Tulsa TV Memories Guestbook 137
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Time: June 19 2003 at 23:28:38 Name: Frank Morrow Location: Austin. TX Comments: To someone of a generation earlier than the '60s, what is on TV, in the movies and heard on radio is astounding. Before the 1950s, you couldn't say the word "pregnant" in the movies or on the radio. At KTUL radio the staff wouldn't permit the owner of a maternity shop to use the word "pregnant" in her commercials on the station. There were a few euphemisms that were used: "Expecting," "She's in a family way," "She's going to have a baby" (as if there were nothing in her tummy already), and "the stork will make a visit." In the dumb radio programs and movies, when the wife would tell the totally surprised husband that he was going to be a father, the husband acted as if he didn't know what she was talking about, and had no idea of his extent of participation in the process. This was supposed to be humorous. Although ads for feminine hygiene were in magazines, they were not explicit, as in the ads that ended with "Modess........because." Any reference to jock itch was not allowed, or even the euphemistic term "athletic supporter." Any discussion of venereal disease was never heard. Even words like "syphilis" were verboten. Of course, mild swear words like "hell" could not be uttered. We all remember what happened when Clark Gable used the 'd' word. There was a national scandal when an engineer for the Mutual Broadcasting System was working on some equipment. He apparently made a mistake in his work, and uttered the expletive "Oh, horse shit!," not knowing that he inadvertently had put himself on the air
There also were limits to the amount of skin that could be displayed. No
belly buttons were seen. Women's bathing suits were one-piece and had "modesty
panels" in front so that all outlines of the female crotch were hidden. Those
from our generation remember the huge uproar when Jane Russell had a little
exposed cleavage in the movie, "The Outlaw." Tight clothing and big breasts
were encouraged, but no outline of a nipple was allowed. The breasts had
to be pointy and absolutely motionless. No wiggle was allowed above or below
the equator. Marilyn Monroe later could swing her hips, but her bosom had
to be like a rock. How different that was from what we have today. How long
will it be until we have total nudity all the time? If this had happened
at mid-century, think of the people who wouldn't have been seen: Marjorie
Main, Chill Wills, Ethel Merman, Jackie Gleason, Kate Smith (ugh!), Burl
Ives, and many more. So, maybe a little clothing is Ok. The people who like
nipples, crotches and navels would still have their favorite items. |
Time: June 19 2003 at 21:04:11 Name: Steve Black Location: Santa Rosa, California Comments: Saw H. Lime's reference to Pete DeFelice one of Tulsa's all time great ad men. Pete hired me the summer between my junior and senior years at Rogers to be the office "runner." In between making runs to deliver dubs to stations and copy to clients (a million years before fax and e-mail) I could hang out in the creative department where the fun stuff happened. The art director was a man called Tony (Dutch, I believe) who showed me how layouts were done. The copywriter gave me "test" assignments and one of my radio commercials actually made it on the air. It was for Marshall Shoes. I remembering pulling into Pennington's (Admiral) with my girlfriend and turning on my radio just as the spot was due to air. She hollered to some friends in their cars to "listen up." And I had my very first audience. Right there in the parking lot at Pennington's.
Pete was a character. A tough talking New York guy who managed to make a
very sweet spot for himself in Tulsa. |
Time: June 19 2003 at 16:03:10 Name: Chuck Fullhart Location: Froug's-Northland-Early Christmas Shopping Comments: Got to nail down one date that seems to keep popping up. Der Wienerschnitzel Restaurants all went the way of so many decent places to eat in a hurry, about 1975.
I was working for the agency that handled their account when the guy that
owned the franchise in Tulsa decided to close them all down, for financial
reasons. It was a slow shutdown, one at at a time, rather than a quick mass
panic, both at his operation and the agency, but in a year they were out
of business. |
Time: June 19 2003 at 15:49:59 Name: Chuck Fullhart Location: Crystal City Swimmin' Hole Comments: Saw Steve Black's reference to Bob "Doc" Lacy, who got so many of us innocents from OSU started off in the biz in the right way. Doc remarried in the early 70's, and then left OSU after having some health problems. After that, he ran, I believe the Carson-Barnes circus for a number of years, and dabbled in various area of broadcasting. He passed on ca. 1975; I'll see if I can find the date in my records in the south wing of the library. He made an impression on many of us wide-eyed, enthusiastic, GREEN wannabees, and his style of lecturing was really missed by those of us who had to finish our studies without his guidance and expertise.
There's a big differencein the level of knowledge and expertise when you
have been out there and come back to train the next generation, as Doc did,
and Jim Back was going to do at OSU before he passed on. |
Time: June 19 2003 at 14:02:35 Name: Wilhelm Murg Location: Freaking out at flashbacks of Josef Hardt's disembodied head Comments: About three months ago I found CARNIVAL OF SOULS in a used store for $8. I didn't buy it. A couple of weeks later I went back and found the "Killer B, Vol. 1: Carnival Of Souls/Dementia 13" DVD for $6, so I bought it, but I didn't watch it for a couple of weeks. I finally watched it one night, then the next morning Bagsby wrote to me about his new digs. Weird. If anyone is wondering, the KILLER B has a very soft focus, and there's one scene where it is nearly impossible to tell what the people are saying. I haven't seen the Criterion copy yet, but I'm sure it's near perfect (it is...webmaster). I borrowed the Criterion version of M. HULOT'S HOLIDAY from the library yesterday and it's an amazing remasering job. After you've watched CARNIVAL, check out Vincent Price's LAST MAN ON EARTH for more footage that "inspired" George Romero; then you have to compare that to OMEGA MAN, which is based on the same novel, and come to terms with it as a part of Charleston "Out-of-my-cold-blue-hand" Heston's trilogy of Sci-Fi from the early 1970s (PLANET OF THE APES and SOYLENT GREEN being the other two parts). Heston is in about 20 seconds of BENEATH THE PLANET OF THE APES, so we don't count that one. Wouldn't it have been cooler if instead of "Out of my cold blue hand Mr. President" Heston had said "Get your stinking paws off my Thompson, you damn dirty ape!"? http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue90/classic.html
"Last Man on Earth" and "The Omega Man" were both based on the harrowing Richard Matheson novel, "I Am Legend". Matheson, Charles Beaumont, and Rod Serling wrote a large majority of the original "Twilight Zone" episodes. |
Time: June 19 2003 at 13:39:06 Name: Charles Location: Too far from Tulsa Comments: I just voted for "best burger". I selected my second favorite joint because my first choice wasn't listed. Does anyone remember Ron's? Great burgers with the onions cooked in. Great spicy fries too! Most of the times I ate there it seemed like half of the Tulsa area mail carriers were having lunch there.
Just added Ron's and kicked in a couple of votes for him. |
Time: June 19 2003 at 12:10:29 Name: HLime Comments: Re: Dave Harmon's wonderful memory of 'Chick Don't Care.' The adman responsible for that hallowed commercial, I heard several years ago, was the well-regarded and early Tulsa TV gadabout Pete DeFalice (sp?).
I hope he's in somebody's Hall of Fame somewhere. |
Time: June 19 2003 at 08:38:00 Name: David Bagsby Location: Lawrence KS Comments: Caught the new "I'm with Busey" show. Pretty funny and strange. Impossible to tell when he's joking.
I caught it too...I agree. I'd say the jury is still out as to what Gary is all about.
Time: June 19 2003 at 08:18:30 Name: Webmaster Location: Tulsa Comments: The poll I added seems to be hanging up the Guestbook. I moved it to a separate page to avoid this in the future. It appears not to be working as of 8:30 a.m., so try later if you wish. |
Time: June 19 2003 at 04:21:29 Name: Dave Harmon Location: Where the 110 & 405 Cross Comments: Mr. Lime must be referring to Chick Norton Buick on Detroit. (I think) Chick don't care....(crash) Chick just don't care! (crash)
I think they had to take that commercial off TV because there were too many
windshields being broken when OFF TV....haha...I always loved that one!! |
Time: June 19 2003 at 03:59:04 Name: Deric Davis Location: Insomniacville Comments: Could the name that Mr. Lime is grasping for, be not Don Carlton, or Jim Norton, but Don Thornton? As in the Ford Dealer that was at 5th & Memorial... |
Time: June 19 2003 at 03:41:28 Name: Don Norton Location: Tulsa, Once and Again Comments: For my new friend, Harry Lime: Nope, not only am I not a Tulsa car czar, I don't currently own one--so I'm firing occasional volleys at city hall for starving Tulsa Transit almost to oblivion. Harry's name game reminds me that Don's Restaurant and Norton's Luggage had side-by-side locations on Fourth Street's north side between Main and Boston (just west of the National Bank of Tulsa, now Bank of Oklahoma)--in the 1950s, I think, but my memory isn't perfect, either.. I wish I had taken a picture of that "for posterity"--they are both gone, now.
Don's was owned by Don Funston, I think the father of Beverly Funston of
Will Rogers and TU fame, and Norton's Luggage was owned by some Norton unrelated
to me. |
Time: June 19 2003 at 00:23:09 Name: Deric Davis Location: Tulsa Comments: I like your poll idea, and the format, but good lord! Where is Ron's and Harden's?
Note I said prototype on that. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 23:29:22 Name: Frank Morrow Location: Austin. TX Comments: I remember The Hole. I think it was directly across from Central on Cincinnati. I have heard people who graduated in previous years refer to it as the "Smoke Hole." It was considered a semi-den of iniquity. It was aptly named. When I went in there once, I could hardly see or breathe for the smoke. I hurried out. I think it closed or was shut down after my sophomore year in 1948-49. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 23:15:58 Name: Lowell Burch Location: Crusin' T-Town, looking for my favorite eateries. Where are they? Comments: Did anyone see the new Teddy Jack reality show? My kids recorded it but I haven't seen it yet. I loved Minnie Pearl's, too. The one on North Peoria. I agree Dickie's was excellent as was Sir Treacher's. I understand Arthur was the top box office draw in England at one time. Still, LJS is my favorite, if they will just change the grease once every six months. Oh, why do the tasty ones close down so soon?
Here is a poll prototype. I could set it up for one of Mike Bruchas' suggestions below. Any preference? Maximum number of choices is ten. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 22:58:53 Name: HLime Comments: Re: Black's TV suspicions at OSU and the similar experiences of others I got the nuts and bolts of Radio-TV at USC, theory at Yale, and came away with mixed feelings about commercial broadcasting. I was dizzy with idealism and pretty much convinced that Paley's and Sarnoff's money-grubbing in the late 20's and 30's had almost ruined radio's potential for the common good. As I saw it, in opposing the creation of a BBC-like net in the United States (which might have made a big cultural and educational difference in a perfect world, but only at the expense of CBS and NBC), they had advocated enfeebled regulation by an FCC that from 1934 on would allow Madison Avenue swashbucklers to pillage and plunder while minimizing the networks' obligations to the public interest, like NBC's having no news department to speak of until 1941 and CBS's having one a bit earlier only because of the saintly Murrow's being in Europe on a cultural assignment in the late 30's but thinking it might not be a bad idea to also cover the Anschluss. After the war, along came television and history repeated: loose regulation, towering, unbelievable profits. Then things really got worse in 1982 with Reagan's changing the FCC board from seven members for seven years to five for three. It's been downhill ever since until what we have now looks and sounds like anarchy. Anything goes, no accountability, insane striving for ratings, semi-literate disc jockeys, monopolies, an ethos that too much in profit is never nearly enough. Aside from the political voices which appear to have stabilized, Imus seems to symbolize radio's rebuke of good taste while television gives in to continuing realities and ever-declining public expectations. It's a far cry from what I never got to try, deciding as I did at the last minute to switch to law, and even further from what I first imagined long ago, long before college, that radio and television would be---announcers in tuxedos, great voices (like those on KVOO who sounded perfect with so much resonance in reading that OTASCO tag, "Thank You, Here's Your Change. Remember, You Always Save at Your Friendly Oklahoma Tire and Supply Store"), respect for the audience, good manners and the NBC pronunciation guide. I hear that Stern thought the same thing as a little boy.
Dick Schmitz was one of the "Thank You, Here's Your Change" OTASCO spokesmen. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 20:57:53 Name: Dave Harmon Location: Same As Before Comments: David...that reminds me that about once a week, David Barth and myself would skip the Central cafeteria and have lunch at the Brown Derby downtowm....up the stairs....with real tablecloths. My mother was not happy when I got around to telling her about it. Dunno why....actually, probably because my Dad wouldn't take her! HAW Anyone remember what store TBD was in? |
Time: June 18 2003 at 20:25:39 Name: David Batterson Location: Palm Springs, CA Comments: Si Hawk said a while back: "Anyone remember Der Wienerschnitzel at about 48th and Peoria? I believe it was about 1970 or so when they were closed down due to the "extras" they were selling with their hot dogs."
Yes, I do remember it, esp. since the parking lot was rather crowded with
people "hanging out" (and not eating hotdogs). ;-) I also remember Mary's
restaurant downtown, where they had cheap and tasty steaks, before Sizzler's
existed. Sometimes I'd cut class at TU, and go have a steak there. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 19:00:09 Name: Steve Black Location: Santa Rosa, California Comments: Saw a reference to Doc Lacy of OSU. I was a freshman Broadcast major in the fall of 1960. It was Bob Lacy's first year teaching there. He'd come from The Ohio State University Radio and TV department and brought with him a rendition of the curriculum created by the eminent professor, Harrison B. Summers. Golly, just seeing Doctor Lacy's name brought back so many memories. Years later when I was working in Hollywood producing and writing TV, I often thought of one of the first things Lacy said to the class: "Remember, the purpose of a television show is to serve as a SPOT CARRIER." He went on to explain that Radio/TV were the only forms of show business in which the audience is the product. I found his reasoning difficult to swallow because I had dreams of someday programming exciting television on the network level. I wanted to think that the purpose of TV was to entertain and educate and said as much. Lacy, knowning my father was General Sales Manager of KTUL-TV admonished my stupidity. He and his wife entertained the department at a Christmas party that year. They were closet country and western singers. Does anyone know what happened to the Lacys? As for remarks about various old burger joints in Tulsa. I still stand behind my love of Brownie's on Lewis (don't know if it's still there or not). I also remember a true "joint" - a counter operation at Admiral and Harvard called Pat's Hamburgers back in 1955. This site has elicited so many memories for me since my brother, Phil, tipped me off a few months ago to its existence. Thanks so much for providing such a wonderful forum.
You're more than welcome, sir. Brownie's is now at 21st & Harvard. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 17:37:04 Name: Mike Bruchas Location: 12 mi. N. of the closest Sonic (which is in Rock Hill,SC) and 122 mi. S. of the Sonic in Christiansburg, VA Comments: AND.......how about them VERY SWEET Cherry Limeades that only a Sonic or a Braum's could make.....gimme a 32oz. one and I have no need for caffiene...... |
Time: June 18 2003 at 17:31:01 Name: Mike Bruchas Location: Flooded, SUV-maniac-driver-filled Charlotte - our WMD are BMW/Ford/Chevy SUV's.... Comments: Maybe we need a favorite food joint sub-phylum here! Best BBQ Best Chicken-Fried Best Burgers Best Drive-in MOST MISSED JOINTS.
Will always remember everyone at TU talkin' about Bishop's Chili - which
closed before my time. I still miss the Cross-Town and Ray's. In my travels
have seen about 10-12 small town tiny restaurants named Ray's - maybe a chain
we never knew that was a chain????? |
Time: June 18 2003 at 16:48:26 Name: HLime Comments: Mr. Norton is right, of course. The man's name was Gomer Jones. I wish I could say it was a typographical error, but I intentionally wrote Homer Jones, memory being what it is, non plus, aucun moins.
What I'm trying to figure out now is whether Don Norton is a Tulsa car czar
and would fit somewhere between Don Carlton and Jim Norton? |
Time: June 18 2003 at 16:27:05 Name: Wilhelm Murg Location: I just left Jim's Coney Islander Comments: A friend of mine pointed out that Tater Tots are "weird" food. When I asked him to explain his position, he said "We can't make a tater tot from scratch, so if we can't make it in a kitchen, it's weird."
I realize his position is about as profound as George Carlin's bit on blue
food, but such memories are what keeps this site going. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 14:33:23 Name: Don Norton Location: Tulsa, Once and Again Comments: I'm also an old-timer, though possibly not as much so as Mr. Harry Lime, but I remember the former OU football coach eating his last dinner as OU coach at the Celebrity Club, as GOMER Jones, not Homer. Who could forget that name, out of Lum 'n' Abner and other "backwoods" shows? |
Time: June 18 2003 at 11:51:05 Name: Harry Lime Comments: Is $115 billion going up in smoke? Is the jig up? Or about to get better? http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/food/2003-06-17-warning_x.htm
By the way, deep fry aficionados should know that Tator Tots are an Idaho
creation, 1958. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 08:52:08 Name: CherryStreetKId Location: In produce, at Wild Oats Comments: Memories of a childhood with the Pure Food and Drug Act. Mother knew best. She was a snobby health nut and never allowed me to get even close to hot dogs and hamburgers. I wanted a party with Big Macs on my 12th birthday but she took us instead to the Summit Club where we had a good view but organic surprises which nobody liked.
"Someday you'll understand," she said, and it wasn't until my 27th birthday
that I finally got out on Sheridan, gorged on burgers ala vulcanized
and got to see my first Okies with dirty fingernails. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 08:14:01 Name: Robert Walker Comments: Carnivorous life in Tulsa wouldn't have been the same without Claud's ("We Grind Our Own Meat") Hamburgers on Peoria.
I remember doing the Sunday-morning shift, all-religious programming, at
KAKC in the Tradewinds, putting on one of
those 30-minute transcriptions, racing up Peoria to Claud's, ordering a burger,
and racing back to the station in plenty of time to finish eating before
the next program was to begin. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 07:18:42 Name: Erick Location: Tulsa Comments: I have just been informed by a reliable source that a Big Ed's is still open near downtown OKC. This is surprising, as I remember there was a location near my high school that closed when I was in 11th grade, and it was supposed to be the last location. Although, that was many moons ago.
Info on Weird Al tickets is under your entry down the page. I'll add it to the "UHF" page this evening. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 04:50:06 Name: Chuck Fullhart Location: Mosh Pit-Minnie Pearl's on Memorial Comments: The last time I talked to Gary Stevens, he and his brother had bought the Hallett Raceway, and I think they are still out there enjoying life.
He's like most of us Aggies that learned to talk on the "eelectric raydio"
under Doc Lacy; a lot of us went on to be cops and sell insurance, or things
totally unrelated, but we all still worship at the Shrine of the Golden
Transmitter. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 01:21:50 Name: Deric Davis Location: Tulsa Comments: There were several Big Eds in the Tulsa area, specifically I remember one at 41st & Garnett which became Bogey's, it is still there, and operating as Bogey's. The other I remember was in BA at 81st & 145th in the shopping center on the NE corner. It too became a Bogey's and eventually went out of business. Big Ed's was at both locations for several years. The huge burger that was the size of a pizza was a source of amusement for my friends and I, as we never saw anyone eat it. There was a picture of Big Ed tilting one up, it looked monstrous. It had to be several pounds of beef on that thing. Coincidentally, it was called "The Big Ed". I had always heard that Big Ed's closed when Big Ed, left for burger heaven. I think the gracious webmast should have a food page as well...
There is one food page already: Nelson's Buffeteria. |
Time: June 18 2003 at 01:07:53 Name: Booger Red Location: Comments: Big Ed's burgers lasted more than a year at Admiral & Memorial and Ed himself was there on some occasions working the "griddle."
The place turned into Donnie's Hamburgers, and still does a decent job of
"Old Fashioned Hamburgers" and fresh cut fries. Now what intrigues me is
the owner is the son of the owner of Norman Angel's the drive-in that was
where the McDonalds is now on the northeast corner of Admiral & Memorial.
I remember it being a cool hangout in the 50s! |
Time: June 18 2003 at 00:22:28 Name: Wilhelm Murg Location: Eating wheat germ at the Middle Path Comments: Okay, here's a Tulsa Connection. The UT philosopher, Louis Mackey, taught for a semester at TU in 1983 (if memory serves). Since that time he has gained a minor cult following through his appearence in Richard Linklater's surreal film WAKING LIFE. Linklater, a former student of Mackey, is best known as the director of SLACKERS and DAZED AND CONFUSED. One of the more profound questions Mackey had during his stay had to do with fast food places serving biscuits. He said that he never saw a town where pictures of "biscuits and gravy" were pictured on signs. I think that was back when KFC was giving their over-priced biscuits a big push, and Grandy's also seemed to be getting in on the action. As far as I can remember, KFC has always had biscuits and gravy, and I would hardly call that fine dining. By the way, I love WAKING LIFE, but it's not for everyone. Here's the link to the official site: http://www.wakinglifemovie.com
I've got to rent the DVD on that one; I really liked his two movies you mentioned, and especially his "Before Sunrise". |
Time: June 17 2003 at 23:10:35 Name: Andre Hinds Comments: Erick recently asked, "Does anyone remember Big Ed's Hamburgers? I don't know if there was any locations in Tulsa, but there were several in OKC. The burgers were about the size of a large pizza and very tasty."
Tulsa briefly had a Big Ed's in the strip center on the southwest corner
of Admiral and Memorial in the mid-1980s. It got a little publicity when
it first opened for its huge burgers, but apparently didn't last long. I
ate there a couple of times (ate only their smaller burgers), but the burgers
didn't seem to be as good as the FreddieBurger in Bixby, which was my favorite
at the time. |
Time: June 17 2003 at 22:52:55 Name: Deric Davis Location: Confusion Comments: I have eaten more than my fair share of fast food, and I have never been anywhere where you could get Biscuits and Gravy, BBQ Pork, or Chicken Fried Steak at a fast food restaurant. Not all restaurants are fast food, maybe this again is an age thing. A diner is not fast food... |
Time: June 17 2003 at 19:19:16 Name: Dave Harmon Location: Near the Mustang factory Comments: Hey Mr. Dog....well said. HAHA Does anyone still remember the joint called "The Hole"? It was out the back exit of Central and down the street to the east. Was that 5th? Don't remember for sure. Anyway, they didn't call it The Hole for nothing. As I remember, you had to walk down some steps from street level to get in there and there was a small patio. Gimme a break...that's doing pretty good considering it's been 45 years ago!!
Anyone remember this place? I used to go there almost every day to be with
my hoody girlfriend instead of hanging out at Chris's. (that place was for
breakfast with my other girlfriend that had no tattoos, knives or brothers
in jail for murder...later executed!!) |
Time: June 17 2003 at 18:31:51 Name: the haute dog Location: Somewhere on Memorial, going north Comments: I grew up on the 'zeppa, Bob Hower (the best friend polyester ever had), and regular size conies and I knew what mustard was before I could walk and my first words were 'fry the onions in' and consider myself an expert on fast foods and want to comment on an earlier comment that chicken fried steak, pork barbecue and sausage with biscuits and gravy are not strictly fast foods but I say they are and have been served all three in some of the best and worst chicken and rib and pork sausage joints you've ever seen between here and Mingo and would go back again given half a chance and that's my opinion for what it's worth which helps make America the country it is and I would go to war tomorrow for everybody's right to speak their mind and have the tastee delights of their choice and going on so long has made me hungry.
You said a muzzleful, Mr. dog. |
Time: June 17 2003 at 17:56:41 Name: edwin Location: Dreamland - north of the tracks Comments: Image Productions would be happy to assist (free) on the pile-it. |
Time: June 17 2003 at 14:14:59 Name: Lowell Burch Location: 23 cars back from the drive-through window at Krispy Kreme Comments: Who started all this fast food nonsense? I think it was the Swanson TV Dinner, which was, I am pretty sure, the brain-child of those devious and defunct Whigs! We need a Tulsa TV Memories television show, hosted by Mike Ransom. Show old video, interview guests, take phone calls and discuss old Tulsa landmarks and eating establishments. Sonny could lead the band and maybe Sam Jones could be the co-host and laugh at Mike's jokes.
...Luby's? The Cherry Street Farmers' Market? Hooters? |
Time: June 17 2003 at 13:38:12 Name: Harry Lime Comments: Mr. Miller, the correspondent from 11:07:27 a.m, 6-17-'03, is trying to see conflict where none exists.
He may view it differently, of course, but evanescent topics like fast foods
and ideology won't survive or perish because of cranky, middle brow
meditations. |
Time: June 17 2003 at 12:59:50 Name: Erick Location: Tulsa Comments: Weird Al returns to Tulsa! He will be performing at the RiverPark Amphitheater on August 1st. I need tickets!
Here's some info: |
Time: June 17 2003 at 12:41:19 Name: JB Comments: Speaking of defunct eateries, anyone remember or know whatever happened to Big Mike's? Great burgers. |
Time: June 17 2003 at 11:19:15 Name: David Bagsby Location: Lawrence KS Comments: My question is where do the Libertarians eat? Little Lanny's? The Library?
Luby's? The Cherry Street Farmers' Market? Hooters? |
Time: June 17 2003 at 11:07:27 Name: Mike Miller Location: Vienna, VA Comments: Im sorry to see the guestbook discussion on great places to eat become a partisan forum. Harry Lime seems obsessed with what he perceives as a link between Republicans and fast food. I admit having not read Hillarys book, but could it be a vast right wing conspiracy is contributing to the vast waistline? Legislative Resolutions aside, prior to 1988, Oklahoma was well known for popular Democratic politicians, including David Boren, David Hall, Ed and J. Howard Edmondson, Fred Harris, Carl Albert, Robert S. Kerr and Mike Monroney, and legislators too numerous to list. The problem with Mr. Limes latest theory is that barbecued pork, chicken-fried steak and sausage with biscuits and gravy are not fast food. Please let us know where we can grab these Oklahoma delicacies in a drive through pick up window?
I don't think Mr. Lime is obsessed with the question, he just tossed it out for consideration. I wasn't sure if fast food fiends were supporting the politics of fast food chains, or being victimized by them, or none of the above. That's about where we left it. |
Time: June 17 2003 at 10:11:58 Name: Harry Lime Comments: In 1988 the Oklahoma legislature passed a food resolution designating the official state meal as including barbecued pork, chicken-fried steak and sausage with biscuits and gravy.
Hungry, down-to-earth, fast-food junkie Republicans could probably get all
of this anywhere, even at the Celebrity Club---but after dark at the back
door. |
Time: June 17 2003 at 09:34:43 Name: Joe Location: from inside the padded room Comments: Just read Mr. Pete Becker's post from last week's guestbook, about working with Gary Stevens at KAKC in the mid-70's. COOL. Gary "Ono" Stevens was my all-time favorite D.J. from KAKC. I will always remember his daily sign-off saying "I want to thank you for letting me be myself"!!! (thanks to Sly). I am good at recognizing voices, and am fairly sure that Mr. Stevens did a bunch of v/o work at KOTV after KAKC. |
Time: June 17 2003 at 00:01:53 Name: Webmaster Location: Tulsa Comments: Just archived Guestbook 136 in record time. It was powered by fast food, as was Guestbook 135 before it. We saw a recent photo of some underground DJs of the 70s to start it off. The notion of a correlation between a city's fast food outlet density and its political bent was explored, followed by a feeding frenzy.
That's Guestbook 136, get it while it's hot!