Date: 20-Oct-00 02:05 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Ken Broo Email: Geographical location: 19 electoral votes apparently headed "W"s way How did you find TTM? Just under the gravy on my chikin' fry steak at Nelson's Duane Harm hired me. Always found him to be a likeable guy. I vividly remember two of his editorials. One was in favor of 'liquor by the drink' (we all remember those days, don't we?) |
Date: 19-Oct-00 10:15 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Mike Bruchas (resubmission)
Date: 19-Oct-00 10:13 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Mike Bruchas (resubmission) Geographical location: 3rd + Frankfort in mah heart.... Gary Gunter told us he had been hired by Duane Harm - away from anchoring in Allentown, PA - to run News at the Ft.Smith/Springdale station Griffin owned. Somewhere along the way he got to Redding, CA - can't remember why he left. Again - does anyone know if Griffin has a station in NW Arkysaw? |
Date: 19-Oct-00 10:10 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Mike Bruchas (resubmission) Geographical location: Washington 20001 DC sufferin' from allergies & a cold Always remember Leon Meier telling me - don't be surprised what Duane Harm does at a staff meeting. We had a confined staff meeting in a conference room at 6 and Harm got up and walked on the table - I guess to be center of attention in the meeting! |
Date: 19-Oct-00 09:14 PM (on
Tulsa Time) Name: John Hillis Geographical location: Headache City How did you find TTM? Turner Turnpike Tolltaker told me about it Duane Harm was, as the King said, a colorful character. My favorite recollection was when some Dun & Bradstreet Board of Directors types (D&B was by then Corinthian's parent company) were coming for a visit to KOTV. Duane surveyed the newsroom, which was dominated by one very long, messy desk, jumped up on top of the desk, and hollered something about needing to clean this up right away.
Date: 19-Oct-00 02:11 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Jim Reid Email: Geographical location: Dallas You sure could tell what business James Leake started out in. |
Date: 19-Oct-00 01:05 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Don Norton (KOTV News 1953-1960) Geographical location: Tulsa, Auto and Ozone Capital A couple of paragraphs from the Dallas Morning News' story Wednesday morning on the KOTV sale, for what they may be worth: |
Date: 19-Oct-00 08:28 AM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Erick Email: Geographical location: Tulsa By the way, Mr. Bruchas, what exactly is wrong with Roger Cooper? I mean, sure I could've taken him out when I was a toddler, but he just wasn't a fightin' man! What has become of Roger? He completed his 2nd tour of duty with KWTV in 1993, yet I can't track him down! |
Date: 18-Oct-00 11:07 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Erick Email: Geographical location: Tulsa Griffin used to own NBC affiliates KPOM-KFAA Rogers-Ft. Smith. I believe they sold them along with their interest in a chain of now-defunct golf goods stores in OKC. Not sure who owns the stations now. After the sale, KPOM-KFAA dropped their news operation, and it has recently started up again. Former alumnus of those stations include KJRH newsman Keith Isbell. |
Date: 18-Oct-00 09:24 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Lowell Burch Email: Geographical location: Studio B How did you find TTM? Happenin'! Does anyone remember who hosted the show that featured the cartoon "Scritch, Scratch and Col. Blink"? It was a low budget production that featured a cowboy marionette, caveman, and alien who lived in a domed space city. This would be about 1956. I know no one will remember but what the hey? Maybe King Lionel will come up with this one. |
![]() Name: John Hillis Geographical location: Between Shawnee and the "Me" How did you find TTM? Fine print on canned goods Is Duane Harm still around in the Griffin empire? KOTV'd be old hat to him. |
Date: 18-Oct-00 02:51 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Mike Bruchas Geographical location: DC 20001 Thinking about the Griffin's buy of 6 reminded me of the late and beloved "Huckleberry" Findley West at 8. Who said they could have no other brand of coffee at 8 while Griffin-Leake TV was in business but Griffin's - yuck. . |
Date: 18-Oct-00 02:10 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Mike Bruchas Geographical location: Puzzled in DC How did you find TTM? On the back of a bottle of Griffin's Syrup - yummy in the #10 weight on anything! Got an e-mail from Richard "Ricardo" Wilson - who shot news and ran camera at 6 & 8 re the 6 sale. |
Date: 18-Oct-00 08:03 AM (on Tulsa Time) Name: John Hillis Geographical location: Soggy in Washington How did you find TTM? In a little envelope the boss slipped me at the Christmas Party On holiday bonuses at KOTV: I remember Buddy and Leon saying that they'd gotten the same bonus--$100--for something like 20 years. This was in the midst of late 70's stag-flation, and what the C-note would buy was much devalued over that time, not to mention taxes. |
Date: 18-Oct-00 06:35 AM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Sonny Hollingshead Email: Geographical location: S.H. Kress Co. - Downtown How did you find TTM? Next to check-out counter at Oertle's On Griffin's buy of KOTV: |
Date: 17-Oct-00 11:27 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Lowell Burch Email: Geographical location: The Honda Trails How did you find TTM? The Beep Line I guess I went to school with chair-boy and we must have been in band together at Gilcrease and McLain. I've been trying to figure out who he is but it's been too long. Fred Shields, who came to McLain when I was a senior, died fairly recently. |
Date: 17-Oct-00 10:30 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Erick Email: Geographical location: Tulsa I don't see any odd motives behind Belo's sale of KOTV. Very simply, I think it is because Tulsa is a small market. Look at the markets Belo has: Dallas, Houston, Seattle, St. Louis, et al. All huge markets. Tulsa just doesn't provide the kind of revenue the other stations do. |
Date: 17-Oct-00 02:20 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Mike Bruchas KOTV sale - how very bizarre! If 6 truly IS the market's #1, Belo should be keeping it. There must be other issues at play behind the scenes here....9 IS successful in OKC but not a rich company like Belo - why Belo is selling is weird! |
Date: 17-Oct-00 01:02 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Webmaster Read all about it on KOTV's site: |
Date: 17-Oct-00 12:35 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Mike Bruchas Geographical location: The Nation's Capitol still Here in DC - 2 employers that I worked for, threw the normal employees and spouses/dates only Xmas party - just like back in OK. Those were the most fun. A lot of same sex dates are seen here too - so we are always politically correct in not asking questions. But parties are getting smaller and places spending less money on them. Several places donated $$ to charities at Xmas - which I approve of but then nixed their parties for staff, "because of this". They never say how much they donate to the staff though...Kind of an altrusistic political correctness... |
Date: 17-Oct-00 10:58 AM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Chair Okie Boy Geographical location: Mom's kitchen How did you find TTM? Bazooka Joe gum wrapper Burch-Ruddle-Miller, |
Date: 17-Oct-00 07:46 AM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Jim Ruddle Email: Geographical location: Rye, NY One of the first things I heard when I signed on with the Peacock was that NBC stood for "No Bonus Christmas." |
Date: 17-Oct-00 07:41 AM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Mike Bruchas Geographical location: Dawn Patrol with Al Roker & an NBC crew Love live tv - been at work since 5am with a NABET crew here in DC doing "hits" with Al Roker in the Today Show. He is in DC for a Court TV show. You folks don't realize he and Katie Couric start early and do local promos for stations all over the country BEFORE 7am Eastern time or are busy during local holes where you see local news inserts. Busy busy busy doing promos for radio + TV. |
Date: 17-Oct-00 07:13 AM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Mike Bruchas Xmas bonuses - yeah - birds and hams became MORE prevalent over the years everywhere. |
Date: 16-Oct-00 06:48 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Jim Reid Email: Geographical location: Dallas When I was at channel 8, you got either $50 or $100 as a Christmas bonus, depending on how long you'd been there. |
Date: 16-Oct-00 05:35 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Mike Miller Email: Geographical location: Vienna, VA KTUL-Radio continued Christmas bonuses after moving from Boulder-on-the Park. I remember one year (probably 1959) we got a sack full of silver dollars plus a turkey. |
Date: 16-Oct-00 02:02 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Frank Morrow Email: Geographical location: Austin, Texas Except for the low salaries, KTUL was a reasonably happy place to work in the early-mid-1950s. There wasnt so much complaining on the announcing staff as there was at KAKC, where the announcers toiled, not only in poor working conditions, but also with the knowledge that they were working for a scuzzy radio station. |
Date: 14-Oct-00 07:13 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: P. Casey Morgan Email: Geographical location: KWGS in Tulsa Edward Dumit sighting alert! |
Date: 14-Oct-00 03:18 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Mike Miller Email: Geographical location: Vienna, VA Charles Dickerson was among the various Tulsa talents used by my father from time to time. I remember "Stout Hearted Men," at some of the Lew Miller-produced shows. |
Date: 14-Oct-00 07:34 AM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Jim Ruddle Email: gardel@erols.comr Geographical location: Rye, NY Charles Dickerson had one of the finest natural voices one could expect to hear. Beginning in junior high school--Horace Mann, no less--he developed a ringing baritone voice that was simply magnificent. He had a teacher, an elderly brocaded lady whose name now escapes me, but who taught nearly all those in Tulsa who aspired to classical or semi-classical singing. |
Date: 13-Oct-00 11:11 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Lowell Burch Email: Geographical location: Looking at the ceiling of Apollo's Martial Arts School of Self-Defense How did you find TTM? Crisp and clean with a minty after-taste. Speaking of TJE's death on Gunsmoke, my old Gilcrease Junior High band director, Charles Dickerson (rest his soul), claimed to be to last person to be shot dead on Gunsmoke. He made some other outrageous claims to us kids back then and I often wondered how he got hisself involved in showbiz. My answer came a few weeks ago when, on OETA's Movie of the Week, they showed his picture with Arthur Godfrey as a Talent Show winner. That was quite a prestigious achievement back in days of yore (I know, Yore what?), and a decent springboard into the venue. Back in days of yore, and a de-scent'd spring boar on the menu? |
Date: 13-Oct-00 02:37 PM (on
Tulsa Time) Name: Steve Todoroff Email: Geographical location: The place Albert Gore, Jr. calls, "The dirtiest place on earth!" Houston, TX How did you find TTM? the smog cleared and I was able to see it.
Date: 13-Oct-00 01:46 PM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Norma Ransom Geographical location: Tulsa Library How did you find TTM? I had your business card Hi, your mom was here at the Tulsa Public Library.
Date: 13-Oct-00 02:03 AM (on Tulsa Time) Name: Webmaster Just finished Guestbook 57. It might as well be called the "8's The Place" Guestbook, since it is filled with comments and pictures from former KTUL people! |