Candy played a Tulsa P.I.? The movie wasn't much but he was great, as always. P.S. Webmaster, was the concert rained out?
No, it went on as planned, but turnout was sparse due to the threat of rain, though I saw none while I was there at 6th & Peoria. A Channel 2 cameraman was there, and elicited a peace sign (or was that a "2" sign?) from me and others in attendance. More after Wilhelm's comment below. The story may be on 2's Monday morning show; it was preempted by extensive local coverage of the tornado that touched down in Dewey and Copan. |
Time: April 20 2003 at 23:00:51 Name: Don Norton Location: Still Tulsa Comments: Didn't see "Keys to Tulsa," put off by reviews. But I understand it was shot in Fort Worth (If you've seen one oil town, you've seen 'em all, I guess). |
Time: April 20 2003 at 14:33:50 Name: Mike Bruchas Location: Lost my key to Tulsa I guess... Comments: Never referenced here before but a kinda terrible movie, "Keys to Tulsa" - I saw once at a motel while traveling. Some shots "look" like Tulsa but others - no way! Most of the cast in the flick have gone on to better things...anyone know about this 1997 flick???? |
Time: April 20 2003 at 14:00:57 Name: Mike Bruchas Comments: I was not awake when the Hall Cannonball ran - just a TU underling but damn don't I remember the Boren Broom Brigade - sweepin' up the state! Re loco notes - I wonder if the Santa Fe loco is still in downtown Amarillo? It was nominated as a Freedom Train loco but I think needed too much repair. Growing up in Chicago - in the 60's - the Burlington ran a lot of team excursions - we took one on the 100th anniversary of the road - pulling modern doubledecker cars to Aurora. I think Mom paid $10 each for her, my brother and I to ride it. I rode a lot of Norfolk Southern runs behind their 1218 steamer when in DC in the 80's and 90's. Best run was inhaling the steam at 50 miles an hour between Manassas and Alexandria, VA about 10-12 years ago. Gary Porter - another Ozark, AR escapee & brother of Martie Kretchmar at NatGeoChannel was working then as a brakeman on that run. We got to go to the open-doored baggage car (albeit too the "recording car" for audio buffs) and hang out the bay doors to "eat some smoke" and as it thundered eastward. NS later scrapped all steam runs due to insurance costs BUT they ran the best on the East Coast for years!
Gary Porter is back "in the oil patch" as a rig boss in LA/MS offshore now
- gave up his railroadin' days. 20-25 years ago Gary was a crewman then later
crew boss with Halliburton - doing well capping and other chores. He probably
knows more about backroads and no longer existant towns in OK and No. TX
than anyone I know - he drove over most of them on service calls. |
Time: April 20 2003 at 13:55:45 Name: Steve Black Location: Santa Rosa, CA ![]() Speaking of teen memories, I still use Brownie's Hamburgers as the measure of what a delicious, home- made, hamburger joint burger should taste like. Have never found anything to match those burgers. Maybe it was the marble work counter on which they flattened the meat before slipping onto the griddle. Nothing like Brownie's in California (I'm probably misspelling the name). Once included a Brownie's prototype hamburger cafe in a TV movie my partner Henry Stern and I were writing/producing for CBS. Turned out a programs/practices person who had been assigned by the network to peruse the script was from Tulsa. She spotted the similarities and alerted us to a possible problem. The movie was shelved - too bad because I intended to hold the wrap party at Brownie's after shooting finished in Tulsa.
As for the Circle Theater. I saw a lot of pictures there in the 1950's. "Pillow
Talk" comes to mind. My mom and dad went there on dates during the depression.
The management gave away dinnerware or some sort of incentive to get people
into the theater during the week. I'm told that a Mr. Isley owned the theater.
His daughter, Phyllis, moved to Hollywood changed her name to Jennifer
Jones. |
Time: April 20 2003 at 13:48:15 Name: Mike Bruchas Location: Wet steamy NC Comments: Happy Easter ya,all! To those of us stuck in time - it was the Easter Pageants in Chandler Park, pigging out at friends' families houses - where us "orphans" were often taken in for a good Easter meal - because it was the right thing to do, grumping with radio/TV station management on why Easter wasn't a "real" holiday deserving of holiday pay, and as noted here before by Mike Miller and myself - Easter newscast faux passes (spul czech needed on the last). But Easter was always a pretty and sweet time in Tulsey to remember... |
Time: April 20 2003 at 12:53:02 Did anyone go to the Newvo concert? I passed it around 11:30 am when it was raining and I figured it would be canceled, but then I passed it around 4 pm and it looked like they were attempting to have a concert, but it seemed like there were more people on stage than in the audience (it was still sprinkling downtown at that point). Last year, when it was indoors, a friend of mine said there were only 15 people in the audience. The new Outline magazine is out, featuring a little satire called "Urbinity Tulsa" and interviews with Gary Chew, The Cramps, et al. I know all the downtown, 11th Street, and 15th Street locations are stocked, and they are working on the rest of the routes.
Outline Magazine is also available online, but has not yet (4/20) been updated with the new issue, though you might enjoy reading Wilhelm's stories about Todd Rundgren and early Yes with Peter Banks in last month's issue. |
Time: April 20 2003 at 08:12:37 Name: Wade Location: Tulsa Comments: An early memory of mine was when Gov. Hall was in town to help dedicate, and participate in the ground-breaking of, Ben Hill Park in Tulsa. My two younger sisters were approximately 5 and 3 years old, and were among those chosen to be given shovels (or spades, whatever they were using) and to take part in the groundbreaking. My youngest sister, Lee Ann, was at Gov. Hall's left, and she proceeded to take the little bit of dirt she dug up and flung it directly onto Gov. Hall's shoes. Bad aim? Or a case of early political commentary? She's never been known to be a shy one! :)
I know that there was a picture taken and published in either one, or both,
of the Tulsa papers; don't know if they got the "dirt on the gov's shoes"
shot or not, but it would have been priceless if they had... |
Time: April 19 2003 at 23:16:22 Name: Bob Duff Location: A ways over that BIG hill and picking up speed Comments: Mike I remember the "David Hall Cannonball". While covering the gubernatorial election I rode that thing round trip Tulsa-OKC-Tulsa. Seemed like it took forever because of all the whistle stops. The thing stopped at every opportunity even if there were only a couple of people at a depot or crossing. Didn't seem to matter to Hall 'cause he gave the same speech at every stop and acted as if they were all big crowds. During the layover in OKC, Hall held a rally at the Huckins Hotel, which, sadly, is no longer with us. |
Time: April 19 2003 at 22:00:58 Name: Mike Miller Location: Railroaded in Washington, DC Comments: Todays trivia question: Does anybody remember the Hall Cannonball? Although packed, the train only made one roundtrip, between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. |
Time: April 19 2003 at 11:15:04 Name: edwin Location: With the Grandkids Comments: My father took me down to the tracks in Gage OK when I was in the 1st or 2nd grade to watch the last coal burning "locomotive" carrying passengers in the U.S. go thru. Had NO idea why I was whatching this choo-choo go thru town when any other time it would be cursed for its noise. |
Time: April 19 2003 at 06:14:56 Name: Wade Location: East side, T-Town Comments: re the SP 4449: I believe that actually the locomotive is now owned by the city of Portland, but is (leased? lent?) for excursions, mostly on the West Coast, but sometimes cross-country as well. I have read, too, that it's been repainted to it's 1976 paint job, but I really love it's older orange/yellow/black paint scheme. Sitting still it looks like it's already running 60 miles per.
Now if only the Frisco 4500 can be saved from the scrapper's torch.... |
Time: April 19 2003 at 06:10:34 Name: Wade Location: T-town Comments: There is one old theatre that's supposedly being revived: the Circle, up in Whittier Square. From what I understand, the outside will look original, but the inside will be an up-to-date movie theatre, complete with 16mm, 35mm, and digital projection, digital sound, etc. I have heard that the plans for it will be to provide an outlet for educational films, documentaries, alternative films, foreign language films, etc. No "art" films like what was shown there during the late 70's/most of the 80's. HOWEVER...I drive by there and it seems the only improvement I've seen has been some new lettering on the marquee. Maybe they're at work on the inside. |
Time: April 19 2003 at 03:48:48 Name: Webmaster Location: Tulsa Comments: Today (Saturday April 19), free concert: New Voices at Tulsa Earthday, 12pm - 8pm at Centennial Park, 6th & Peoria. At 3 pm: Rusti Love and Cat Daddy, with Frank Brown on guitar, Jon Glazer on keys, Alan Ransom (my brother) on bass, and Ronnie MacRorey on drums. Also performing: Ultrafix, Admiral Twin and others. See TulsaEarthDay.com for more. |
Time: April 18 2003 at 22:42:57 Name: Dave Location: on the Goldsboro beat Comments: One more Bobby Goldsboro item: A couple of years after he recorded the sappy "Honey," he sang an up-tempo piece about a boy called "Watching Scotty Grow." So when someone inevitably asked who this Scotty kid was, the office wag responded, "He's Honey's son." Hmmmm. |
Time: April 18 2003 at 21:51:06 Name: David Bernard Location: New Orleans Comments: What a neat site. I did weather at KJRH in the mid 90's. Just saw my old buddy John McIntire a couple of weeks ago. Those were the days.... |
Time: April 18 2003 at 19:55:46 Name: Jim Reid Location: Dallas Comments: What happened to the Brook Theater was a tragedy. I can't stand to look when I pass by what's left of it. There are no more old theaters in Tulsa. I remember that at one point the American Theatre Company was trying to buy it but they found out it was full of asbestos and that killed the deal. A shame. |
Time: April 18 2003 at 19:37:36 Name: Mike Bruchas Location: Wet wet Good Friday in NC - rain kept folks off the links/outta da bass boats and church attendance was UP today...unless you decamped to Myrtle Beach where all are shaggin' tonight away.... Comments: Speaking of Bobby Goldsboro - his off-net syndicated show - we ran on KTUL and I guess because it was shot at CBS and was done I think by high grade ex-CBS producers -was damned good for its time. I think we ran it Saturdays and Sundays. I think Bob Hower bought it for 8. On Saturdays in Spring and Summer - like 6 - we ran a lot of country music shows in the afternoon. Like Porter Wagoner and Marty Robbins (with his white 'n blue painted piano). For some reason both Porter's & Marty's shows bounced back and forth between 6 & 8... |
Time: April 18 2003 at 19:28:56 Name: Mike Bruchas Comments: Re the American Freedom Train - no it was at the Midland Valley subyard off 3rd when it came to Tulsey. I read TRAINS magazine and that locomotive has been used for other stuff since - I think the Union Pacific has it now but I believe that it HAS been restored since 2001 in the 1976 colors. Now as to where it is - don't know. In '76 there were only thru tracks at the main Tulsa depot - I think the stairways to the terminal has had all the tracks pulled up. Some lawyer group was to tear down or redevelop the depot - next I remember Williams bought it from them for Cycle-Sat, the national spot delivery service. |
Time: April 18 2003 at 18:59:14 Name: Wade Harris (again) Location: Still where I was before.... Comments: I remember back in '76 when the Freedom Train came through town; seemed like it was parked near the old Union depot, under one of the viaducts that cross the railroad. Am I remembering this wrongly? Seems I've read someone else say it was parked on the old Midland Valley/Texas and Pacific line... Since I've brought this subject up...does anybody remember the locomotive that pulled the train thru this part of the country? I know that in many parts of the US, the old Southern Pacific 4449 was the locomotive of choice. Did it pull the train thru here? Thanks in advance....
Time: June 19 2005 at 12:11:42 EDT
I saw the comments about the American Freedom Train but wondered how many saw the Spirit of 1776, its predecessor. The Spirit of 1776 was a joint operation of the Santa Fe (AT&SF), Frisco (SLSF) and the Seaboard (SCL) and visited Tulsa in late November, 1972. It had the first locomotive (SCL 1776, a GE U-33b) painted in red, white and blue on the head end. There was an exhibit car (ATSF 5005), steam generator car (ATSF 133) and an extended-vision caboose (SLSF 1776). The cars were painted to match the locomotive. There were many diesel locomotives painted in patriotic schemes for the 200 year anniversary of the country and a few steam, but it was neat to see the first to honor the Bicentennial. It's a shame to see steam programs like the Southern's pass. At the same time, we went through Cheyenne, WY last summer and the Union Pacific's still looks strong.
(Webmaster: from the Pennington's training manual, via Judy Pennington's book, as printed in the Tulsa World, here's the Black Bottom Pie recipe, plus...)
Onion rings, sliced thin 1. Slice onions in thin rings. Place in bowl of milk and soak for at least an hour. 2. Make batter of 2 cups milk, 1 egg and enough flour to make batter the consistency of pancake batter. Put a handful of rings in batter. Remove from batter and hold over bowl until excess batter falls off. 3. Dust the battered rings in flour until they are fully covered. Shake off excess flour. Cook in deep fryer at 360 degrees until golden.
1. Take each shrimp-in-the-shell and cut along the back with a sharp knife. Begin at the head and peel the shell back to the tail. Break off the shell being careful not to remove the tail. Discard the shell and the dark vein along the back. 2. The final step is the breading of the shrimp. Dust a handful of shrimp in flour. Now dip in milk. Take the shrimp and put them in cracker crumbs, using the palm of your hand to flatten shrimp one at a time. Be careful not to press too hard or the shrimp will tear.
Time: April 18 2003 at 18:54:47 Name: Wade Harris Location: Other side of town from Brookside... Comments: I've always been a bit saddened by the fact that the Brook theatre couldn't be revived somehow as a combination movie/live theatre, like what was attempted with the Tower theatre in the early 1990's. Although I have to say that the restaurant there is a pretty tasty place to lunch at. |
Time: April 18 2003 at 11:32:50 Name: Andre Hinds Location: Uptown Berryhill Comments: Regarding the Stables Lounge, not only has the Stables Lounge (and the more recent "Break" sports bar) disappeared, but the entire building is gone! It's all now a parking lot for the new Wal-Mart Neighborhood Grocery on South Peoria. They razed the old building late last year.
When I was in high school, the old building contained a Red Bud Food Center,
which was already on hard times. I recall that at night only some of the
neon lights were still working, turning the name of the store into "ED BUD
FOO". |
Time: April 17 2003 at 21:36:05 Name: Mike Miller Location: Now retired in Vienna, VA Comments: It should be noted for historical (hysterical?) purposes that the Stables Lounge was the location of numerous Friday afternoon KOTV News staff meetings in the late 60s. The newsroom was empty after about 4 or 5 p.m. except for the 6 p.m. on-air talent, plus a photographer, (for emergency news coverage.) We were usually joined by a few other staffers who wanted to get a head start on the weekend.
Im not sure why a downtown TV station would gather at a bar in Brookside.
It was just a beer bar in those days. I suppose there was a bit of shop
talk during the gatherings, but we were anything but stable when we
left. |
Time: April 17 2003 at 19:42:17 Name: Webmaster Location: Tulsa Comments: Just archived Guestbook 127 after a quick 8 days. Talk about a mix of high and low culture--sometimes within the same post! We had just discussed both a Tulsa classical record shop and The Stables Lounge, home of the Terpsichorean muse (scantily-if at all-clad) in the 70s and 80s. Writer Wilhelm Murg contributed mightily to both discussions. Bobby Goldsboro's song "Honey" (as lip-synched by Mazeppa and written by Bobby Russell, also writer of Erling's show opener "Saturday Morning Confusion") was somewhere between the two. We heard from Stephen Black, who started at Channel 8 and later became headwriter for "As The World Turns" (now a novelist). The topic of local trains, past and present, was carried over from the previous Guestbook. We noted the tragic passing of John Galusha, an artist, writer and filmmaker from Tulsa.
Check out all that and more in Guestbook
127. |