Lee Woodward & King Lionel

I have been requested by friends and fans to offer some insights into Lee & Lionel after retirement...LW&KL

The TV Years

If you have just stumbled in here and want to review the history of Lee Woodward and King Lionel, there are wonderful web pages you can go to for that information: Lee Woodward & King Lionel and A history of Lee & Lionel.

So.........Let us begin..........

The King and I

The King and I

All dressed up for being named a TULSA TV ICON by the Tulsa Press Club in 2003. Lionel had not been out for awhile and was rowdy as usual...as was I !

A day at home with Lee & Lionel

This page begins on April 11th, 2004...


I have just moved my wife's Ferrari out from the garage so my handyman can clean it out. Okay?

Handy Man

The handyman looks a lot like me; I guess that's why my wife hired him? I hope he throws that old kerosene lamp out. Hey! this ain't "Deadwood." But she might have another opinion!


This is my new Harley! It's got an incredible engine. All the goodies are "Shimano" so its 21 gears take me to interesting venues. It's the only way to tour downtown Tulsa and posh enclaves.


My private mechanic found some washer fluid for my Mercedes (which is an exact copy of a Plymouth wagon.) It's fun to be coddled!

Mechanic 2

Of course it's nice to have an expert check the work I have done. I tip with catnip.

The King and Ivy

The King relaxes after his work, close to his favorite ivy bed. He hides there and awaits the unwary sparrow who feeds on my fescue seed!

The King's custom boots

These are King Lionel's custom boots that were provided him by an old friend and fan long ago. If you would like to guess who gave them to the King, I will give the correct answer and background in a future note.

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