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April 30 2007 at 13:35:12
Topic: Uncle Zeb's new
Carl Bartholomew has a new book out:
Phenomenon: The Pawnshop Mysteries
Read all about it and him in this Tulsa World story,
and Simple" by John Wooley.
Carl will do a book signing Saturday noon, May 5, at Barnes & Noble,
5231 E. 41st St., 665-4580.
April 30 2007 at 11:56:11
Name: DolfanBob
Topic: Gary Shore
Email: MiamiPhin@yahoo.com
Comments: I was just wondering if the post from Gary is from
my all time favorite Weatherman Gary Shore. The last I had heard from him
in a E-mail was that he was in Sioux City, Iowa. If it is you Mr Shore, please
keep posting here; it is great to hear from you. I have always said: If Gary
says duck, I duck!
April 29 2007 at 18:27:43
Name: Gary
Topic: Next Weekend
Comments: Just letting some old friends know that late
next week there will be severe thunderstorms (quite intense actually) in
Northeast Oklahoma. After the rainy pattern of this coming week, get ready
for a transition to a 4-5 day severe weather pattern. Sorry to hear about
Jan Dean and the dismantling of Bell's. Nice to see Lee still posting. Have
a good one!!!
April 29 2007 at 18:22:17
Name: John Hillis
Topic: Pride of Lions
Comments: Always nice to see the King presenting. "Hong
Kong Flu" was early 1977, I think. The news set change came in 1978, with
the arrival of "Battlestar Corinthian" and "Eyewitness News."
I'm guessin' that tape was made as part of the celebration of Bill's long
career at KOTV, which would have made it sometime in mid-'78. That was a
changable year--Bill, Barbara Allen, Clayton, and Johnny Martin all left
their perches around then.
Why these things are important, I'm not sure, but there you go. Always glad
to burn a few neurons in the cause of history. As Steve Allen would have
said at a time like this, "Schmock! Schmock!"
April 29 2007 at 07:55:29
Name: Jim Ruddle
Topic: Kennamer Case
Email: jruddle@earthlink.net
Comments: I didn't think anyone still had doubts about Phil
Kennamer's intention to kill Gorrell. Or somebody. He was demonstrably a
wack job, and his self-defense argument fell flat at his trial and does so,
I guess all the participants, or tangentially affected parties have died
and only such things as the transcript, news accounts (the microfilm of the
Tulsa newspapers during the trial disappeared), and only hearsay remains.
One mystery--or potential mystery--was how did Phil die? He was released
from prison during World War Two and supposedly died in the South Pacific.
Some have always wondered whether he switched dog tags with a corpse.
Here is the appeal of
v. State online.
It contains some fascinating reading: names you will recognize, such as
Jenkin L. Jones (future editor of the Tulsa Tribune), Dr. Karl Menninger
(whose diagnosis of the defendant was psychopathy), and a strong closing
statement by the prosecution:
"So on behalf of the state of Oklahoma, I am going to ask you to inflict
the extreme penalty and send this boy to the electric chair, with the same
calm, cool, deliberate action that on Thanksgiving night, 1934, he sent the
immortal soul of John Gorrell hurtling into eternal oblivion. Send him down
there and rub him out."
April 28 2007 at 23:12:30
Name: Mike Late Night Bruchas
Topic: If OETA or KRSC-TV shows it...
Comments: Watch
"Watergate Plus 30: Shadow of
History" I think it is a Frontline show but what a great retrospective
on Watergate. Just saw!
And how about BILL MOYERS going back to PBS?
Two episodes of
Bill Moyers
Journal are now online with full video, transcripts, podcasts and blog.
His first stories include David Halberstam and Jon Stewart.
April 28 2007 at 21:18:49
Name: Cindy Bender
Topic: The Kennamer-Gorrell Case in 1935
Email: cindybendy at gmail dot
Comments: I just moved into Judge Frank Kennamer's house 2
months ago and was originally told it was the old "Clyde Boyd" home. I was
in the search for some photos of the 1924 home in its glory, however, all
I came up with was the Original Owner's name and the sensational case of
his son murdering a prominent doctor's son in Tulsa on Thanksgiving.
After changing my internet searches from "Boyd" to "Kennamer", I still have
yet to find ANY pictures of the house where Phil lived with his dad at the
time of the murder (which is now MY house).
Since the house has undergone several renovations, I assumed the previous
owners would have discovered such incredible information, however they had
not. Does anyone have ANY information on how big this case actually was?
I assume there would HAVE to be at least one picture of the exterior since
the case was the talk of the town for almost 10 years.
I read the court transcript and couldn't believe it is basically still unsolved
as to the truth - was Phil insane or was it really self-defense? There is,
according to the transcript, a missing deer knife and I would assume
notes/letters about/to Virginia laying around my house/property, waiting
to be discovered.
Do you suppose once I unearthed enough evidence to show Phil was truthful
in stating it was self-defense or that he definitely had planned to kill
John Gorrell, the news would even care at this point or should I focus on
trying to contact surviving family members?
I had never dreamed I would have fallen into such an interesting home with
such a colorful past and MANY mysteries, I have no idea where to start.
If anyone has ANY relevant information, suggestions, whatever, please email
Jim Ruddle told us some of the details of the case in
GB 56 and GB
April 28 2007 at 09:06:11
Name: Wilhelm Murg
Topic: Late Movies
Email: Wilhelmurg at yahoo dot
Comments: As I heal up from a cold, I have been clicking around
the web and I found an
article on the old CBS Late Movie from the seventies and eighties.
I remember the Friday edition being a great wealth of great horror films.
If I remember correctly, KOTV used to have a movie
package they played on Friday nights, usually of cult films ("Dr. Strangelove,"
"The Illustrated Man," and "The Day The Earth Stood Still" come to mind,)
often giving us a double shot of monsters and sci-fi over the weekend.
Kudos should also go to KTUL's "Plenty Scary Movie,"
Sherman Oaks' "Groovy Movie" (similar to his "Creature
Feature" and "Afternoon Movie"), and
KJRH's movies after SNL ("Twilight Theater?" "All-Night Theater?"- all I
remember was the moon logo and the
Soundtrak commercials) which usually
came up with some damn obscure titles, the like Peter Carpenter's epics "Point
of Terror" and "Blood Mania."
If violence in the media caused real violence, Tulsa would have been flattened
by 1986.
April 27 2007 at 18:50:38
Name: Gary Chew
Topic: Move Over
Comments: Hey, Wall of Sound fans, if you haven't heard,
Court TV (cable) is carrying the Phil
Spector murder trial.
Delmeaux de Gillette du Coffeyville
April 27 2007 at 10:53:07
Name: Wilhelm Murg
Topic: "Whatever happened to my Transylvania
Email: Wilhelmurg at yahoo dot
Comments: I'm not collecting much vinyl these days, yet a
few months back a nice original picture sleeve of "The Monster Mash," with
the Garpax label record, turned up at Rob's Records. I had to have it; it's
a true icon of my childhood. The record was released, and charted, three
times in 1962 (originally,) 1970, and 1973 -- when I bought my first copy
on the London/Parrot label.
With so many radio people on this site, I'm hoping someone could answer a
mystery that always bugged me. Was the song supposed to chart the last two
times? Or was it simply reissued and all the stations received copy?
April 27 2007 at 01:00:07
Name: Johnny K. Young
Topic: A Night For Jan at Cain's
Comments: Hi Mike! It's been a while since I posted last!
Just wanted to say that the wife and I went to the fund raiser for Jan Dean
at Cain's and the turnout was GREAT! I think every radio station in Tulsa
was there representin' (except KXOJ). When Julie and I left, over 25K had
been raised. I haven't heard yet what the final count was.
Got some great pics of Rick Alan West, Mike McCarthy, Charlie Derrick and
several others. Saw Bob Cooper there as well. He's looking tanned, relaxed
and rested. When Jan came out, the place went nuts! It was great. She didn't
stay long, but she was there long enough to tell us all how thankful she
was to have such great friends and fans. She looked good but her sister told
me she tires easily...which is to be expected.
Also, got a good picture of a clock behind the bar
that had the KFMJ logo on it. If you'd like any of the pictures, let
me know and I'll be happy to e-mail you a set. I'm not sure how they turned
out...but I'm hoping most of them turned out okay.
Yes, please send them on. Thanks, and glad the turnout for Jan was so
April 26 2007 at 23:14:28
Name: Dana LeMoine
Topic: Bobby "Boris" Pickett R.I.P.
Comments: Not as big of a figure as some of the recent
passings but he made a big contribution to pop culture. And, as you will
read, there is a Tulsa connection....
He does the "Monster Mash" no more. Bobby "Boris" Pickett, whose dead-on
Boris Karloff impression propelled the Halloween
anthem to the top of the charts in 1962, making him one of pop music's most
enduring one-hit wonders, has died of leukemia. He was 69.
Pickett, dubbed "The Guy Lombardo of Halloween," died Wednesday night at
the West Los Angeles Veterans Hospital, said his longtime manager, Stuart
Hersh. His daughter, Nancy, and his sister, Lynda, were at Pickett's bedside.
Pickett's impression of Karloff (who despite his name was an Englishman,
born William Henry Pratt) was forged in Somerville, Mass., where the boy
watched horror films in a theater managed by his father.
Pickett used the impersonation in a nightclub act and when performing with
his band the Cordials. A bandmate convinced Pickett they needed to do a song
to showcase the Karloff voice, and "Monster Mash" was born - "written in
about a half-hour," said Dr. Demento.
The recording, done in a couple of hours, featured a then-unknown piano player
named Leon Russell and a backing band christened
The Crypt-Kickers. It was rejected by four major labels before Gary Paxton,
lead singer on the Hollywood Argyles' novelty hit "Alley Oop," released "Monster
Mash" on his own label.
April 26 2007 at 20:28:51
Name: Gary Chew
Topic: Lionel and the
Comments: A big thanks to Maestro Woodward for providing that
marvelous nostalgia on this surf site. I don't remember the King Hong Flu
fluff, so I was expecting the FLU key to slip out of the shot someway. I
miss Bill. Lots of great laughs connected with that whole gang of news folks
back in the '70's. I called such stuff we did: Real TV. It's hard to find
in the mainstream media today.
But, I've always felt that the King never really met his true destiny. As
a cub, I think he should have gone into politics instead of TV. His capacity
to deliver oratory was truly astounding. There's a word one could use other
than "oratory" in this regard, however.
Delmeaux de Gillette du Coffeyville
April 26 2007 at 19:00:31
Name: Mike Bruchas
Topic: Jack Valenti passes
Comments: Jack Valenti, the former Johnson White House
aide and film industry lobbyist who instituted the modern movie ratings system
and guided Hollywood from the censorship era to the digital age, died Thursday.
He was 85.
In my earlier years at N.A.B., we used to see a lot of Mr. Valenti; he lit
up a room when he came in.
Though I was not invited, the MPAA screening theatre close to the White House
always had invitation-only showings or pre-release VIP screenings weekly
for DC/Congressional types.
He was seen recently in the documentary,
Film Is Not Yet Rated", in which the identities of the secret film raters
are tracked down by a private eye (the
MPAA rating
system was created under Valenti in the late 1960s). Remember the original
"GMRX" ratings?
April 26 2007 at 17:45:38
Name: Webmaster
Topic: Lee & Lionel and Bill Pitcock on
King Lionel jokes about Bill Pitcock, whose "Hong Kong Flu" blooper follows.
Date unknown, probably late 1970s (later note from John Hillis: early '77
for "Kong" and '78 for Lionel). In this clip, the King, like
Bat Masterson, wore a derby hat, rather than
a crown.
April 26 2007 at 14:37:18
Name: Wilhelm Murg
Topic: More Shameless Self-Promotion
Email: wilhelmurg at yahoo dot
Comments: Good Afternoon Sports Fans!
It's a gloomy Thursday in Tulsa and I'm sick as a dog, but I got two new
posts up!
First up is my review of the new Brian Parton CD "Saturday Night and Sunday
Morning Blues." Yes, Brian is a friend, my long time collaborator Andrew
Hicks did the art work, and my good friend Heather posed for the picture,
but if they didn't have talent, I would never have associated with them in
the first place. This is good mix of rockabilly rockers, sweet love songs,
and down'n'out honky tonk blues. Check out the link on the blog/review to
hear some of his stuff!
Next up we have not just one, but two tributes I wrote about the late, great
Kurt Vonnegut. The first one is from by bi-weekly TIGER BEAT FROM HELL column,
where I write about how literature used to have an impact on rock'n'roll.
The second is when I was asked to add a few comments on an article on Vonnegut's
passing, and I ended up writing another whole article, NOTES ON KURT VONNEGUT
-- one of my first web exclusives! He'll sorely be missed. To a lot of us
it's like the passing of an old friend. So it goes.
Also, check out the new revamped look of the site and the new music player
I've added. You can sit there and listen to 99 songs if you have nothing
better to do. Cumon! You're being paid by the hour, aren't you?
All this and more is available at
April 25 2007 at 08:10:37
George Tomek
Topic: David Halberstam
Email: mranchor@cox.net
Comments: In my estimation, nobody tops Jim Murray (or Red
Smith from days gone by) as a sports writer -- good as David Halberstam when
he took time out from reflecting on general topics and wrote for sports on
occasion. I think Halberstam's best works were the searing articles he wrote
for Harper's Magazine back in the 60s-70s time frame. But then, like Playboy,
magazines just aren't what they used to be.
April 24 2007 at 22:39:37
Name: Jim Reid
Topic: David Halberstam
Comments: He was one of my favorite authors. I love his baseball
books, all of which I've read, and his book on The Fifties was wonderful.
He did a few hour long Charlie Rose interviews that were classic. A great
April 24 2007 at 22:29:56
Name: Rick Brashear
Topic: David Halberstam
Email: Right outside your window
Comments: Today, NPR (Non-sequitor Pundits Radio) broadcast
an interview with David Halberstam from a few of years ago. He talked about
being 11 years old when WWII ended, life in the 1950s, the age of Rock &
Roll, the mass change of the 1960s, his coverage of the civil rights movement,
wars and so on. I haven't read any of his books or had even heard of him
before, but he was interesting to listen to. He had a voice that suited radio
very well. Too bad some schmuck ended all that along with his son.
I caught those interviews on "Fresh Air" today, too. The segment is available
for listening online at NPR:
Halberstam Remembered.
April 24 2007 at 20:51:02
Name: Dave
Topic: David Halberstam: Blast of the past
Comments: David Halberstam was indeed a great writer. I read two
of his books, and it's been so long I need to go back and re-read them. But
I'll recommend them because I think folks on the TTM site would appreciate
them. One is
Powers That Be, which traces the histories of CBS, the Washington
Post, the Los Angeles Times and Time magazine and their impact on the 20th
century. And then there's
Fifties, which has plenty in it about the development of radio and
TV during the decade.
Here's a little known piece of trivia from The Fifties: NBC sent John Chancellor
to Little Rock to cover the school integration crisis in 1957. But LR didn't
have an AT&T link to NBC back then, so every night Chancellor had to
hop on a chartered plane to fly him to Oklahoma City where he could broadcast
Halberstam also wrote a book called
1964, about the Yankees-Cardinals World Series. I haven't read it
but I need to do that. How could it not be good?

I've got to read that one. I followed the '64 series closely on my Zenith
transistor radio, which I wore on my belt at Mitchell Elementary School.
Lots of us did that.The Tulsa Oilers were the Cardinals'
AA team at the time.
By the way, I heard on NPR the other day that an
tape of Vin Scully calling Sandy Koufax' 1962 no-hitter for the Dodgers
has been unearthed. You can hear it at the link.
April 24 2007 at 08:57:59
Name: Webmaster
Topic: Mayfest poster/Jan Dean
Gailard Sartain will encore as poster artist for Mayfest this year (he
painted the art for the 2001 Mayfest poster). It's
set to happen downtown, May 17 to 20. Here's an article about Mr. S.Artain
and Mayfest in
News Online.
This Thursday night, April 26, at the Cain's Ballroom: "A Night For Jan."
Read more about this benefit for long-time Tulsa DJ and radio person Jan
Dean in
April 24 2007 at 06:48:54
Name: Ken
Topic: Billy Joel in OKC Tickets
Email: jayhawken at aol dot com
Comments: I know that TulsaTVMemories.com is not intended
as a sales site, but this sometimes-contributor here is stuck with seven
extra tickets to Billy Joel's concert in Oklahoma City a week from today
and I need help!
Don't ask how I ended up with seven tickets too many. It's an embarrassing
story of friends backing out and separate purchases made by my wife and me
before we could notify the other that tickets had been secured. The upshot
is that I'm left holding tickets that have cost me a few bucks under $700
and I'd much prefer to recover most -- if not all -- of my costs.
The concert is at 8 p.m., Tuesday, May 1, at the Ford Center. The tickets
are for Sections 103 (five seats) and 104 (two, with my and my wife) in the
first tier from the floor, left of the stage, approaching the back corner.
Not great, but certainly very "good" seats.
With taxes and handling, the $85 seats cost me exactly $99.05 each. I'll
entertain reasonable offers that approach that level.
C'mon, Tulsans. It's Billy Joel! (And thanks, Mike, for indulging me this
one time.)
April 23 2007 at 21:27:03
Name: Steve
Topic: Lost Tulsa web site
Comments: The Lost Tulsa web site has so much of the
past of Tulsa, I am wondering if other cities have sites that involve the
citizens to contribute to places of memorable locations.
Being a north Tulsa kid, the stomping grounds has declined only because the
economy over-grew during the 70s. I expect places all over Tulsa did, too.
The Downtown of Tulsa has to stay intact, as that is the heart of any city.
I hope the penguins in the city stay there. They are a conversation starter.
New on Lost Tulsa: photos taken at
Peaches Records around 1980 by an employee, showing some of the artists who
left their handprints in cement blocks. Also, Northland photos.
April 23 2007 at 20:17:59
Name: Lloyd
Topic: Esteemed Journalist, David
Comments: Just read that David Halberstam, Pulitzer Prizes,
author of
Best and the Brightest, etc., was killed this morning while a passenger
in a car that was broadsided in California, where he had delivered a lecture
on Saturday.
Few journalists meant as much to those of us of "The Vietnam Generation".
To survive Nam, and die in a car crash.
All honor.
April 23 2007 at 19:15:56
Name: Si Hawk
Topic: Dick Van Dera
Email: sihawk@bokf.com
Comments: I am very sad to read of the passing of Dick Van
Dera. I had the opportunity to work with Dick a very short time prior to
his leaving KWEN in 1974 and taking a position at KTUL. Dick was a real
professional and a good guy. He was a positive force for broadcasting and
made the Tulsa market a better place as well.
April 23 2007 at 18:01:58
Name: Mike Bruchas
Topic: KTTM-TV?
Comments: I think we need to start a web-inspired Low
Power TV channel in Tulsey - based on all we know and with all the folks
who visit here!
Now if only one of us would "win the Lotto" to bankroll such a beastie!
Bring back THE KING!
April 23 2007 at 10:42:58
Name: DolfanBob
Topic: Clear Channel
Email: MiamiPhin@yahoo.com
Comments: Erick you are right. Channel 19 is not owned by
Clear Channel. UPN 41 is the one that I was thinking of. The sale is to
Providence Equity Partners and I think that they are in Texas.
I also agree with you about them biting off more than they can chew. I worked
for Tulsa Cable, and United Artists came in and bought out United Cable,
our parent company, and they found out real quick that they too had bitten
off more than they could chew. Remember their theater chains?
April 23 2007 at 07:49:53
Name: Erick
Topic: Clear Channel
Email: ericktul@yahoo.com
Comments: In response to DolfanBob's comments...
Clear Channel is selling off all of its TV stations simply because they have
bitten off more than they can chew. No buyer yet, as far as I've heard. Also,
CW 19 (formerly WB) has never been owned by Clear Channel. They are currently
owned by Griffin Communications, which also owns KOTV and OKC's KWTV.
April 21 2007 at 22:03:15
Name: Wanda
Topic: Tulsa memories
Email: wmc at prodigy dot net
Comments: It was great to read and remember some of the things
about Tulsa. I lived in Tulsa for 20 years. There are so many things I miss,
been gone a long time, but thanks for the trip down memory lane. Just stumbled
on to this site.
Thanks for writing in, Wanda.
April 20 2007 at 17:14:51
Name: DolfanBob
Topic: Clear Channel
Email: MiamiPhin@yahoo.com
Comments: I read this morning that Clear Channel has sold
off their Television division of 56 stations for 1.2 billion dollars. Seems
a little cheap to me. Fox 23 and WB 19 is part of those. So who knows what,
or if any changes will come about.
April 20 2007 at 14:42:40
Name: Mike Bruchas
Topic: Flashback to St. Michael's 35 years
Comments: You HAD to play "Scotch and Soda" - I thought it was
a Tulsa dining ordinance!
April 20 2007 at 09:19:43
Name: Wilhelm Murg
Topic: MH2
Email: wilhelmurg at yahoo dot
Comments: I just bought the first volume of
Hartman, Mary Hartman" (or MH2 as the fans call it.) The first 25 episodes
come on three discs (for those of you keeping score, it will take 13 boxes
to complete the 325 episode cycles). I'm up to episode #9. Loretta is still
While there are laugh out loud parts, the whole thing really seems more strange
than funny. Dody Goodman as Mary's hysterical mother is the highlight of
the cast; she plays her part with all the gusto of Maria Callas doing a mad
scene in an opera. The late Graham Jarvis is also great as Charlie "Baby
Boy" Haggers, he has a lot of great subtle moments, and of course the late
Debra Lee Scott, another dream girl from my youth, is great as Mary's slutty,
girl-next-door, little sister. Mary Kay Place is almost too good for her
role, while everyone else has his or her tongue in cheek; she seems to disappear
onto Loretta.
If I remember correctly, the entire run has never played in Tulsa television.
KJRH (maybe it was still KTEW) played the show at 11 AM on weekdays, ironically
enough, on its first run, but canceled it after its first season. It replayed
on KOKI in the early 1980s, but they didn't even make it to the end of the
first season. The DVD releases will be a rare chance for Tulsans to see what
put Mary Kay on the map, in all its glory.
I also ended up with the set of "Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp." These Border's
20% off coupons are killing me.
April 20 2007 at 05:52:20
Name: Bunker Under the Rose Bowl
Topic: St. Mike's Play List
Comments: Mrs. Bunker, I guess she got tired of moi bemoaning
fact St. Michael's Alley hasn't had the booth-side juke boxes for years,
and I've been trying to remember the playlist and she said "Ask the folks
on TTVM".
OK: Duh.
"Take Five" and "Scotch and Soda" ...
Help me out here, or I'll have to undergo hypnosis to bring it all back.
"Take Five" is already in the video
jukebox for St. Michael's. Haven't found "Scotch and Soda" (Kingston
Trio, 1958) or its flip side, "Worried Man", yet. I certainly remember hearing
the flip side of "Take Five": "Blue Rondo A La Turk".
April 18 2007 at 21:32:14
Name: Dave
Topic: Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman: five in
a row
Comments: Speaking again of Mary Kay Place and the days of Mary
Hartman squared -- it was an unusual situation for airing that soap. No network
would pick it up and it ran five nights a week, so markets without independent
stations ran it around 10:30 p.m. Good competition for Carson at the time.
But for awhile the CBS station in Springfield, Mo., bundled a week's worth
of episodes -- that's five consecutive half-hours -- and ran them all at
once starting at 10:30. So a dedicated viewer would have to stay glued to
the set until 1 a.m. once a week to keep up. It was insane, and the MHMH
producers didn't like it a bit. Once the show became a national cult hit,
the Springfield station wised up and went to nightly episodes.
April 18 2007 at 17:15:45
Name: Mike Bruchas
Topic: Leon Russell locator service
Comments: I believe he is here in DC this week at the State Theatre
in Falls Church. I will miss him yet again due to work. I also missed John
Mayall this week. Darn it!
April 18 2007 at 11:47:36
Gary Chew
Topic: Leon and J. J.
Email: Just SW of the Donner Party
Family Grill
Comments: An Existential Radio Moment to Freeze in Time:
KVMR-FM Nevada City, CA (89.5) in the Sierra
Nevada Foot Hills, NE of Sacramento, (now) broadcasting and streaming
Song for You" by Leon Russell...with segue to
Mama" by J.J. Cale.
Too Cool.
Delmeaux de Gillette du Coffeyville.
April 18 2007 at 10:13:40
Name: Webmaster
Topic: Previous GroupBlog summary
Archived GroupBlog 239.
We lost two TV/radio people this past week: Harlan Judkins and Dick Van
Dera. Harlan began in Tulsa as an announcer on KTUL and KOME radio in 1941.
Dick was "Uncle Zip" on KTUL-TV and also worked in radio here. There is much
more about these gentlemen from their friends and colleagues.
Former KOTV cameraman Pat O'Dell was inducted into the Oklahoma Journalism
Hall of Fame. last week. He was at CBS News for much of his illustrious career.
Jim Hartz, Lee Woodward, George Tomek, and Mike Miller congratulated Pat.
Linda Soundtrak checked in with us for the first time from her home in
Birmingham, AL. If you were in Tulsa in the 70s and 80s, you will be familiar
with her high-energy commercials. (Her sons, Sluggo I and II, have grown
World-renowned flamenco guitarist Ronald Radford paid a visit. He got
his start on KOTV's "Kids Karnival" show in the early 1950s, playing a Hawaiian
tune on uke!
Tulsan Mary Kay Place received a much-deserved talking-about, highlighting
her singing, writing and acting careers.
Somehow, yodeling, in the personages of Slim Whitman and the Dutch prog
rock group, Focus, got mixed in.
Tune in GroupBlog 239 to "get you some of this",
as Springer combatants are wont to say.
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