J.Ohn B.Oydston - 06/30/99 14:12:05 My URL:http://www.daddyagogo.com My Email:johnb@daddyagogo.com Location: Atlanta, Ga Favorite Tulsa TV show: Mazeppa Favorite Tulsa TV personality: You guessed it Stupidest local commercial: Greer's Records & Tapes How did you find TTM?: Got really lost one day
Comments: Mike "Packrat" Bruchas - 06/29/99 20:17:19 My Email:bruchasm@atlanticvideo.net Location: On the hot East Coast Favorite Tulsa TV personality: The late Henry Lile - prompter op/pilot/cameraman Stupidest local commercial: KOTV "Kitty Come Home" promos
Comments: We salvaged, kept, finagled these tapes because they were important to US to save. They were important moments in history for us. We bought tape, salvaged near dead tape, and "inherited" tape from stations to do this - many of mine are dead spot reels that agencies didn't take back. I do know folks with old but working 3/4" and even Betacam machines at home that still pull these tapes out on special occasions. Ditto I collected film trailers that stations showed for local Tulsa theatres and glommed on to some old 8 stuff from ABC that was being thrown out - some day - will get this to webmeister Ransom to post. Most of it is pretty scratched after so many airings on projectors. My guess - is some day in the near future we can stream or store all of this digitally at home or via our computers before all the tapestock decays and won't play. BET (Black Entertainment TV) is working on archiving thousands of hours of 10 year old shows to something digital (not tape) for access 10-15 years from now.
Ditto the Smithsonian is playing with digital storage of film material I
hear. Tony Sellars - 06/29/99 15:10:56 My Email:ndwell@telepath.com or tsellars@frodo.okcu.edu Location: Oklahoma City Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Jerry Webber Stupidest local commercial: Linda (Verin) Soundtrack
I have about 500-1000 3/4" tapes of KOCO and KWTV newscasts, specials and
raw footage from 1976-1987 and even some film from 1976-78 stacked up in
my garage. Also have a good number of Tulsa Cable Sportscene shows and raw
interviews from 1987-1988. Don't really have the time or equipment to dub
them to VHS or some other format, but I also don't want to destroy what I'm
sure is the only recorded archive of what was on the air then. - 06/29/99 11:37:58 My Email:bruchasm@atlanticvideo.net Location: Alexandria, VA
Noticed now all the infomercials my client and cable network, GoodLife TV
(formerly known as Nostalgia Television) runs - have links to e-commerce
or internet sites. We are becoming an e-commerce user country! Who would
have thought of junk fax-mail just 10 years ago? Now we are barraged with
junk e-mail (I seem to get a lot from Korea and the UK for nonsense -- sure
I will send THEM my Visa card number to order something!!! No way.)...Yup
we are going thru a great change in how advertisers reach the "home
audience". Erick - 06/29/99 00:04:45 My Email:ericktul@webtv.net Location: TulseyTown
Comments: Mike Bruchas - 06/28/99 23:35:15 My Email:bruchasm@atlanticvideo.net Location: Bein' wistful on the Potomac in VA Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Don Woods w/ Gusty (sorry only 8 variations of the little guy...)
Comments: In the 80's KTVY in OKC still had hundreds of hours of kinies (kinescope recordings), film and tape - I wonder what they still have? At KTUL in the 70's film was stored in the back of the studio - some of it later doomed to the hot old garage-like shop behind the station. When I was at 6 and had a room in the old part of the building - management NOT news management went on a clean-up frenzy and pitched lots of old KOTV-shot commercials AND old old cored news footage. At KOCO we had a lot of stuff dumped to 3/4" but no one ever kept up with archiving the reels. It was stored up in an often stifling loft off the studio. Editors could find recent reels and that 1 reel of McAlester footage or OU winning some bowl game - but never anything else unless they personally stashed it. To me this WAS Tulsa and OKC history in video or film - but to the ever changing revolving door station management and even often news staff with NO sense of history - it was just wasting space. Who cared about this old junk? It is/was a sad commentary on the people in the TV business....
On another note - a prospective tenant was here where I work today - it brought
OK back to me. They did JC Watts', a very white-haired Frank Keating's, and
Wes Watkins' election/re-election TV spots both positive and negative ads.
Often some of these you never saw in OK - were deemed too hard or too "softy"
to air...My boss was impressed I knew who all these folks were (JC was from
OU Football). It IS a small world! Ken Broo - 06/28/99 12:57:53 My Email:PBPBENGALS@aol.com Location: Reston, VA Favorite Tulsa TV personality: King Lionel, of course How did you find TTM?: Thru KOTV web sight
Comments: I need to think in sentences, now, not paragraphs. I started at KOTV in 1977, hired away from KWTV in OKC, by then news director, Doug Dodd. Great guy, good 'pipes' and I hear a terrific lawyer. Working with Pitcock, Vaughn and Lee was an absolute trip. The newscasts, particularly the 6pm show, were never strictly formatted. We could break format, it seemed, anytime. The highlight was the end of show schtik with Lionel. I tell co-workers today about a newscast that ended with the anchors talking to a puppet and they look at me like I'm crazy. Lee Woodward is easily the most talented person I've ever worked with. He could have done anything and gone anywhere in television. My wife was with an ad agency then. She got ahold of the 'Q' ratings, or likeability studies, for local television talent. Lionel was number one. Lee was third. I teased him about that. I ran into his brother, Morgan, in LA about a year ago and was happy to hear Lee is doing well. I can confirm the Moose teleprompter story in an earlier posting. I was there. Henry Lile, a terrific person, was the prompter operator. He was in stitches. I learned two valuable things from Clayton: bring your 'A' game everynight, because he would. Secondly, never take the newscast home with you. "Seven O'clock comes every night" was one of his favorite quotes. When Clayton left to go to NJ and a public TV newscast, we acquired Jim Hale and Melanie Roberts. Hale was legend in Cleveland, OH. Melanie, I believe, came from Lexington, KY. They never had a chance. Corinthian, for whatever bizarre reason, decided to 'can' the 6p news and move the early newscast from 5-6p. Needless to say, most of our viewers were on the Broken Arrow expressway at that hour. At 9p (like now) CBS was non-existant, save for "Dallas" and we had little lead in audience. Most of all, KTUL was so dominant. They had some terrific anchors. The 'Moose' return tour, that lasted about a week, was another bizarre KOTV episodes. I think they had him doing commentaries, at the end of the shows. "Kamikaze Television" is how Vaughn referred to it, on Clayton's return from NJ. Lionel was told not to refer to Pitcock as "Moose" upon Pitcock's return. It was a 'bit' for about two days. After that, "The King" called Bill: "Moooooooster Pitcock". I thought our illustrious management team was going to gag. We did a weekly fishing segment with Joe Krieger. I called him "Mr Live Bait". I'll never forget a morning in the spring when Krieger took Clayton and I out bass fishing. Had to be at the dock at 5:30am after anchoring the night before. Couldn't figure out whether Vaughn was comatose or sea sick! Incidentally, we both worked that night. Nice to see postings from John Hillis. Have only seen him once here in DC. He was a talented producer when I worked with him at KOTV. After Tulsa, I worked in Tampa-St Pete for six years, then Cincinnati for nine, on both TV and radio. I've been in DC since 4/96. It's been awhile since I've been back to Tulsa. I've always said, it is the most comfortable place I've ever lived. And for someone who was just 'cutting his teeth' in the television news business, a town that was very, very kind to me.
I'll keep reading. Hope to see more postings. And keep up the good work. wade hemmert - 06/28/99 12:02:46 My Email:whemmert@aol.com Location: Tampa, FL Favorite Tulsa TV show: Mazeppa Favorite Tulsa TV personality: G. Ailard S. Artain Stupidest local commercial: it's a tie......either the one for grandpa johns furniture or the ones for Soundtrak How did you find TTM?: browsing through the www.tulsa.com website
Comments: I also remember Mazeppa had "Re-bel" Jeans as a sponsor. They could be purchased at the "...downtown, southroads, T.U., Springdale, Eastgate..." Froug's locations. And, yes, Greer's was a sponsor also. I remember this because there was one located not too far from my house at "fourteen seventeen east eleven-teenth..." To TTM and G. Ailard S. Artain: Thanks for the great memories!!!!
Wade Hemmert Tampa, FL Erick - 06/28/99 05:03:47 My Email:ericktul@webtv.net Location: Tulsa
Comments: Erick - 06/28/99 05:02:41 My Email:ericktul@webtv.net Location: Tulsa
Comments: Mike Bruchas - 06/27/99 17:59:35 My Email:bruchasm@atlanticvideo.net Location: Our Nation's Capitol's burbs in No. VA Favorite Tulsa TV show: The KTUL Morning Movie followed by Bewitched at 10:30am Favorite Tulsa TV personality: King Lionel Stupidest local commercial: Any ch. 2 news promo in the mid-70's
Comments: Webmeister Mike Ransom has an off air shot of Bill Teegins (his name is really spelled Tietgens as I recall) from his "big hair" days in Amarillo at KAMR/Ch.4 - the NBC station there - which should soon be appearing here shortly. We also hope to get an updated picture of a skinny Ken Broo from WUSA, too. The catcher's garb pic looks like it came from an old KOTV ad. Broo could be hilarious on the 2 way radio at 6. I remember something about him playing assignment editor (not really) and "dispatching" Losure and me (after I job switched to PT news shooter) to an "exploding dog story" in South Tulsa at some arcane far South address = I think we about had a wreck laughing at this, though I think either John Hillis or Doug Dodd may have been the originator of this joke. It was a hot Summer in '77 and a lot of things were inexplicably exploding then. Speaking of the days of 2 way radio to all news cars - everyone scanned the competition for stories. Bud Blust - pictured on this site, was the king of scanners at 8 and had good ears for hearing and discerning multiple radios squawking at once. Ditto John Bateman at 6 and long-time Bob Brown photog. Before UHF high band and encryptioned radios made listening in now nearly impossible, 8 then 6 always seemed to have the newest scanners in town. Many a loose-lipped reporter or photog may have burbled a breaking story over open air waves and had the competition racing to the site.
For a curious quirk or maybe where KOTV had their antenna and repeaters -
at one time we could pick up KOCO's frequencies from OKC and talk back and
forth in the late 70's some nights. Yes - pranksters often acknowledged calls
at 6 meant for 5 crews, too. 5 must have changed frequencies because this
ended... duane jones - 06/24/99 23:12:00 My Email:preacher74106@yahoo.com Location: tulsa, ok Stupidest local commercial: linda soundtrak
Thanks for your efforts. Mike "Bubba" Bruchas - 06/24/99 19:07:45 My Email:bruchasm@atlanticvide.net Location: Former home of Gus Frerotte - where the REDSKINS roam and the Cowboys moan....
8's truck was used for smaller more local sports events or doing pick-up feeds for out of town stations like WAVE-TV in Louisville that covered all the Univ. of KY bassetball games. The one thing we all learned in working at the Skelly Stadium or Fairgrounds Arena - was have a man shadow the building electrician. When games end - in Tulsa to shoosh folks out - they start turning off or flashing lights. NOT GOOD when you are broadcasting live. Several times during 10pm post game basketball feeds we had someone literally pull the plugs on lights - no matter whom we cleared staying on with AFTER a game. I remember a WAVE feed where all went well till wrap-up time. The electrician stayed clear of the power box after many admonitions not to touch (I think I gave him a $20) but a doofus guard at the Fairgrounds turned off the lights mid-broadcast of a feed to Louisville - which trashed someone's newscast mid-feed.
Sister station KATV did the Broyles show and we ran it Monday nights after ABC's NFL Football and the late news. The idea was to boom into NW AR and do big spot sales - it never happened sales-wise. We could not stand Broyles, after a while he sounded like Foghorn Leghorn with his,"Ya see now, don't ya see..." remarks (about 500 times in an hour - grrrrr.). It may have been also 60-90 minutes in length.
After NFL who would be up till 2am on a worknight watching this? This was
probably 1 night of the week the KTUL night staff got no viewer phone calls
unless we had bad weather! Robert Schauer - 06/23/99 07:58:00 My Email:RobUNC14@aol.com Favorite Tulsa TV personality: G.Ailard S.Artain
Comments: MITCH SCHAUER - 06/23/99 06:40:13
"It's Mr. Zing and Tuffy time, so come along with me. My head hurts.
MITCH Bill Groves - 06/22/99 18:26:32 My Email:tvman@earthlink.net Location: Los Angeles
It was in my wallet for all those years. No wonder Teddy Jack's looks pristine.
I doubt he needed to use it for discounts, since as a TV star, he probably
got all kinds of stuff for free! What schmoe working the counter at Der
Wienerschnitzel would have had the nerve to hit him up for money? Tony Sellars - 06/22/99 15:09:39 My Email:tsellars@frodo.okcu.edu Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Henry Primeaux
Back to Arke. He was married to Deborah Lindner, who anchored the weekend
news at KTUL and Arke was weekend sports anchor. Both had gone to the University
of Missouri and had worked briefly at KOCO. M. Ransom - 06/22/99 12:57:37 Location: T-Town Stupidest local commercial: The cheeper deal
Comments: Erick - 06/22/99 05:57:19 My Email:ericktul@webtv.net Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: Dayline Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Chris Lincoln Stupidest local commercial: Turnpike Ford (circa '92)
Comments: Mike Bruchas - 06/22/99 00:31:27 Location: Back East in VA Favorite Tulsa TV show: The John Chick Show
Comments: It may have been in '76 - but KTUL for years telecast the Pro Am Golf Tournament from Southern Hills Country Club and it was a hoot to work on. Channel 8 had pulled out all the stops - as usual - the Pro-Am had prestigious Tulsa sponsors and it WAS local with big name golfers. After the event was a "wrap party" thrown by the country club for all the members and staff that helped plus the KTUL crew. Duke Baul and John Heatley are African-American and ran key cameras on the event that year for KTUL. Evidently it was passed on to 8 personnel that Southern Hills was "restricted" and John and Duke would not be welcome at the party. During the event they had had no problems getting food out on the course I guess, but after a marathon hot, hard day - they were to be denied access to food and refreshment. Chris heard about this and had more than a slow burn - the crew was a part of making all happen and he could not believe this was happening in Tulsa in the late 70's. He was very unhappy - but all he could do was get burgers from the kitchen staff (largely African-American) for the guys. Chris also kept his time on the hill there short and came back early - seething on how the crew was treated. At the station, we all learned about this and it ticked a lot of us off. GM Tom Goodgame and Programming Director Bob Hower learned about it later - both would not have approved this treatment of staff either.
As I recall Chris couldn't believe that this kind of discrimination still
existed in a town as sophisticated as Tulsa. A lot of us couldn't
either..... Mike Bruchas - 06/21/99 22:43:48 My Email:bruchasm@atlanticvideo.net Favorite Tulsa TV show: Wheel of Fish (see the movie "UHF") Favorite Tulsa TV personality: (OKC please!) Tony Sellars
Don't think he was EVER as big as Farm Director (at KOCO) Gene Wheatley. Didn't Gene work in Tulsa, too? I'd have to guess Chris' sportcoat size (from Connolly's) as about 54-56). Webmeister Ransom has a pic of Chris and one-time TU football coach F.A. (Fine And?) Dry which he has yet to post - Chris looks normal in this. (It has now been posted...MR) Okay here it is, secrets revealed - we used to call the jumbo hamper Chris' former wife Debbie brought lunch in --- "the wicker semi-basket" because of its magnitude. It was about 36' long! Not that Chris ate that much but Debbie cooked a lot and loved to share food with folks in the newsroom....
Jim Back - 06/21/99 21:49:17 My Email:jback@mmcable.com Location: Edmond
Let's see. Take the word "Brand" out, and you get Wolf Chili. Uh! Oh! Where's
the beef? Suddenly I don't want to go there. Tony Sellars - 06/21/99 16:59:43 My Email:tsellars@frodo.okcu.edu
Incidentally, if anyone could provide Chris' coat size at his largest, I
might have a prize for you. John Hillis - 06/21/99 13:21:04 Location: Warshington, Dee Cee Favorite Tulsa TV show: Inside Native America with Ron Lemon Stupidest local commercial: DX Super Boron
Comments: How about Mr. Sartain's radio spots for Coney Islander in mid-late 70's. I remember that tag line: "5 locations in Greater Tulsa, none in Lesser Tulsa." The Wolf brand chili spot musta been a southwest regional. I remember it running in New Orleans when I was growing up there in the early 60's. They re-shot it in color probably in '65 or thereabouts, and it was still running when I left Tulsa to go East in '79. Like the Shawnee jingle, I guess they figured that they had arrived at chili nirvana and stuck with it. Ten-second film commercials like that must have driven the projectionists at stations nuts, because the film chain had to be threaded and all that stuff run. For a good film chain guy, two or three minutes of work for a 10 second spot. Since in my recollection, we never ran a Shawnee spot on KOTV, I always figured they were some stealthy part of the unholy Griffin-Leake alliance. We had Cain's coffee in channel 6 Bunn-o-matic (not sure whether it was Jim or Susan though). Finally, Johnny Martin. "it's case night, Friday night in the city, and play night," came, I'm told, from the fact that Budweiser sponsored Johnny (3.2 Budweiser, of course, in compliance with the state constitution, which forbade advertising of anything stronger. CBS used to send us the list of wine spots running on the net on the TWX, because we had to black 'em out. Pandemonium would break out when one would get by and we'd corrupt Sooner morals by plugging Ernest and Julio), and he was telling everybody to go out and buy a case for Friday nights. Ergo, case night. Johnny is one of a string of now-departed nighttime disc jockies who were local legends. Felix Grant here in Washington, Larry Regan in New Orleans to name a couple of my acquaintance.
Has anyone heard from Doug Dodd? I had dinner with him at the 1984 Democratic
Convention when I was with CNN and his wife was a delegate. Doug probably
got out of tv and went to law school at the right time. Surely he's online,
and somebody had to tell him his pik-cher is on the front page. What hair
we had in those days! Thanks for the answer to the Johnny Martin question and the dissertation on Wolf brand chili (did they call it "Wolf brand" because they were afraid of the name becoming synonymous with chili, like Sanka brand for decaf coffee? Seems unlikely.)
Added the "case night" answer to the Tulsa Radio page. Mike Bruchas - 06/21/99 13:15:28 My Email:bruchasm@atlanticvideo.net Location: Clintoonville Favorite Tulsa TV show: Bowling for Donuts - brought to you by Daylight Donuts Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Matt Bunyan aka George Mason
Comments: We ran it for a couple of nights a year - I think on weekends but I may be wrong, though I do remember it airing once or twice AFTER late news. It was a "good corporate citizen" thing on behalf of 8 but I am not sure who was the person that first started it. This may be a question for Betty Boyd....
I DO remember a lot of rich Tulsa folks there and good catering for THEM. Erick Church - 06/21/99 07:34:33 My Email:ericktul@webtv.net Location: An old oiltown on the Arkansas River Favorite Tulsa TV show: Kanchi Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Jerry Webber (the man WAS Oklahoma) Stupidest local commercial: Crown Auto World (what will they do when Sam's ISN'T next door?) How did you find TTM?: My cheap browser can't access any other sites.
I had a possible Don Woods sighting Sunday afternoon! He was at the Home
Depot on 71st looking to buy a rosebush. Wasn't positive if it was him, but
looked very similar. If I were a braver man, I would've slipped him the URL.
Of course, if I could've been given a little *$omething* under the table,
it would've been a major confidence boost! ;) M. Ransom - 06/21/99 00:05:12 Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: UFF & CM Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Jim Millaway
Comments: The script for this movie appears to have been patterned closely on the PBS special, "Triumph of the Nerds": http://www.pbs.org/nerds/part1.html In 1978, Ed Roberts returned to his first love, medicine, and retrained as a doctor.
I'll put a brief video clip out here in the next day or two! Mike Bruchas - 06/20/99 22:34:36 My Email:bruchasm@atlanticvideo.net Location: LaLaLand on the Potomac Favorite Tulsa TV show: UFF&CM -or- any KTUL telethon Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Jim Phillips - ex-KTUL projectionist/trainer now PSO lineman ![]() How did you find TTM?: It found me!
Comments: Where is he now?
How about Judy Judy - where be she? This is the start of Guestbook 12. If you just arrived here, be sure to go back and read Guestbook 11...we just said hello again to G.Ailard S.Artain, aka Mazeppa Pompazoidi! Go ahead and rub your eyes in disbelief, but it's the truth! We also heard directly from Dan Satterfield and Bill Mitchell!
Welcomed newcomers Mitch Schauer, Bill Groves, Tony Sellars, John Lawrence
and S. Bittner, and continued to get great stuff from regulars Mike Bruchas,
Erick Church, Jim Back and Don Lundy.