KVOO-TV Channel 2 Tulsa billboard for Boris Karloff's NBC "Thriller"
series. It ran 1960-62.
In late February 1997, I was in Boston taking a computer class and happened
to catch a late night episode of "Thriller", "The Incredible Dr. Markesan".
Boris himself starred, along with Dick York. I don't know if it was being
in a hotel room in a strange city, or the high quality of the show, but it
was horrifyingly effective.
Contributor Jeff Ballard gave me several video tapes this week. How fortuitous that a promo for "Well of Doom", the 1961 "Thriller" episode with Richard Kiel, was on one of them. I added it to YouTube. Watch out for those big mitts!
7'2" Richard Kiel and the 6'7" TTM webmaster. A Richard Kiel "Twilight
Zone" clip and more on "8's The
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