Steve Briscoe - 07/10/99 00:45:45 My Location: Tulsa, OK Favorite Tulsa TV show: Uncanny Film Festival Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Gailard Sartain How did you find TTM?: search for "Mazeppa" Jim Back - 07/09/99 22:56:56 My Location: Edmond
Comments: But Kinison is a different story. His father was a TV preacher, and in the early-to-mid '70s he bought airtime on Tulsa Cable (if "airtime" is the correct term for cable), for a typical Oral Roberts, Gene Scott, et. al. -type "preaching with his hand out" program. They were recorded at the Tulsa Cable studio and I don't know if they were aired anywhere other than Tulsa or not. Anyway, when Sam hit the big time, I was working at Tulsa Cable, and a couple of oldtimers confirmed that young Sam appeared on his father's show from time to time as part of "warm and fuzzy" family shots, occasionally shown listening earnestly to his father's sermons, etc. We tore the place up looking for those old tapes because we knew they would be priceless. Alas, we couldn't find any.
His comedy was definitely "out there." I wonder how his style would go over
today? (I saw the movie "South Park" last night and it was far more graphic
in its language than Sam Kinison and Andrew Dice Clay put together). Davi.D Bagsb.y - 07/09/99 20:46:54 My
Comments: D.avid B.agsby - 07/09/99 20:39:33 My URL: My Location: Tulsa, Earth Favorite Tulsa TV show: That monster movie show that used to be on Saturdays after cartoons
Comments: Erick - 07/09/99 20:37:31 My Location: Tulsa
Comments: I think Matt Dillon had a home in Tulsa during the early 80's. In a short span of less than 5 years, he filmed 3 movies in town. I think he may have family here too.
It may not count, but dancer/singer Paula Abdul spent some time in Tulsa
sometime during the early 90s. She was a patient at the Shadow Mountain institute
to help resolve an eating disorder. A. Hollywood Mogul - 07/09/99 19:12:21 Location: The West Coast
Comments: Most Tulsans have forgotten about those slasher movies till some bobo in Tulsa mentioned them on TTM. You'll never work in Tulsa again!
Cecil B. de Spielberg de Coppola Bill Groves - 07/09/99 18:09:16 Favorite Tulsa TV show: Uncanny Film Festival Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mazeppa Stupidest local commercial: Andy Ewing Toyota
Comments: Erick - 07/09/99 15:46:27 My Location: Tulsa
Comments: Jim Back - 07/09/99 13:41:29 My Location: Edmond
I can't confirm that he did a kids show, but as you can tell by reading the
various guestbooks on these pages, TV in those days tried just about anything
and anybody looking for successful programming. So it's very possible. Mike Bruchas - 07/09/99 12:56:35 My Favorite Tulsa TV show: Tulsa Teen Town Topics Favorite Tulsa TV personality: The Late Johnny Harden - first owner of a KFC franchise in Tulsa Stupidest local commercial: Almost ANY appliance dealer spot - RCA threw lots of co-op money around in Tulsa How did you find TTM?: Jack Hobson + unevil twin at AMR - Mike Ransom
Comments: Hey! What about Loretta Young's kids? Christopher Lewis - who worked at 8 & 6 and had/has a career as a writer, too, is her son. Is he still in town? I remember him writing some "slasher (horror) movies" that went straight to tape for a video company in Tulsa. Anyone remember these or what video company bankrolled this? Not to demean Christopher - he is a nice guy - but it seemed a funny turn in his career. But I guess if you want to learn your craft as a film wordsmith - ya gotta start somewhere... His half brother - one of the Lamas boys also worked in Tulsey as either a reporter or sports. Anyone remember which one this was and what station he worked at? TV star of the 60's Donna Reed also lived in Tulsa - I think until her death. This followed a marriage to a Tulsan. Tulsa also had it's musical celebrities besides Leon Russell - who drew an awful lot of talent to Tulsa. I think I remember Paul McCartney recording at Leon's church studio on 3rd street across from the Ranch House Restaurant. Eric Clapton lived in Tulsa for several years - pulled here by Leon I think - and dated Tulsan singer Marcy Levy. We used to cruise by his house and see if any celebs were hangin' out by it - never did see any. Back in la Clapton's drug/alcohol abusing days - do any of you remember the brouha when he was arrested on a Sunday night at Tulsa Int'l Airport for being drunk and disorderly coming in on a flight??
What other celebs besides local heroes G.Sartain and Teddy Jack Eddy Busey
can you recall??? I knew Bonnie Raitt also lived in Tulsey for a while....
Saw Sam Kinison at Buttons picking up a lot of tapes once. I believe his
parents live here. Phillip Parham - 07/09/99 02:06:13 My Location: Broken Arrow How did you find TTM?: Channel 2 news
Comments: I don't remember "Captain O'Halloran". Anyone else?
Thanks for watching and writing, Phillip. Gary Walsh - 07/08/99 20:50:29 My Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mazeppa\Jerry Webber\John Hudson Stupidest local commercial: Dan P. Holmes Insurance (Highway 33) How did you find TTM?: KJRH-TV News Segment
Comments: Patti - 07/08/99 15:18:33 My Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: Mr. Zing! Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mazeppa Stupidest local commercial: Reeves Bros...."and don't forget POOR ole Pappy!" How did you find TTM?: Jack Frank's Memories
Comments: Ya know....I honestly think I still have my 7Up Uncanny UnCola card somewhere! Sheesh!
Regarding the Mr. Zing & Tuffy show....I seem to remember the lyrics
of the second first slightly differently than your earlier contributor.....the
version I remember said: Picky, picky, picky....I know! But thought you might want to know anyway!
Great site! Can't wait to have time to explore it more thoroughly! Thanks! Anyone else see the show last night or this morning? KJRH has the RealVideo clip on their site already! (see the link on TTM's main page at the top).
Thanks, Patti. I see you know exactly how to deal with paragraphs and
breaks in the guestbook. Erick - 07/08/99 01:27:06 My Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Dan Satterfield
Comments: Bob Demers is indeed at Maine PBS. According to a cousin in that area, he is only a correspondent for a local program called Quest. I searched around but couldn't track down Roche Madden (that name sounds familiar) or Jerry Vaughn. I had the great fortune of meeting Jerry Webber a few years ago. I believe it was shortly after he was diagnosed with cancer. He was in great spirits, and very funny! He didn't talk like he was a big news anchor, just a great neighbor. Indeed, he will be issed.
Speaking of Mike Morgan, I've dropped him an email, but we haven't heard
from him yet. Hopefully, that will be soon. Joe Robertson - 07/07/99 15:54:51 My Location: Tulsa, Ok. Favorite Tulsa TV show: Lewis Meyer's Bookshelf Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Tuffy Stupidest local commercial: better not touch that one How did you find TTM?: fellow employees
Comments: Denise Lundy - 07/07/99 12:45:26 My Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: UFF&CM Favorite Tulsa TV personality: G.Ailard
Also, did Mike Ransom go to McKinley Elementary?
Yes, Pam Van Dyke was a regular on the Longhorn Wingding. She often performs
at Tulsa Jazz Society events. She is quite a good singer. Dan Satterfield - 07/07/99 07:25:09 My URL: My Location: Huntsville AL Favorite Tulsa TV show: Mazeppa of course Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Arlton J Do right (Jerry Vaughn at KRMG) How did you find TTM?: email
Comments: Sure have enjoyed reading the posts from all those familiar names..I grew up in t town and also had the chance to be a small part of its tv history. After reading a post from John Lawrence in Japan (He was a weather intern for me while in H. School) I realized I might have a few stories to add to this great site! The pic of Cy Tuma brought back memories! Mike Morgan was a high school weather intern for the ch. 2 weather dept. back in the early 80's..he is now Chief Meteorologist for KFOR in Oklahoma City...we now both work for the same company...NY Times. Someone ask if I was on the air the night of the Memorial day flood..I was..after the weather I checked the storm top on the radar and it was off the top of the scope...I ask to go back on and we got some more info on for South just got worse after that...Roche Madden was the main anchor that night and I remember a Tulsa Police officer being rescued in front of the station from the flood waters..the whole back of his uniform was torn off. I am not sure where Roche is now..anyone know? I was also on the set the night of the famous Girl Scout story that Karen Keith read...the one where she mispronounced 'they went off into the woods to pitch there TENTS". What you may not know is that Sam Jones held it together while Jerry Webber and I were about to fall over and then when the camera was off, Sam fell over backwards out of his chair on the set laughing... Karen didn't realize what she had said until we told her! I can tell you about a few other people that I have seen questions about..Gary Shore was here at the ABC affiliate for about a year..he resigned and is in New Mexico on vacation I believe. I have lost track of Bob Demers..was in Maine the last I heard from him. I worked with John Mcyntire (KJRH early 90's) at WESH in Florida...he is now doing a popular talk show in Pittsburgh I believe. Anthony Mason..reporter for KJRH is now of course at CBS. Kurt Schmitz who also did weather on KJRH is Chief Met. for WTVM in Columbus Georgia. I was best man at his wedding in Tulsa.. The greatest thing for me about working in Tulsa was getting to do the afternoon weather with Jerry Vaughn and the gang at KRMG. I would listen to him and Arlton J. Do Right as I rode my bike home from Junior High... then one afternoon in 1984 I was on the air with Jerry doing the weather! was a great thrill....anyone know where Jerry is now?? Anyone still remember his sign off each day..."Hang in ever so lightly and ever-lovin tightly... straight ahead!"
One last thing, in the years I worked at KJRH I never heard Jerry Webber
say a bad word about anybody..he was the greatest.....he is surely missed. MITCH - 07/07/99 05:34:20 Location: LA Favorite Tulsa TV show: UFF&CM Favorite Tulsa TV personality: MEZEP&PA Stupidest local commercial: STILL LINDA SOUNDTRAK How did you find TTM?: I FOUND IT GREAT!
Also, did G. Ailard S. Artain ever hear from anyone in Bokchito, OK once
Mazeppa made the little hamlet a latenight household name? MI
We never did hear from a Bokchitan, although we made an attempt to find
someone online from there a few guestbooks back. Debbie Sommers - 07/07/99 02:46:59 My URL: My Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: All programs on channel 2:) Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Karen Keith Stupidest local commercial: Still can't beat that fat guy who waves his arms screaming "If you don't come see me, I can't save you any money!!!!" (4 Day Furniture ad) makes me wanna jump in my car and race over.. LOL:) How did you find TTM?: Through Friends of Virtual Tulsa
I'll be watching your interview! Good luck! It's been a while since you came
to see us at our site, so drop in and see what's new! I started a Yahoo!Geocities
Support page, so come check it out! Thanks!!! ~Debbie~ Lonnie Don McGinty - 07/07/99 00:20:32 Location: LosAngeles Favorite Tulsa TV show: UFF&CM Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Lazlo Mimne Stupidest local commercial: Greer's
Comments: As to the peanut butter story: it is based in truth but I can tell you that if I had done that in front of MY parents while they were entertaining, it would have been years before the swelling subsided! It actually happened at an eighth grade party where I and another individual were not invited but crashed anyway. We were asked to leave the party. I went to the kitchen to call my mother to pick us up and lo and behold, there on the counter was a jar of peanut butter. I told my friend to get some grass from around the back door which I mixed in with the peanut butter and applied to the sole of my shoe. The hostess of the party shrieked "you're tracking dog poop through my house," whereupon I tasted it with glee and ran off into the night. Keep in mind this was in eighth grade. Hope this has been enlightening. It feels good to come clean!
G.Ailard S.Artain
So it is Mimne? Where did that come from? Janet Fann - 07/06/99 22:45:14 My URL: My Location: Kansas City, Mo Favorite Tulsa TV show: Mazzepa Uncanny Film Festival Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Gailard Sartain Stupidest local commercial: Horn Bros How did you find TTM?: My brother, Don Lundy sent me the link
Comments: Also, I want to ask Gailard if he remembers Mahcoe Van Dyke? I was told a story I didn't know whether to believe or not. Mahcoe said Gailard's parents were having a party and Gailard put peanut butter on his shoes and rubbed some grass in it, then walked through his parents living room like it was dog shit. When someone brought it to his attention, Gailard bent over, drugged his finger through it and tasted it.
I miss Tulsa and this website brought back a lot of memories. Thanks Tony Sellars - 07/06/99 15:15:16 Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Ken Broo
By the way, if you would like a copy of Cindy Wall-Morrison's "All of Us
Are Proud", musical tribute to Oklahoman's after the Murrah Bombing, I can
probably dig one up. Ken Broo - 07/06/99 12:05:18 My Location: Reston, VA Favorite Tulsa TV show: Fishin' With Joe Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Johnsy Smith
Halsey also threw some neat parties to promote the radio stations he owned
in Tulsa, back then. S. - 07/06/99 02:39:14 My Location: New Jersey
Thanks for the visit, S. MD Lundy - 07/06/99 02:20:44 My Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: Mazeppa Favorite Tulsa TV personality: G.Ailard S.Artain Stupidest local commercial: Horn Bros. Zamorra Homepack
Re: Greer's Don Greer made some bad investments (word on the street) and
closed Greer's in the 70's.
Thanks for the info on Greer's. Mike Bruchas - 07/06/99 01:39:51 Location: Breathin' heavy on the sultry East Coast (these ain't OK temps here!)
Comments: An awful lot of famous C&W talent (and on the way down talent) came to KTUL. KTUL did a couple of remotes at Hank's "farm house" down the BeeLine and I think in Chandler Park for the show (this may be the shot of Matt Bunyan as the slate boy - from that outing). I will always remember Roy Clark with his Martin guitar - sitting in the old newsroom and talking to us folks about guitars like a normal person -- while awaiting his "call" to the studio. At that time he was a very big star in the U.S.
I also remember some other fading talent that had to lip sync on the show
and we had a scratchy record of his that kept skipping when he tried to sing.
Oy! Erick, aka Uncle Sam - 07/04/99 18:18:40 My Location: Tulsa
Comments: Mike Bruchas - 07/04/99 16:07:26
Comments: It airs usually 4 or 4:30pm Eastern time on that network.
When I grew up in Chicago - we would watch 'em (serials that is) at 10am
on Sunday mornings, sponsored by {shysterish}car or carpet dealers. I'm sure
ad rates were cheap then. Probably on WGN but I don't remember. Guess they
must have aired in every market.... Mike Bruchas - 07/04/99 16:02:07 Location: G.Washington's home town on a hot July 4th
Does KTUL still sponsor the big fireworks show on the Arkansas River - like
they used to? Benny the Crusher - 07/03/99 22:34:33 Location: Hollywoode, England Favorite Tulsa TV show: UFF&CM Favorite Tulsa TV personality: judy judy Stupidest local commercial: Super Cool John Mount
Comments: Does anybody know the whereabouts of Jim Kudlacek (sp?) the first "director" of Mazeppa at Channel 6? I'd like to hit him again. He deliberately erased Leon Russell's appearance on Mazeppa. As to the Mack Creager incident that I have been blamed for all these years: I had nothing to do with it. I was at home watching Mannix myself. Everyone thought it was very funny but my heart sank when I saw it happening because I knew the repercussions would be devastating to Mack. He is a wonderful guy and we had a lot of fun together like the time we drove mopeds through the new, channel 6, $20,000 blue screen cyclorama! At least that's what they told us it cost. Some advertiser had left the mopeds there for a spot so Mack and I saw the opportunity and couldn't resist! This was before the "incident." Re: Sputnik Monroe. I never impersonated him - he was a real professional wrestler who appeared as a guest on Mazeppa. In a bit I was trying to construct with him, he was supposed to "fake slap" me ... apparently at that point in Professional Wrestling "fake" was not in the vocabulary! So when it came time for the pay off... KERBOPPO!%*&^)$#. My magician's hat turned into a rocket!!! And the side of my face throbbed for weeks! Sputnik was very apologetic and said "that's the way we do it" I've avoided watching or participating in professional wrestling since then. On reminiscing about some of the strange occurences that happened,there was the time two seedy looking men, one old, one young came down to the station. The old guy presented the young guy as an act that had been on Ed Sullivan. The old one was the "manager" and he proceeded to tell me that the act was that the young one ate glass and swallowed fire. So the young one produced a fist full of stick matches, struck them and stuck the small inferno into his mouth. Before I could scream or call the fire department, he had taken a bite out of a glass which of course produced copious amounts of blood which I was ill-prepared to deal with as well. When I told them that their act didn't really fit the format of the show, they became very indignant and said "you don't know real talent." Whew! That episode was over. No more unsolicited auditions. Re: how I came to be on Hee Haw - it was not Roy Clark's idea but Impresario Jim Halsey who managed Roy Clark and other top flight acts at that time. Halsey approached me about becoming a regular on Hee Haw but I was skeptical because I had been bombarded with all kinds of weirdness and didn't know, at the time, who Jim Halsey was. I was flattered but skeptical. Months passed before I realized that Halsey was in fact a legitimate manager and the next time he suggested it, I leaped at the chance. Shortly after I began Hee Haw in 1972, Halsey was instrumental in taking Mazeppa from KOTV to KTUL which was good for Millaway and me. Channel 8 was much more accepting and realized the economic potential of the show. We started using the name UFF&CM at Channel 8. It was easier to breathe there. The atmosphere was more conducive to our style ie: Mike Denney was a REAL DIRECTOR and was creative and supportive as was the crew. Je suis fatigue - I bet you are too. Lawzee!!!
G.Ailard S.Artain Mack talked a bit about the infamous incident on Jack Frank's video, "More Tulsa Memories". I remember that Leon Russell appearance vividly. Definitely a highlight of Tulsa TV! "Mazeppa" has reached the status of urban legend. There are some strange stories floating around...
( Mike - 07/02/99 18:56:17 My Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: Uncle Zeb Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Uncle Zeb Stupidest local commercial: Linda Soundtrak How did you find TTM?:
Comments: Mike Bruchas - 07/02/99 03:55:49 My
It was a big former remote b&w unit that 6 used to tape Billy James Hargis
bits on location with. Someone said former KOTV GM Duane Harm may have
commandeered it to haul his horses with....It was gone when I was at 6 in
'76-'77. M. Ransom - 07/01/99 15:12:04 Location: Tulsa
Comments: Bill's T is now a perpetual garage sale. Lee's Records on the west side is still in business, though.
"Subterrainia" sounds very familiar. What albums qualified as "underground"
at that time? Probably Grateful Dead, Allman Bros., Black Oak Arkansas, The
Nice....KTBA in Broken Arrow had a similar format. Really a great station.
It was owned by Bill Hyden of "Sun Up" fame. Mike Bruchas - 06/30/99 19:51:08 Location: The muggy East Coast
Comments: The late Honest John (Foutz) when first opening at 11th & Delaware used to hand carry rock albums to KWGS to help program "Subterrania". I think in the late 60's/70's TU still took whatever MOR, Jazz and Classical that RCA or Columbia Records used to send stations as a service plus may have gotten an old KVOO library.
Always wondered if there WAS a budget for music at KWGS