Wednesday 12/06/2000 8:53:16am
Name: Steve Smith
Location: Seattle, WA
How did you find TTM?: Friend sent me
Comments: Mike, the music KTUL played during that signoff was a old Henry Mancini tune called "Dreamsville". My folks were big fans of his during his heyday and I have all manner of pleasant memories connected with his music.

Since we're on the subject of local commericials, one of my favorites was "If you didn't buy at Reeves, you paid too much!" And I never forgot "poor ol' pappy"!

Much obliged,'ve answered another long-standing question. Thanks! And here is the
Music from Peter Gunn, by Henry ManciniCD "Dreamsville" is on: Music from Peter Gunn. Click to hear a RealAudio sample of the song at (or to buy the CD). It is now available in the TTM Gift Shop, too. I just added it to my Christmas list.

J. Lee Ready has an article about Reeves TV & Appliances in the December 2000 issue of Oklahoma Family Magazine. Flint Reeves' first career was singing. He sang in Hollywood with the Robert Mitchell Boys Choir and appeared in several movies, including "Going My Way", "Blondie Goes Society", and "Sweet Rosie O'Grady". He has worked with Roy Rogers, Betty Grable, Judy Garland, Eddie Cantor and Cyd Charisse. He did radio commercials for "Pappy" with Billy Parker.

Flint is now 74, trimmed down, looking good, and still making those pitches for Reeves on TV.

  Tuesday 12/05/2000 10:02:42pm
Name: Jim Reid
Location: Dallas
Comments: Good to see Pete Abrams is still kicking. I have Pete to (thank/blame) for my career in TV.

When I was first hired, I had never actually set foot in a TV station other than to fill out an application. They put me with one of the projectionist/switchers to train.

At the end of two weeks, they brought me in and informed me that it didn't appear that I had learned anything. They told me they would give me another chance and put me with Pete on the night shift.

After a week of that, they told me everything was fine and I could keep coming in and getting a paycheck.

  Tuesday 12/05/2000 9:08:42pm
Name: Erick
Location: Tulsa
Comments: As a born and bred Oklahoma Citian, I must concur with Jim Back's comments on the BC Clark Jewelers Christmas jingle. It is simply not Christmas until you hear it. This will be my 4th consecutive Christmas having not heard it, and I owe you one Jim for the website link. About 10 years ago, I appeared (quite briefly) in a BC Clark commercial singing the song. This is something they started probably 15 years ago. They'll set up a video camera outside on of their mall stores and get people to sing the song. People love to do it I'm sure.

"Jewelry is the gift to give..." ;)

Erick, remember that Trust House Jewelry (OKC) music I mentioned way back in Guestbook 1 or so? It is on the tape that Steve Smith sent me as a background for a Cy Tuma signoff! I'll get it out here soon. I sure would like to identify it.

  Tuesday 12/05/2000 9:01:32pm
Name: Lee Woodward (via email to webmaster)
Location: Tulsa
Comments: Ah, the McQueens!

Marvin McQueen (the original) used to send me a fifth of Glenlivet scotch on the poet Robert Burns' birthday. Lionel always read one of his poems on that day and Marvin was enthralled. Glenlivet at that time was about seventeen dollars a fifth, it is now about forty.

I did some occasional work for that agency and then I was hired to be the talent and in-house video for anyone who carried "Daisy Air Rifles". It was about a ten minute film. The production was directed by Angus McQueen. I found him most convivial and easy to work with. The shoot took us all over Tulsa and over to Rogers, Arkansas. There, we were in a high school gym where targets were set up to demonstrate the power of the Daisy Pump Pellet Rifle. I proved this by firing into a men's room where the pellet richocheted about fifty times. Had someone been in there, I would now in Big Mac on a murder rap! Or if lucky, the resident of that room would have been greatly relieved.

The shoot ran late, and that is when I discovered that Rogers, Arkansas closed up about seven thirty at night.

I never saw the video and have no idea what happened to Angus. I hope he is fat and happy.

  Tuesday 12/05/2000 7:38:02pm
Name: P. Dawson Abrams, The First. dagnabbit
Location: Ok Ok, Alright allready, Jax Fl.
Comments: If a tower falls in Coweta/Oneta, does anyone hear it?

OK OK. Seriously, The eminent and most verbal Dr. Bruhaha tends to stretch the truth quite a bit, but yes, I did work there for a while. Let's just blather over the fine points.

"puttin on really strong reading specs...."

OK. Ow.

"Pete was from the St.Louis 'burbs and was a child genius was a musician, ingenious engineer, and great live event director."

Laughter is THE best medicine, especially when applied to anyone who's ever worked at 8. Or 23. Or anywhere else, I assume. I ain't smart, I might be lucky, and playing music is one of 2 things I'd really like to do for a living, but nobody'll listen.

My toyroom at the house here in Jax is surrounded by a rather large amount of soundproofing material. My Family has bad taste in music? Or perhaps I can't play myself out of a paper bag? You are free to draw your own conclusions.

As for music, and especially directing/punching live music, well, that is probably my favorite thing to do. I have been out of all of this directing stuff for a while, but if my taxi fares/tips hold up a few years longer, than yeah. I could afford to do that again. I spend most of my money replacing televisions that were accidently bricked (with a real brick) because of my dissatisfaction with the current slew of musical presentations. But life goes on. Anybody who has some spare bricks, please contact me. Thanks in advance.

"Last heard he was in cable TV. One of the best folks to ever work at 8, too!"

All I can say is this - It was a gas, and I am still amazed at the Talent that Ch 8 managed to procur and/or create, mostly through luck (Ed Dumit, in one of my classes at TU, told me of a job opening at 8. I took the job. Left Ed's class. Another story.) History has shown that this was an excellent place to be from. If we ain't dead, we be doin OK. I'm amazed at the email I've gotten in the past 24 hours. I thank you all.

"In the days before the internet - Pete met his wife on a newfangled thang of the early '70's - a BBS. So his
romance by long-distance also utilized then state of the art DOS computer technology!"

Ha. On this I must be anal, something I'm kinda good at, btw, as I had a very good Teacher. (bzzzt. hint - it was jmb) OK. It was '83, DOS was around, but I was luring women into my lair with a portable Commodore, aka the SX-64. I was working for Challenger Productions, a Dick Horan/Terry Phipps/Steve Davis collaboration that had its great moments in the sun, including Live-Aid. And a few that would be better off not talked about. My pre-nuptual-to-be had an Atari. So There.

In any case, I'm tickled Black and Blue to have stumbled onto this place. And I am also amazed at how many people that I knew then have checked in. Keep dem cards and letters comin. I miss um, most of you.

Thanks for the memories, as well.

regards and ciao,


  Tuesday 12/05/2000 1:21:19pm
Name: Webmaster
Location: Tulsa
Comments: Another question for the TV commercials quiz:

7. "Odd Ogg, Odd Ogg,
Half turtle and half ____."

A Hog
B Vulcan
C Frog
D Fast


  Tuesday 12/05/2000 12:09:00am
Name: Mike Bruchas
Location: ChinaTown in DC - soon to be gone....
Comments: Ackerman-McQueen was a regional ad agency in OKC then Tulsey, then we started to hear of them in TX. Just plain Ackerman Advertising was always one of BIGGIES in OK and if they came to your station to shoot spots - it was a big production by OK scales.

About 5-6 years ago - started to hear of them in DC doing political and p.r. work. I asked a producer from their shop here on an edit session about Angus McQueen
and I might have well been asking about STEVE McQueen.

I guess they have grown so big the corporate culture ain't there any more....

  Tuesday 12/05/2000 12:03:48am
Name: Mike Bruchas
Location: Land of the Lost - Washington, DC
Comments: Okay - where IS Gunilla Knutson today and does she now look like OUR grannies do?

Peter Dawson Abrams lives! Last heard of - in GA - workin'in Cable. Pete was from the St.Louis 'burbs and was a child genius as a musician, ingenious engineer, and great live event director. Last heard he was in cable TV. One of the best folks to ever work at 8, too! In the days before the internet - Pete met his wife on a newfangled thang of the early '70's - a BBS. So his romance by long-distance also utilized then state of the art DOS computer technology!

Note to Jim Ruddle - was in Chi for 10 days because my Dad was ill - was very scarey to see a VERY old John Drury doing the late news still! Missed Walter Jacobsen on Fox WFLD and did not see Harry Volkman on weekend weather duty.

  Monday 12/04/2000 5:19:42pm
Name: Jim Back
Location: OKC
Comments: The B.C. Clark Christmas jingle is to Oklahoma City what the OTASCO jingle was to Tulsa. The only difference is they are STILL playing the B.C. Clark jingle over here every year. You can listen to this relic from the 1950s at B.C. Clark is the OKC equivalent of "Hi, I'm Ernest Moody your jeweler." It must be heaven for them. They have a classic Christmas commercial that is now so much a part of the Christmas "tradition" in Oklahoma CIty that it even gets requested occasionally by radio listeners, and it probably doesn't cost them a thing in royalties.

Well, wait. Ackerman-McQueen originally produced this jingle, so they probably have figured out a way to charge every year. (You know how those agency folks are!)

  Monday 12/04/2000 4:14:59pm
Name: Steve Bagsby
Location: Talahina Hula Club
Comments: The OTASCO christmas jingle brought back some great memories! You could tell when the shopping season officialy started because they would run those ads into the ground in the afternoon.You'd get about two minutes of Uncle Zeb and 85 OTASCO commercials! But if you were a kid it was great because you got to see all the neat stuff coming out.

  Monday 12/04/2000 3:31:38pm
Name: Peter D Abrams
Location: The Chad State
How did you find TTM?: Search engine
Comments: Bruchas...Bruchas...Bruchas.

Now why does that name sound familiar to me?

(hello I must be going)


  Monday 12/04/2000 3:11:02pm
Name: Robert M
Location: Norman (Soonerville)
It's that time of year again when I reeely need help and thus call upon the patron saints of TV/Radio Land. Help requested involves the mystery of an OTASCO radio commercial/jingle that aired (on KVOO I believe) around Christmas time every year. My best guess would be early to mid 60's. I (still) need assistance with the second verse:

'It's holiday time, time to be gay,
Save on your gifts in a wonderful way.
Get a merry Christmas value from OTASCO.
(flute music followed by voice over)
' . . . . second verse . . .
Get a merry Christmas value from OTASCO!'

So, anybody out there with memory abundant or archived jingle.wav(s)??

much obliged and happy holidays!

OTASCO Christmas jingle  11/21/2003:  Here is a version of the jingle, courtesy of Joe Riddle and Wayne McCombs!

  Monday 12/04/2000 2:20:12pm
Name: Guillermo Jose (Billy Joe) Domingo
Location: Puerto Escondido (Mexican pipeline)
Comments: We've got the wolf

So neat and trim

Little Red Riding Hood

Is chasing him


  Monday 12/04/2000 2:02:01pm
Name: Don Norton
Location: Tulsa
Comments: Correction: Tulsa Rose and A. Leonard Rosenberg (Tony Randall) are in the 1937 Central High School Tom Tom. It's Paul Harvey Aurandt who is in the 1936 volume. I noted this correctly on the material I sent to Webmaster, fortunately! I guess I was remembering that Tony became a father for the first time at 77 years of age a few years back and thought for a moment he was older than Harvey. Sorry! Also must admit our fine Webmaster corrected my spelling of Noxzema. It can't be that I'm getting old!

  Monday 12/04/2000 2:02:01pm
Name: Webmaster
Location: Tulsa
Comments: Found a very interesting Tulsa site linked from Rockin' John Henry's page. How have I missed it? Tulsa history is explored mostly via postcards of high and low architecture. Some of the things to be seen there: the Golden Drumstick, Parkey's Restaurant, Will Rogers Motor Court, Bordens, and Bishop's Drive-In (not Restaurant).

Date: 02-Dec-00 01:36 PM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: Don Norton  
Geographical location: Tulsa, Auto, Suburban Sprawl and Ozone Capital
For Steve Bagsby and Lowell Burch:

The "Take it Off, Take it ALL Off" girl appeared for Noxzema Shaving Cream. She was a beautiful Swedish model named Gunilla Knutson (spellings subject to possible revision).

After World War Twice, the Burma-Shave Company realized automobiles would be traveling at higher speeds in the future (great prediction!) and decided to remove all its signs. This disappearance of American nostalgia prompted a 1965 book by Frank Rowsome, called, "The Verse by the Side of the Road." This contains all, or nearly all, of the verses used by the company. Great light reading when you have time! A few years back, Reminisce magazine organized a project to put at least one sign in every state (but not for shaving cream, of course!). I suspect the sign you report seeing in Tulsa for Burma-Shave escaped the purge for some reason or other. Or maybe a collector grabbed it when he heard it was to come down.

I added a link above to this book at Also added it to the TTM Gift Shop with your comments, Don. Thanks.

Date: 01-Dec-00 08:39 PM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: Lowell Burch
Geographical location: Mazeppa used to call it Bokachito
How did you find TTM? Unpacked the Christmas lights and there it was at the bottom of the box!
You can see this one on road to Persimmon Hollow near 71st and Garnett:

Car in ditch

Man in tree

The moon was full

And so was he!


Date: 01-Dec-00 10:53 AM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: Steve Bagsby  
Geographical location: Oakhurst, America
How did you find TTM? Slicing julienne fries with a vegomatic
And speaking of mens' grooming, what brand of shaving cream was advertised on tv with a sultry babe saying "take it off...take it all off"?

The answer can be found in the new TTM Gift Shop, as it happens. Look for the TeeVee Toons "Commercials" CD.

Date: 01-Dec-00 07:58 AM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: David Bagsby
Geographical location: Lawrence KS
How did you find TTM? via the Danl. P. Holmes Freeway
My fave:

The monkey took

a look at Jim

and threw the peanuts

back at him


Date: 01-Dec-00 07:49 AM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, NY
I never thought I'd be quoting Burma-Shave at my age, but as long as they're in the mix, here's my favorite:

He was right, dead right,

As he rolled along,

But he's just as dead

As if he'd been wrong.

Date: 30-Nov-00 04:38 PM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: John Hillis  
Geographical location: By the side of the road
How did you find TTM? Back of a sign for Baker's Catfish
Within this vale

Of toil and sin

Your head grows bald

But Not Your Chin


I have proven the truth of this longstanding proverb.

Date: 30-Nov-00 09:37 AM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: Chair Okie Boy  
Geographical location: Bryan County
How did you find TTM? Went into town for supplies

The correct spelling is Bokchito, just 13 mi. east of our beautiful county seat, Durant (pronounced doo-rant).

Not to brag, but I am a former dry shave champion 3 years running (I grudgingly relinquished my crown to Roy Doylefuddleston in a bitter face off in 19and71), in the greater tri-county area. Fortunately for me, my wife said I didn't have to be too sharp to be her razor man.


p.s. Mr. Fuddleston, I am still trying to locate a child's wig...

Date: 29-Nov-00 11:43 PM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: Lowell Burch
Geographical location: The Nexus of the Universe
How did you find TTM? At the top of its game.
Stubby Kaye was the man when it came to Broadway musical second bananas in the 1950's and 60's. He was a great talent that's really missed.

Sloan Dinklecamp was the maiden name of a very sweet girl here in Tulsa. She's married now with a new last name. She said she got into trouble at school and was sent to the office because the teacher asked her what her name was and thought that she was giving a made-up name.

In recent years, when my brother asked to have Sloan Dinklecamp paged at the airport, the operator refused to do so because she thought he was trying to pull a prank.

I think my chad is dimpled.

The Nexus of the Universe? You're in Bokachita?

Date: 29-Nov-00 11:06 PM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: Wayne Bracewell  
Geographical location: Ontario, Canada
How did you find TTM? browsing
Hi there! Noticed that someone was bringing up the name Stubby Kaye. God rest his soul, he was my uncle. Stubby married my dad's sister Angela Kaye. She was a Broadway chorus girl. When I was eleven years old, I attended a show at the O'Keefe Center in Toronto, Canada. It was called Good News. I met Alice Faye and John Paine. Later on in life, I rode in a limousine with my uncle, I sat beside the driver. My uncle was in the back with Linda Cristal from Bonanza! Thanks for the memories, keep up the good work! Wayne! 38 years old now!

Thanks, Wayne. TVparty has a RealVideo clip of Stubby Kaye's "Shenanigans" kid show in the 60s. Another terrific site, Yesterdayland (now defunct except via the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine), also had a feature on Shenanigans.

Date: 28-Nov-00 10:00 AM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: Steve Bagsby  
Geographical location: Red Fork I.T.
How did you find TTM? staggering around the Rose Bowl parking lot
And speaking of strange names...I recall in the 1980s that there was a campaign chairman for one of the local elections by the name of Lee V. Snee.

Check out Steve's new cartoon on the Tulsa Project page.

Date: 28-Nov-00 12:46 AM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: Lowell Burch
Geographical location: 1,500 miles NW of West Palm Beach, Florida
How did you find TTM? The back of a butterfly ballot after the third recount.
I am sending in my order for MAZEPPA Volume 3 this week! And I am buying several for my friends for Christmas. (Yes, I do have friends.) Thank you, Santa! Merry Lawzee! Ho, Ho, Ho! On Teddy, On Jack! On Eddie! On Leon and Sherman!

OK, OK, I am a bit carried away, like a kid at Christmas. So, sue me. I am just excited about the new release.

  Monday 11/27/2000 11:15:55pm
Date: 28-Nov-00 12:15 AM (on Tulsa Time)
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
Dick Head and I were in Miss Ruth Draper's Spanish class together in 1948. She was a lusty Cuban lady who was lots of fun in addition to being a good teacher. Whenever she would call on Dick, she would pause, then say, provocatively, Riiichaard.

Perhaps the name that required the greatest control to say straight on the air was that of the ferocious defenseman who played for another city's hockey team against the Tulsa Oilers in the late '40s. He always led the league in penalty minutes. His name: Harry Dick.

  Monday 11/27/2000 10:30:41pm
Name: Steve Todoroff (via email to webmaster)  
We're now accepting orders for "The Lost Tapes of Mazeppa-Volume 3". They will be available after December 1st...It will feature some shots of the old Mazeppa in all his glory, replete with robe and wizard hat.

Great...and just in time for Christmas!

  Monday 11/27/2000 12:10:35am
Name: Don Norton  
Geographical location: Tulsa, Auto and Ozone Capital
Add to the "Rose" girl/woman comments:

There was a "Tulsa Rose" in Central High School in the l930s. Her senior picture is in the l937 Tom Tom adjacent to that of A. Leonard Rosenberg (later and better known as Tony Randall). (Corrected the date to 1937 per Don's later note in this Guestbook...webmaster)

Clarifications: I "wronged" the Tulsa World; the paper listed Dr. Safety First's death the day after he departed (Saturday, November 4). and again Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday, November 8 the World published a news story which Webmaster has linked to my earlier report a couple of emissions back.

The World also came through for Frances Wellmon Anderson; after listing her as a "homemaker" November 20 and correcting that to "retired musician" on Tuesday and Wednesday, the World published a nice news story Wednesday, November 22 on page A 13 opposite a paid obituary.

I must apologize to Don...he previously sent me some pics from the '36 and '37 Tom Tom that would nicely illustrate his comments here. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get them scanned yet. When I do, I will place them with this comment, then link backward to it from the Guestbook.

Noel Confer likewise sent a photo of the crew from the 1st telethon in Tulsa, and one from the T-Town Jubilee country and gospel show. The latter shows him as "Grandpa Hawkins"! We'll get those out here, too.

  Friday 11/24/2000 10:02:46pm
Name: Webmaster  
Geographical location: the State of Satiety
How did you find TTM? In the process of eviscerating a turkey
Be on the lookout for a familiar voice on a "Burger Street" commercial...

  Wednesday 11/22/2000 12:11:45am
Name: Don Norton  
Geographical location: Tulsa, Auto and Ozone Capital
Dr. Safety R. First, retired cardiologist, died Saturday, November 4, 2000, at the age of 80. This wasn't picked up by the Tulsa World until Tuesday, November 7. On Wednesday, November 8, the World published a news story (on page A18) which, among other things, quoted him discussing his difficulties convincing his patients that that was his real name. It seems he was also a guest on a Robert Q. Lewis show, titled "What's in a Name?" years ago.

In a previous note I recalled newsman Dick John and his early appearances on WKY as "Charlie Bishop" and mentioned I have a friend named John Dick whom I referred to as a "non-pro." Johnny was not a broadcaster, although even in retirement I think he is known to at least 70% of the engineers and other technical personnel at Tulsa radio and television stations because of his long-time association with Radio, Inc. and other wholesale outlets. I referred to him as a "non-pro" recalling Variety's (in)famous coverage of the engagement and marriage of actress Grace Kelly and Prince Rainier of Monaco.

In its section for the marriages, births, etc., of theatrical people Variety reviewed Grace's career in the movies, television, etc., at some length, and then added, apparently as an afterthought: "Groom is a non-pro."

  Tuesday 11/21/2000 3:46:50pm
Name: Mike Miller
Geographical location: Vienna, VA
Add to unusual names: When I attended Marquette High School I recall a fellow student was named Rose Bush.

  Tuesday 11/21/2000 2:32:47pm
Name: Mike Bruchas  
I remember seeing a demo cassette at 8 in the 70's for a sports guy Wade Utay (who wasn't hired), the engineers after seeing it playback, kept parroting back, "Wade Utay, you say...Tell us about that play, Utay!! Do you have a brother named Jose??" and so and so on....His life musta been hell as a kid...

It reminds me of Sasha Foo's name - as mentioned here previously -- now OKC anchor then tv newbie Jennifer Eve (yeah she got teased too re Christmas Eve...) named her llasa apso after her!

The day before she came back to work was ALWAYS Jennifer's eve...

  Tuesday 11/21/2000 1:07:33pm
Name: Webmaster  
Just archived Guestbook 62. Some of the subjects discussed were weird names, pronunciation, on-screen abbreviations, xmtrs & xtal radios (is that arcane enough, or what?)

The latest issue of FHMagazine includes a Gary Busey article, and the displayed cover of that publication reportedly warmed the cockles of at least one reader's heart. The selfsame reader told a Jim Millaway story. An Australian visitor informed us that John Doremus' voice is still heard across the land down under.

Stay tuned!

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