Tony Sellars - 09/04/99 03:32:31
The Red Andrews dinner is actually held on Christmas Day, and even though
Red died about a decade ago, his daughter and some others have kept it alive
throughout the years. My best memory of that is pulling the meat off of about
a jillion turkeys with comedian Stubby Kaye in preparation for one of those
dinners. Jim Back - 09/03/99 23:26:43 My Location: Edmond
Comments: Mike Miller - 09/03/99 22:49:38 My Location: Vienna, Virginia Favorite Tulsa TV show: Live Wrestling Favorite Tulsa TV personality: The Moose
Comments: My first experience with TV wrestling occurred in the late 50s when I was at TU (but an intern floor crew cameraman at KTUL-TV.) Something happened that caused to suspect it might be fixed.
In those days, Channel 8 had live wrestling I believe on Saturday nights
with a studio audience. During my first match, I was totally shocked to hear
the director inform me in my headset to cue the referee. Give him one
minute, the director ordered. I complied. Thirty seconds,
the director said. Again, I curled my finger at the ref. Ten
seconds. I held up both hands. Then as if by magic, one of the wrestlers
was pinned and we went to a commercial. Bill Hyden - 09/03/99 21:43:45 My
Comments: 1) I remember going to the old Coliseum and seeing Leroy McGuirk. He was a legitimate champ known for that knee lift. As I recall, he lost sight in one eye in an accident...and lost the other in an automobile accident years later. There was even reports that he attempted suicide. He lived in my neighborhood at one time and I would notice him exercizing (walking) daily with his seeing-eye dog. I admire anyone who can recover from such a physical loss and regain an active life. 2) In 1949, I went to work at KOCY in Oklahoma City. My friend Bob Murphy had recommended for an announcer job and I assisted Bob with 'color and commercials' on his sports play-by-play broadcasts: Oklahoma City Indians, OU-OAMC-OCU basketball, OAMC football. Whenever there would be a baseball rainout, we would adjourn to watch Red Andrews wrestling program. That was quite a sports 'fraternity' that included Hugh Finnerty. Although Jay Cronley's father, John, was the newspaper sports editor and covered the games, I don't recall his accompanying us on the change of venue. Red Andrews was quite a character. I recall an incident where Murphy asked him up to the radio station to plug his wrestling card that night. Red went on and on about "Nothing is too good for Oklahoma City and I want you to know that we spare no expense in bringing to our loyal fans the best card that we can, etc., etc., etd.," Whereupon Bob asked Red to tell him who was on the card that night. Red's answer: "Duhhhhh,...uhhh..." He didn't know!. Red became an Oklahoma State Representative and started a Thanksgiving Dinner for indigents program that may still exist.
Last Saturday night, as I visited at Tulsa's FINALES restaurant, Hugh Finnerty's
son Mark spotted me and we had a long friendly talk about his dad. D.Avid B.Agsby - 09/03/99 20:00:14
Comments: M. Ransom - 09/03/99 18:57:06 Location: T-Town Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mr. Wrestling 2
Comments: David Bagsby - 09/03/99 15:21:12
Big Cat Ernie Ladd John Hillis - 09/03/99 13:44:10 Location: Outside the Squared Circle
Comments: As has been noted in some of the Jesse Ventura stories, back in the 60's and 70's, the regional circuits tended to swap grapplers, so when a big guy's charms were wearing thin in one spot, he'd reappear cross-country. (and sometimes cross-cast--"good guys" like Cowboy Bill Watts would become "bad guys") Watts worked the Louisiana-Mississippi circuit for a while, and a lot of the Southwest Championship Wrestling guys you saw in Tulsa turned up on the Carolina circuit, I found when I went to WRAL in Raleigh, where that show was taped. My regular Wednesday dinnertime was to take the brown bag to the deserted announce booth overlooking the big studio and watch the tapings, complete with live audience. You couldn't get out for dinner anyway because the girl fans blocked the parking lot. Superfly Jimmy Snuka was one of the big names. A regular technique was the plastic bag of fake blood cupped in the fist. Smash it on the opponent's noggin, break the bag, and blood everywhere as the crowd goes wild. That and what the announcers always delicately-and inaccurately-termed "the boot to the midsection." Later on, when I was at CNN, the rasslers taped upstairs Saturday morning at the WTBS studios (the genesis of WCW came, I'm sure, on some Saturday when Ted Turner came into the office do some work). The thuds from the ring in the studio above were loud enough to be picked up on CNN microphones down in our basement lair.
Compared to the big PPV dollars all today, this was all very small time and
minor league. Venues were often high school gyms in one-horse towns, with
one weekly stop in a place like OKC or Raleigh to tape the tv show, complete
with "interviews" for each market in which the show aired, promoting the
matches in that region. Ken Broo - 09/03/99 12:07:53 My My Location: Just back from calling a Maryland football game Favorite Tulsa TV show: TU Football with Coach John Cooper Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Jim Hale
Comments: It must have been a slow day, so I invited a popular wrestler at the time to the studio for an interview. He, was "Mister Wrestling 2", allegedly Lillian Carter's favorite wrestler, I might add. His schtik, was getting his brains beat out of him for 90% of the match, only to rally for a thrilling, come from behind win. "2" also wore a mask. So I invited him to KOTV for an on-camera interview and he shows up in a three piece suit, AND his mask! This is at one o'clock in the afternoon. The station receptionist immediately thinks the station is about to be held up. When I walked out to the lobby to greet "2", the receptionist was trying to call the newsroom to get Clayton to come out to help her (like he was going to prevent a hold up!) Anyhow, after settling things down, "2" and I engaged in what became an emminantly forgettable interview. And he leaves the station, still in the suit and mask. As he leaves the station, traffic is flowing outside of KOTV on Frankfort. Distracted by the sight of a guy in a suit and elastic underwear on his head, one car actually plowed into a parking meter in front of the station.
I don't recall having any other wrestlers stop by KOTV after that. Although,
I do remember a classic match at the Tulsa Civic Center when Skandor Akbar
lit Haystacks Calhoun's beard on fire. But that will have to be an(other
day). Mike Bruchas - 09/02/99 22:17:52 My -or- Location: Chock-full-of-trivia, VA
Comments: But taking a feed from a new anchor or on a network feed one time, he was called Dan Hassle. Of course a voice from Engineering then chimed in on the pl (intercom) on that note and - "He said WHAT?" - to which the studio crew chimed back - in unison on the pl, something not mentionable here but maybe better on "NYPD Blue"..... Dan was also at various times called Dan HOYsell, Dan HAUSleaf, Dan Houndslee, Lee Horsley (off that bad ABC TV show of the 70's) and Lord knows what else in his career by out of town anchors when doing live shots from OKC.
Get a name like Miller for the news business! Mike Bruchas - 09/02/99 21:41:55
Comments: I heard about a Playboy centerfold being inserted in someone's prompter copy on a couple of occasions as a gag, though! Usually when a crew felt comfortable enough with an anchor to pull pranks. Probably it did happen on weekends because Bob Hower would have seen NO humor in it if done to him or the "prime crew". That was 70's "guy humor" that TODAY would get you written up to management, pronto!
I also think this same trick was pulled on Dan Hausle when at KOCO on a weekend
show...He or one of our Buffalo escapees at 5 said someone in Buffalo had
done it there, too, so it must a standard shock thing by studio crews
everywhere! Mike Miller - 09/02/99 19:42:38 My Location: Vienna, Virginia Favorite Tulsa TV show: Test Pattern How did you find TTM?: Luck
Comments: I was anchoring the weekend news, and a little nervous because I wasn't used to operating it by remote control. Anyway, midway through the newscast, somebody (perhaps Bruchas) inserted the crotch of a Penthouse centerfold in the middle of my copy. It was rather a shock to see this (superimposed over the camera lens) while appearing on live TV.
Also, as TelePrompters improved they continued to cause me problems. While
working as a news writer at WUSA-TV here in D.C., the stock market dropped
a ton during the early news, (Black Monday) and everyone, including the desk
editors were shouting for me to update the story on the TelePrompter. I did,
and fed it to the studio. Unfortunately, since it was being read by the anchor,
electronically, (rather than using the paper printout,) the story changed
while it was being read on the air. The anchor got completely lost and the
show's producer went bonkers. He wouldn't speak to me for a week. Mike Bruchas - 09/02/99 17:57:47 Favorite Tulsa TV show: Prompters R Us Favorite Tulsa TV personality: The late Henry Lile - Former Milkman/Philosopher/Photog/Pilot/Prompter Op
Comments: I remember seeing my first teleprompter up close at KTUL in '71 or '72. It used special tractor-feed paper and KTUL and then all of the true TelePrompter brand users (it was licensed at ridiculous rates I believe) had this enormously large carriaged and specially-built IBM Selectric typewriter to type in about 1"-2" high letters - all caps - for the copy to be spoken. It was horribly loud when you typed on it. They weren't using it then on news, you can imagine the pain to type all up.
I think we had only 1 prompter mount on a camera at 8 at that time, so directors had to plot their moves carefully if you had multiple talents needing to read via prompter. Back then the monitors were heavy! Now they are lightweight shells or even flat panel LCD screens that weigh at most a pound or 2. Soon after I was working there we got a new "high tech" prompter that used regular paper shot by a mini B&W camera on a stand with Ensor type high intensity bulbs or illumination. For a long time we still had only 1 camera with a heavy prompter mount and because the mirror device (I think they called it an "eye-line prompter") was a "shoot thru" in front of the lens, you could not use that camera on chroma key shot - it also slowed the lens "speed" down which drove the engineers nuts when "matching" cameras. If you shot too wide angle with your zoom lens, the frame vignetted into the shot and became nastily visible - or since KTEW's guys regularly must have been pinned up against a wall (or using their infamous prompter wall) and shot wide angle WITH prompter edges peaking in - we derogatorially called them "those damned KayTEW shots" to camera ops not doing the right thing... Because we had 1 prompter mount only 1 camera for the longest time - anchors would do "the toss" to sports or whomever and sports had to read their intro story off script then magically switched to reading the prompter. When last at 8 this Summer - I think all 3 of their studio cams had prompter monitors. At 8 in the 70's I think we had to tape all the pages together and heaven help you, if you got a page out of order. At 6 they bought the same unit but it had a long flatbed conveyor belt - so Henry Lile or whomever ran prompter could easily yank or insert fast-breaking stories. Mike Miller was a money-saver on weekend news at 8 in the days before we had a dedicated prompter op - he would run the unit via a little rheostat remote control on a long cable from the news anchor desk. You had a red button to change direction of the paperfeed and the rheostat controlled the speed for the reader. I was always amazed Mike had the discipline to write the show, run his own prompter and anchor live! Now in many markets with an automated newsroom - the reporters type up and e-mail their story to an editor to cut the video part and feed the script to the producer. The producer assembles the show and a newsroom computer feeds the story to the prompter head. If a producer needs to cut a story for time or re-arrange a newscast he/she can at a terminal in the control room. Someone still has to run the speed control though - for talent to read.
The "rocket age" of prompting is just an off-shoot of today's automated newsroom.
BTW the computer can also feed closed caption text of stories to the 23rd
line of video - so with enough cash all local newscasts CAN be closed
captioned! M. Ransom - 09/02/99 16:52:06 Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Bob Hower
Comments: The power knob was a big fat one within easy reach of the night DJ. When I visited the KOMA transmitter site late one evening on leave I played a tape of his voice that I recorded on Guam. Even though he knew the signal was getting out he was surprised just how good his audio was some 7,000 miles away. The KOMA towers are aimed to the Northwest with what must be the best antenna ground radial system in the country. The KOMA signal travels across Hawaii, Guam, the Philippines, Vietnam and on into where ever. You can easily hear KOMA in Hawaii on a transistor radio. KOMA was easily heard by Navy guys in the waters off of Vietnam. The old KOMA Westinghouse transmitter has been retired from my understanding just like the Westinghouse sky burner at WLAC in Nashville that use to blast into Tulsa with Randy's record shop blues specials and White Rose Petroleum Jelly singing jingles. The strongest, gawd damn blow your socks off AM signal I heard on Guam was from XERF with Wolfman Jack. I believe that XERF was running about 300,000 watts at the time from just across the border from Del Rio, TX. XERF was louder than even the local Guam island AM station. XERF was not only a border blaster it was also a true world blaster. In Tulsa TV history I remember my dad taking me down to the Green Dragon bar on 15th across from the Skelly building to see the first TV signal to hit Tulsa. It came from Oklahoma City. It believe that was 1947 when Tulsa had no TV stations. My fondest KOTV memories was the Saturday morning dance party show at the studio with tickets required for admittance. One of the TV stations had a children's Saturday show in an upstairs room at the dairy at 11th and Lewis. The Hawk dairy as I recall. I remember seeing the big credits drum at KOTV. Didn't they turn it by hand? I haven't read many of your posts but I hope to find "Shock Theater" mentioned. Every late Saturday night one of the TV stations showed scary movies. Great for watching with a hot date. Has anybody mentioned KCEB, Tulsa's first UHF station owned by a rich guy named Beck. We needed a UHF converter box to get the picture and it was always snowy and of course black and white.
Of course the #1 TV crazyness of all time was Harry Tottles' Tottlevision
low power station at 26th and Sheridan. I loved his lava light broadcast.
It was great watching the lava light for hours. Mike Bruchas - 09/02/99 16:34:42
Comments: Bob Hower had an American Bandstand type show on KFMB in San Diego, too, when he worked there. A lot of famous groups - someone said the Rolling Stones (I'm not sure but it is a good rumor) - made appearances on the show. It was funny think that Bob - at one time in his life was so plugged into rock and roll. Never ever do I remember him listening to a radio in the KTUL newsroom or had any idea on his musical tastes. Any way one night - one of his West Coast friends dropped in at KTUL - Regis Philbin! We only knew of him as having been Joey Bishop's side-kick announcer. He was a minor celebrity to us and I think between jobs. Funny where he is at now! He was pretty quiet and cordial to us "kids". I think of Regis and his other connections. Ann Abernethy - former Public Affairs Director at KOCO was briefly his NYC co-host before he went national. She bombed and then went on to bomb as a Hollywood reporter for the short-lived USA TODAY ON TV show. But she was married the then President of AVCO/Embassy Pictures, so she probably didn't NEED to work... Then of course - there is Cathy Lee Gifford - who went to ORU. Ya gotta wonder if Regis and Cathy Lee didn't cross pathes for the first time in a U-Tote-Um on that trip!
Oklahoma connections - sometimes it IS a smaller world. Mike Bruchas - 09/02/99 16:22:12 My -or- Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Lee Woodward w/ THE KING
Comments: No one knew how it got there - if it was feral plant or what -- there are feral plants growing in OK some mutants I guess from WWII hemp growing attempts. Nor did anyone notice it growing there for a long time - I guess most thought it to be a weed or something. Mike said visiting cops went past it many a time when visiting at 8 and no one noticed that it was marijuana. One day he or somebody took a closer look and it and yipes! He asked photographer Richard "Ricardo" Wilson to yank it up and dispose of it.
When asked later by Mike what he did with it, Ricardo said "we burned it!".
Uh huh. Bill Hyden - 09/02/99 11:46:20 My
Comments: I'll submit these in short bursts because a somewhat lengthy posting last night crashed. Reassembled them for you, Bill...MR 1)GEORGE TOMEK is indeed the talent on the Economy Hearing Aid Commercials. Ex-KOTVers may be covering the hearing aid market, with Bob Hower pitching ClearTone. I suppose Tomek is now retired from OKC TV anchoring. If memory serves, he did his first newscast on SUN-UP, which I hosted on KOTV following BOB MILLS departure for San Diego. 2) I visited with BOB HOWER yesterday and he reminded that he was in San Diego and hired MILLS for the San Diego SUN-UP show. Weather person there was Raquel Welch. 3) GENE WHEATLEY did indeed work in Tulsa. He was at KXXO (ex-KOME) when I had a brief tenure as afternoon talk show host. SAM STEWART was news director there, RAMONA HUFFMAN and BOB BETHEL were both doing news. Wheatley was huge! 4) STEVE ZABRISKIE was (perhaps is still) doing New York Mets games through a local station. I know that he was there a couple or three years ago. BOB MURPHY is 'still' doing the METS radio network broadcasts. I worked with Bob at TU and at KOCY in Oklahoma City (1949-51). He has been with the METS since 1969 and about 3 years ago was elected to baseball's Hall of Fame as a broadcaster. 5) RICHARD RUHL was known as 'RICHUT' on KOTV. He moved to Dallas area. Is now deceased. He was earlier an animator with Disney Studios. 6) FRANK SIMMS (KVOO) was longtime (perhaps the first) voice for OTASCO's 'Thank you here's your change...' tag for commercials. 7) JIM WHEATON was the last (and probably the best) of the UGH!U-NEED-UM TIRES announcers. Many came before him,including me, and we all tried to give it a stereotypical Indian voice. Not Jim! He broke me up when I read his ad in BROADCASTING MAGAZINE which said he "had the 2nd worst voice in broadcasting"... the worst belonging to "a woman florist in Tulsa". (Remember Christina?) 8)HAL O'HALLORAN. I moved from KRMG in November 1952 to assist WALT TEAS on the morning EGGS AT EIGHT program, after co-originator, with Walt, FRANK SIMMS went to New York. The next announcer hired was STAN HAGAN from Wichita. When another announcer was needed, with some sports background to somewhat assist sportscaster JOHN HENRY (the first John Henry in Tulsa radio), Hagan recommended O'HALLORAN, also from Wichita. John subsequently moved to Colorado and Hal took over his sportscasts on KVOO.
9)There was another HAL O'HALLORAN...Hal's dad... who moved to Tulsa from
Chicago and hosted a children's program for awhile on Channel 2. The 'dad'
was known as HAPPY O'HALLORAN when he emceed the old NATIONAL BARN DANCE
on Chicago's WLS radio...when Gene Autry and George Gobel were on it.
Mike Miller - 09/02/99 02:51:43 My Location: Vienna, Virginia Comments: I keep seeing my name linked to nudist camp stories. To set the record straight (no pun intended) I did cover (uncover?) one camp north of Fort Worth when I worked for WFAA-TV (Dallas) in the mid 70's. My only camera appearance was aired thanks to a strategically located wooden fence. Everyone was required to disrobe, even my Mormon photographer. We had no choice. Journalistic lessons learned: Elderly female nudists are affected adversely by gravity and all men are not created equal. It's funny how some viewers forget the stories about economics and politics and remember only the bare facts.
Tony Sellars - 09/01/99 22:30:19 My Location: Oklahoma City Comments: Now you're talking, Mr. Ransom. Championship wrestling was the greatest. Skandar Akbar was really a guy from Vernon, TX whose real name was Jim Wehba (a cousin of old KOMA/WKY dj Dale Wehba). There were other bad guys like Carrol Krauser and Nikita Mulkovich, you mentioned Sputnik, there was Oni Wiki-Wiki, a barefoot Hawaiian, Handsome Ronnie Reed, Red McKim, of course the great Danny Hodge. They also got one of the many versions of Gorgeous George on there, Spider Galento and some of the other nationally known wrestlers of the time. Some version of the great Bolo wrestled in those shows which were taped in the WKY-TV studios in Oklahoma City. I was always intrigued as to how Leroy McGuirk could be such a great commentator when he was blind. Guess that was my first clue wrestling was fake. Watch out for flying chairs!
Comments: I remember most of those names you mentioned: Nikita Mulkovich.."Russ-ia!"...Red McKim was a Native American, I believe...the Great Bolo, a masked man "from parts unknown"...Oni Wiki Wiki, how could you forget a name like that?...Carrol Krauser's daughter was in my high school class at East Central; best not to get fresh...I see that Danny Hodge is starring in a movie called "One More Shot"...sounds like it might be good. You know, Danny Hodge is so strong that he can squeeze and bend a pair of tempered steel pliers with his bare hand, and does so frequently on request. Somehow, I had the feeling that Skandor Akbar's command of idiomatic English was a little too good for him to be foreign-born.
Nate Wilcox - 09/01/99 19:31:54 My Location: White Plains, NY Comments: Someone asked for memories of Romper Room. I worked on the floor crew at KTUL-TV when Romper Room first started on the station in early 1957. The first Romper Room teacher/host was very nearsighted but wouldn't wear glasses on camera. In one segment she was showing pictures the children had drawn and making comments about them. She had thumb tacked them to a cork board. On one picture she pointed out what a nice sun the child had drawn. The director cut to a close-up and it was a yellow thumbtack that she had used to put up the picture. We had huge cue cards we would use so she could see them from a distance. Contact lenses were not so common in those days but they would have dramatically helped her performance.
Nate Wilcox
David Bagsby - 09/01/99 19:09:02 My Location: Tulsa, Earth ![]() Favorite Tulsa TV personality: see above Stupidest local commercial: anything without Beth Rengel How did you find TTM?: lurking Comments: Championship Wrestlers: Cowboy Bill Watts Sakurada Fritz Von Erich Haystack Calhoun Andre the Giant Dr. X
It's hard to recall which ones were local as wrassling started getting big
on cable and the talent toured to various markets. I believe Fritz and Andre were national. Of course, Cowboy Bill Watts wound up taking over from Leroy McGuirk as promoter. (later note...I was wrong about Andre'; see John Hillis's note above) This might be considered a fine point, but I believe you are right that Mr. Calhoun's Christian name was indeed originally singular, but mutated over time into "Haystacks". Have you ever known someone who acquiesed to a popular mispronunciation of their name, and changed it?
Brad Smith - 09/01/99 18:26:26 My Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: Fantastic Theater Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mazeppa Stupidest local commercial: See comments (not stupid, cute) How did you find TTM?: Tulsa World article, then Excite search Comments: Thank you, thank you, thank you, for locating the Fantastic Theater theme. John Henry made me a cassette of it several years ago and it got stolen out of my car! I ordered the LP from Jack today. I was in the fourth grade and remember the eerie music and scary movies. You might look for Shock Theater, not sure what station it was on. Also - Subterrania! I grew up on that music in junior high & high school, buying all the 8-tracks and LP's at Honest John's. FYI, I have registered and hope to have a site up this fall. I am doing a Subterrania program one hour a week on Monday nights. It's on satellite and RealAudio. Info at (that's a zero in the middle). I love your site!
Hey, remember the Rebel Jeans commercials that Mazeppa did? ReBEL, they're
swell! I talked with John Wooley the other day, and he said that a couple of the guys who did Shock Theater are still around in Tulsa (it was a little before my time). I think he is going to show up here shortly, so maybe he will enlighten us. We'll check out your site and show. Yes, now I remember Mazeppa pressing the "Mattel, it's swell" slogan into service for Rebel jeans! Brad, I'm glad you paid us a visit!
M. Ransom - 09/01/99 17:59:16 Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Skandor Akbar (the oil-rich A-rab we were supposed to love to hate, but loved for his oratorical skills) Comments:
When I found that great picture of Sputnik Monroe to illustrate the Mazeppa
feature, I realized that I should do something about "Championship Wrestling",
a staple of KOTV programming in the 60s. How about some help thinking of
names and stories from that show? I can probably dig up pictures for many
of them. We already know that OKC's Danny Williams was the host, along with
promoter Leroy McGuirk. M. Reynolds via email - 09/01/99 17:04:32 Comments: One of the three KVOO towers is bent in the middle a little due to a wind storm. When my ham club visited the transmitter site a few years ago the chief engineer couldn't find their FCC station license. He finally found it tossed in a desk drawer in the transmitter cinder block building. He posted it on the wall just before we arrived. I thought it was funny that KVOO had a Kmart box fan blowing into the 50KW transmitter cabinet to help keep it cool. The original transmitter building up close to 11th street is very neglected now and is only used for record storage.
My best memory was calling KOMA in OKC long distance from Guam for a real
time listener request. KOMA was cited by the FCC for running about 70KW at
night. The station knew that their DX window to SE Asia opened up around
3 am Central time so the night guy would twist a certain black knob on their
Westinghouse transmitter and kick out some serious RF toward Hawaii, Guam
and Vietnam. They got so many QSL cards that when I visited the transmitter
site the unanswered cards were falling off the desk onto the floor.. John Gaskill - 09/01/99 02:37:14 My Location: Tulsa How did you find TTM?: Tulsa World article, August 29, 1999 Comments: Does anyone remember "Sneak Previews" on Channel 8 after the Saturday night late movie. The intro showed a figure shining a flashlight over rows of film cannisters in a dark film vault and taking down a film entitled "Sneak Previews," while the theme song from "The Pink Panther" played in the background. One of the films they showed was "The Hellfire Club," a racy early 60s British comedy. That intro does sound a little familiar...would that have been some time in the 80s? "The Hellfire Club, starring Peter Cushing and Keith Michell, who was so good in The Six Wives of Henry VIII. Thanks for writing, John. It's hard to find this site through GeoCities, I noticed, but you made it.
Mike Bruchas - 08/31/99 00:40:24 My Location: Alexandria, VA Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mike Miller at KTUL Stupidest local commercial: TufNut + Challenger Casuals Comments: Hearing from Mike Miller prompted a memory. I think it was Mike that did the story on the nudist colony in So. OK or No. Texas - where they could shoot his head or his feet in socks and shoes but not the rest of his body - because he was "in costume" for "fitting in" with the rest of the folks while the story was shot! Mike Miller - 08/30/99 22:31:45 My Location: Vienna, Virginia Favorite Tulsa TV show: Mazeppa Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Gary Busey Stupidest local commercial: Ernest Moody's or John F. Lawhon How did you find TTM?: Bill Hyden Comments: Mike: I have been wondering through your great web site and enjoying it all. One page indicated you'd like to hear from me. After I left KTUL-TV (the second time) anchoring weekend news (before Mazeppa and Busey on Saturday nights) and reporting, I went to KATV in Little Rock as news director. Moved to KTHV in LR several years later, also as ND. Was boss to Sam Jones at KTHV. (Crazy nut.) Knew Slick Willie, and interviewed for job with him. I went to work for guy running for Congress named Ed Bethune, he won and I moved to D.C. Also worked for Sen. Chic Hecht of Nevada and was Deputy Dir. Communications (media consultant) to Republican National Senatorial Committee. Also brief stint with Jim Inhofe. Today, semi-retired, working part-time for ANSTEC, Inc as a courier and loving it! Working on a book about all the funny stuff that happened in TV and politics. Gary Chew, Nathan Wilcox (former KOTV production) and Hyden and I have been e-mailing freqently on KOTV reunion. I'll try to answer some questions raised the Moose..was indeed a large guy.
Erick - 08/30/99 17:58:12 My Location: Tulsa Comments: Wow...running on backup! Nice to see things are still running, though.
Just wanted to let you know that I was in Texas visiting friends over the
weekend, and someone down there mentioned the site! I was quite surprised!
This place is becoming quite well known. Here, and apparently, abroad.