Date: 22-Mar-00 03:32 PM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
I wrote previously about the bad judgement used by the KTUL staff and management
in presenting a (semi) re-creation of the Woodward tornado. I guess I should
fess up to a somewhat similar thing I did, though on a much smaller
In the 50s, the main attempt of radio to meet the TV challenge was
to come up with slogans and self-congratulatory promos. For instance, in
1951, KVOO had its receptionist answer the phone with, Wherever you
go, theres radio. KVOO.
There also were on-air promos. One such thirty-second announcement started
with, We interrupt this program to bring you a special
announcement. How many times have you heard this sentence over the
past years, alerting you to an important news story. The announcement
continued, talking about how great radio was and how much it served the public.
After I had read this about three times over a weeks period on KAKC,
I became bored with reading it straight, i.e., in a merely conversational
manner. I decided to use some of the new reading aloud techniques which Ben
Henneke had been teaching us in speech interpretation class at TU. Consequently,
when the next announcement came around, I read it this way:
I paused for effect. Then I continued on in a conversational manner with
the rest of the promo.
The four phone line lights lit up immediately and simultaneously. I had forgotten
that the Korean War was still going on and that people might have loved ones
fighting over there. The people were furious. I had scared them. I had my
butt chewed for about thirty minutes.
Fortunately, no one contacted the station management the next day. But I
learned my lesson. I also became aware that more people might be listening
to KAKC than I ever imagined. Finally, I realized that Ben Hennekes
speech techniques really worked.
I wonder if Ben Henneke is on the internet yet? |
Date: 20-Mar-00 09:29 PM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, TX
A few years ago Tulsa Central used to have all-class reunions. They were
held every other year and took place at the new Central high school. It was
great to be able to talk with both older and younger graduates as well as
kids who were attending school there at the time.
The first reunion I went to in 1988, during the "Daze" presentation they
asked the oldest graduates to stand up. There was one from 1914 and another
from 1915. Next year's Daze featured all the Football Queens they could find.
The most attractive one graduated in 1925. A student who was a page and guide
for us was so interested in seeing my two basketball pictures from 1950 and
1951 that we had to unlock a door adjacent to the gymnasium, then crawl upon
a table to see the pictures which were hanging near the ceiling.
But I got the biggest kick out of something the graduates of 1936 and 1937
said. I asked them what my basketball coach Clarence Ehlers was like. They
replied that he was a very nice boy. I then asked them about Paul Harvey.
They looked at each other. Then one of them said, "He was a little snot!"
They all nodded in agreement.
And now you've heard...THE REST OF THE STO-RY. |
Date: 20-Mar-00 07:53 AM
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, NY
Paul Harvey, real name Paul Harvey Aurandt, was one of Miss Ronan's major
products. He made his first big splash in Chicago when he went over the fence
at the Argonne National Laboratory, in the Chicago suburbs, to prove that
security was lax at this top secret installation. He got arrested and it
was big news at the time. When we produced "KVOO Day" at Central High School,
each year, Harvey would always send a good luck/good wishes telegram to the
kids. The thing that always impressed me about him is that he writes his
own stuff--he has the formula down pat after fifty years, but it's still
good, even to the well-planned pauses and seeming search for the right word.
Some of his commercials are half script-half ad lib, but he knows so well
what he's doing that they come out as straight-from-the-heart endorsements.
He won't endorse something unless he knows the product. I told Noel this
People from Tulsa (the Southwest and Midwest generally) have frequently differed
from the East in the pronounciation of the words "either" and "neither."
We prefer "eether" and "neether," while the more effete types go for "eyther"
and "nyether." I first met Paul at some benefit event in Chicago. Of course,
I knew who he was, but I'd been on the air there for only a short while and,
somehow, he knew I was another Ronanite from Tulsa. He walked over to me,
shook my hand, and said "I'm glad to note that you don't say 'eyether' eether."
Date: 20-Mar-00 02:03 AM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, TX
Paul Harvey was another product of room 216 at Tulsa Central---Miss Isabelle
Ronan's speech classroom.
Date: 19-Mar-00 09:10 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: Warshington, Dee Cee
1.) Alex Dreier was one of the first biggie Chicago newscasters I can remember
- I think on WMAQ-TV. He and the late Len O'Connor to me had the same kinda
Chicagah delivery. We were surprised when Dreier went west to do news and
became an actor. He was in a couple of so-so movies and popped up on series
like Dragnet, Hawaii 5-0 and Ironsides. Jim Ruddle can probably correct me
on this if my time-frame is wrong.
Another first newscaster I can remember in Chicago was Ulmer (not Elmer)
Turner on WBKB-TV/WLS-TV. He started in radio.
2.) Re DJ's with an English accent - was Garry Kemp at KRMG in the 80's?
Lee Ready - aka Buford Montaigne on weekends on KVOO was another. Lee is
still doing freelance writing in Tulsa when not auditing someone's books
or other activities....
3.) The Chicago-Tulsa connection - someone refresh our memory on Paul Harvey.
He was born in Tulsa and his late dad was a cop or deputy that was killed
when he was an infant.
I remember going to WLS radio in the 70's - he had his own studio - later
he "fed" daily from his home in Oak Brook, IL - close to where I grew up.
As mentioned here earlier both KOTV and KTUL bid to carry his undated
commentaries in their news.
I can remember calling him,"Paul Scurvy" at 8 but like fine wine his common
sense grew on me. When he came out on stopping the war in Viet Nam - he like
Walter Cronkite - were middle American icons. I gained new respect for him.
Paaaaage 2!
I enjoyed listening to Garry Kemp on KWGS in the late 70s. He read "Pride
and Prejudice" in morning installments, and got me hooked on that book. I
believe he went on to work at KVOO. Anyone know where he is now?
Paul Harvey can still be heard on KRMG in Tulsa. He doesn't seem to be
as political as he did when he appeared in those filmed commentaries of the
late 60s/early 70s. |
Date: 19-Mar-00 01:30 AM
Name: Noel Confer
Mike, you asked, here's a partial list. Joe Williams, Stan Kenton and June,
Ella, of course, Frankie Laine, Russ Columbo, Chet Baker and Gerry Mulligan,
later, Ray Charles. Tenn. E Ford's "16 Tons" and all the cats at "Love's
Lounge", on Greenwood, in Tulsa
I particularly like the Ella Fitzgerald/Louis Armstrong duets. Chet Baker
(born in Yale, Oklahoma)...sometime, you might want to see the movie about
him, "Let's Get Lost". Do you like the early Baker/Mulligan pianoless
Pete Rugolo would be familiar to 60s TV viewers as the man responsible
for the music of "The Fugitive" and "Run For Your Life", among many other
shows. He and Oliver Nelson ("Stolen Moments") did a lot of TV work, so 60s
TV had the "West Coast" jazz sound. "Run For Your Life", starring Ben Gazzara,
often featured jazz musicians on the show as themselves, working in smoky
Speaking of that show, how did Ben Gazzara get such a great shave? He
must have used baby oil. |
Date: 18-Mar-00 06:44 PM
Name: Deborah Mills-Thompson
Geographical location: TULSA, OK
So happy to see the "Dance Party" site. I was a very excited 14 year old
when I danced on the show. Lee Bayley made me spit out my chewing gum! It
is one of my fondest childhood memories. Too bad kids today don't have access
to a program like this. This site just keeps getting better. THANKS!!!
You're can listen to Lee in 1970 on the
KAKC page. |
Date: 18-Mar-00 02:07 PM
Name: Noel Confer
Regarding Mr. Morrow's comments about early KAKC, during the time frame he
mentions, I was working as chief announcer for KVOO-TV. To pay for the upcoming
birth of my first child, I took a mid-6am "moonlight" job on KAKC. Until
that time, I had never aired a 45 RPM record. I'd had years of making many
trips with armloads of dusty 78's. I was shocked to be told that my show
would consist of playing the 40 top hit and one pick of the week, and then
playing them again....and again. I was sure that "top-40" meant nothing but
rock&roll. Well, the number one song tht week was "Young Love" by Sonny
James, a country singer. The first record I played was "A Rose and a Baby
Ruth". As I listened to the insipid lyrics, wonder what any brat young enough
to like it, was doing awake at that time of night.
The request line rang. It was a Tulsa policeman, who said, "That's the most
beautiful song I've ever heard." I don't remember how long I worked both
jobs but it wasn't long 'til I went with KOTV for about a year and then moved
to San Diego. For the next seven or eight years, I freelanced TV and worked
for top-40 radio. I didn't become too fond of most of the music, but it paid
a lot of bills and for two more sons. I moved to country stations for the
next many many years. My hat is off to anyone who stayed "pure" and played
only the "good" music that they personally enjoyed, but I adopted the theory
that I was being paid to air what the audience preferred. By doing so, I
could make enough money to go home and listen to what I damn well wanted
When I gave notice to go to Tulsa TV, the radio PD told me that television
was just a fad. I think I felt that way about top-40 for a while. It's been
a very long fad.
Noel, who are some of your favorite artists from the pre-Top 40 era? Some
of mine are Nat Cole, Les Paul, Django Reinhardt/Stephane Grappelli, Ben
Webster (mostly jazz, as you can see). |
Date: 16-Mar-00 12:21 PM
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, NY
This isn't really a Tulsa story, but it has a connection. I just learned
that Alex Dreier died in California, aged 83. Many Tulsans listened to him
for years on his morning newscast out of Chicago, sponsored by Skelly Oil
Co. Also, his "Man on the Go" series ran for many years on Tulsa radio. He
was a man of considerable girth and, even so, he was a man on the go who
had been an early radio correspondent in Germany before the Nazis kicked
him out. After he retired from daily TV and radio work in Chicago, he went
to the West Coast and engaged in some acting, as well as a lot of philanthropic
work. He was rich as hell. He built a big house that had a stream running
through it, a little waterfall, the whole bit. Then, it was learned that
the water came from an old break in a big water main that had been undetected
for years, so he had to pay for his water. One of the great radio voices.
I also saw that in the paper. Here is his
filmography. |
Date: 16-Mar-00 11:54 AM
Name: Rex Brown
Geographical location: Bird Creek Cultural Basin
Web site: Maduko Corporate
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Mr. Zing
How did you find TTM? Turned left at Turley.
This is a blatant promotional item for a gig March 18th at the The Bowery.
A band from San Francisco will be appearing that features Les Mobley on drums.
Red Meat
Les was the drummer for such local `80s icons as The Insects, Astre, The
Rayn and Radio Milan. He has been playing with Red Meat for about 3 years
now and they have released 2 CDs. More info at
Red Meat is a honky tonk band that does some great stuff, authentic western
swing with hilarious lyrics. Sort of a Brave Combo doing country. The show
is at 8:00pm on Saturday, March 18th at The Bowery (Main & Brady) downtown.
Should be a great time!
Any of you 30 somethings that remember the Crystal Pistol, Bleu Grotto, Dance
Cafe, Club Nitro or Bongo Silly's should make it by and say Hi. Or maybe
"Howdy"! ®
The Bleu Grotto, the Crystal Pistol and Club Nitro are probably about
ripe for a web site of their own. |
Date: 14-Mar-00 08:59 PM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, TX
Radio in Tulsa had become rather stagnant in the mid-50s. TV was gobbling
up the audience and advertising revenue. The networks were becoming less
important, with a lot of shows being sustaining, meaning unsponsored.
With the exception of the 10 oclock news and sports and
"Sleepwalkers Serenade on KVOO, there was little or no attempt
to sell the evening hours. They were ceded to TV. The word circulated that
some stations were being run for the sole purpose as tax write-offs.
Occasionally, a station would try something desperate, such as KOMEs
becoming an all-classical music station for a while, complete with a host
with an English accent. KRMG maintained the usual all-pop music format with
laid-back, personable disk jockeys, although it did try something new with
its Newsmobile. KTUL and KVOO clung to their slowly dying radio networks.
KFMJ general manager Lawson Taylor steadfastly maintained his minimalist
music format under which the disk jockeys were allowed only the briefest
of introductions to the records---title and performer only. He also had programs
where the hosts said nothing at all. The word circulated that
some stations were being run for the sole purpose as tax write-offs.
Into this comfortable malaise KAKC exploded. Somewhere in late 1955 or early
1956, the station was sold to out-of-town interests, and the new owners proceeded
to convulse the market. They hired some experienced announcers such as Vic
Lundberg, Greg Chancellor and a man who had previously worked at KVOO. They
immediately began calling the station The NEW KAKC. They had
various publicity stunts such as playing the same record continuously during
the broadcast day. Another innovation featured newscasts which were placed
five minutes before the hour, thereby getting the jump on the other stations
and their networks which still featured news on the hour.
They also had wise-ass promos which poked fun at the other stations: This
is the NEW KAKC, the station that doesnt run-down at sundown,
referring, of course, to KFMJ, a daylight-only station. Lawson Taylor was
incensed at this breach of capitalist etiquette, but his protests to the
general manager of this rash upstart paid no heed. (This was rather hypocritical
of KAKC, because it had to reduce its power in the evening hours.) Another
station break said, This is the NEW KAKC---the station others imitate,
which we appreciate.
What brought about the next change, I dont know, but the programming
changed to pander to the young audience, with the format being dedicated
to the slowly emerging rock music, the Top 40, and the Big Five
Deejays. (Elvis Presleys first big hit did not occur until 1956.)
The DJs were younger and used a high energy, fast talking delivery to increase
the excitement level.
The change worked. KAKC shot up to the top of the polls. The station didnt
need Brother Conley any more to pay the bills. Interestingly, when I returned
to Tulsa for a few months twelve years later, the station was still calling
itself, The NEW KAKC.
These, naturally, are observations from someone who was on the outside and
working at competing stations. I would love to hear from Dick Schmitz and
others to hear "the rest of the story."
Added your comments to the KAKC page. |
Date: 13-Mar-00 04:11 PM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, TX
I, too, was a supporter of Fred Harris when he ran for the Democratic nomination.
One night he gave a radio address, and all his supporters were invited to
hear it together in a rather dumpy building in South Austin. About five of
us showed up.
However, a few days later there were about 25 people awaiting his arrival
for a personal appearance. When he walked into the room and shook hands with
everyone, his hand was as limp as an Arabs (the proper way to shake
hands in Morocco), and his eyes were glazed over. I tried to engage him in
conversation, but he seemed to be extremely exhausted from all the campaigning.
I wouldnt have been surprised if he even knew for sure what city he
was in. Yet, when he got on the podium to give a speech, he gave a lively,
short talk. Walking out of the room a few minutes later, he had that same,
vacant look in his eyes.
It reminded me of the occasion in Tulsa in 1956 the day Adlai Stevenson came
through when he was running against Eisenhower. Stevenson displayed the same
characteristics as Harris did later: glazed eyes and exhaustion written on
his face. Both of these men exhibited the devastating physical effects that
a person has to undergo in a national political campaign. I thought that,
if men want to be president that much, something pathological is going on.
Date: 10-Mar-00 11:18 PM
Name: Noel Confer
I've known, and been friends with Jim Ruddle for 53 years. We've worked together
many times...and he always has to top me. Now I'm going to have to find an
Opera with a character named either Karsov, Two-Gun, Grandpappy Hawkins,
or Elmer the Clown. Any suggestions?
Sounds like something by Kurt Weill. |
Date: 10-Mar-00 07:58 AM
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, NY
I can't get away. Went to see "The Merry Widow," at the Met, two nights ago,
and the opening scene introduces us to the Pontevedrian Ambassador, named--Zeta.
He did not, I am happy to report, wear goggles.
Date: 08-Mar-00 05:06 PM
Name: Mike Miller
Geographical location: Vienna, Virginia
Fred Harris was also one of my favorite politicians. When he was considering
a presidential bid, I asked him (on camera) if he parted his hair in the
middle so not to offend right or left wing voters! The Tulsa media loved
him because he could always take some friendly ribbing.
LaDonna once saved my career. While working at KOTV, I was about to interview
Fred in Henryetta and just as I was asking my first question, photographer
Ron Hagler roughly shoved me to one side. Youre blocking the
senators face, Ron complained loudly. I was about to utter a
four letter word, when Mrs. Harris walked up. I began the interview again.
That night, the film editor screwed up and failed to edit the false start,
including the Hagler body block. I thanked God that LaDonna had appeared
just in time to avoid any undeleted expletive from airing.
Date: 08-Mar-00 04:37 PM
Name: Jim Back
Geographical location: Edmond
To add to John Hillis' observation on the state of TV news today, I would
add that not only would they have slo-mo coverage of the blood stained floor,
they would have re-enactors showing how it happened.
Date: 08-Mar-00 08:37 AM
Name: John Hillis
Geographical location: East of Super Tuesday
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Jan Berry Scott
How did you find TTM? Politically Correct
Super Tuesday put me in a politically reminiscing mood.
My most memorable OK election night was when Larry Derryberry, running for
governor, was shot in the Mayo Hotel (A painful spot, f'sure). Derryberry
was a second-tier candidate, and our live capability was limited in the extreme,
so all the video we had was a shot of some bloodstains on the tile floors
of the hall of the Mayo. I think the Front Against Rhythmically Rhyming Names
took responsibility for the crime. Nowadays, you'd have it all live, with
a slo-mo instant replay and a red line indicating the trajectory of the bullet
into the candidate's derriere.
In the '76 presidential campaign, Gerry Ford came to Tulsa for a stop in
friendly territory. In his remarks, he referred repeatedly to his close friend,
"Mayor LaFortuna." Tuna, like the fish. The mayor winced a little, but resisted
the urge to jump up and correct the President. At least in public.
And I noticed that the KVOO photo gallery had election night photos with
the Bud Wilkinson-Fred Harris race on the tally boards. I remember a Wilkinson
campaign stop in Nowata. Drew a good crowd, but the Wilkinson appeal as a
coach didn't quite translate to the stump speech. Harris on the stump, on
the other hand, was somethin'. Thinking about pols like him can make you
wistful for the days when politics was retail, not wholesale, and the only
focus group polls were in the candidate's gut. The current crop of blow-drys
wouldn't last long in that environment, just as he probably wouldn't have
lasted long in this era of 30-second attack spots. I miss candidates with
whom I don't much agree, but who impress me nonetheless. Harris was sure
one of those.
Fred Harris is now a successful novelist. Here is his latest:
Date: 06-Mar-00 06:38 PM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, TX
In 1954, KTUL emulated Orson Welles by airing an original script that used
the same techniques as Welles did in his infamous version of H.G. Welles
The War of the Worlds, producing similar results in the audience.
A year or so before, a particularly vicious tornado had ripped through Woodward,
killing many people. KTUL decided to commemorate this tragedy by producing
a program which would tell the Woodward story.
An original script was written, and all actors were members of the staff.
I had a small role. The show took the form of part documentary and part
re-creation, but to a person not tuning in at the right time another tragedy
appeared to be actually happening. Jack Morris seemed to break into regular
programming with a bulletin stating that Woodward had just been
hit by a tornado. Continuous coverage was maintained. Various
people were interviewed, giving their accounts of the storm.
But the real storm was created by KTUL. There were not sufficient disclaimers
stating that there was really no tornado and that Woodward was safe. Many
in the listening audience thought that history was being repeated. A lot
of these people either were from Woodward or had relatives and friends living
there. The switchboard lit up. There was a storm of protest when the people
realized that the whole thing was a fabrication.
Considering the audience reaction to the Welles production two decades or
so earlier, and the riots caused by a repeat of the program a many years
later in Argentina, KTULs decision-makers certainly were naïve
to think that their Woodward program would not produce misunderstanding in
the audience. At worse, it was just plain irresponsible.
I have a hunch that Orson Welles and company weren't the least bit naïve
about their broadcast. I'll bet he was hoping for an extreme reaction. "Citizen
Kane" wasn't exactly designed to have a low profile, either.
I wonder if the KTUL brass of the time may have seen it as a way to affirm
the power of radio to advertisers. Could they have been that cynical? |
Date: 06-Mar-00 05:05 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Don Woods without
Friends, ya say ya can't get enough Okie news from TTM and you don't live
in Oklahoma any more?
Friends, why don'tcha join the Ex Okies of the World Unite club at
A place to geezervate on life as we knew it in OK and to network.
Not as filling as Black Draught or tummy warmin' as Griffin's Syrup but hey
what is?
Sorry Hanson fans - this site may be too mature for ya.
So don't forsake Tulsa TV Memories for Tulsey Town TeeVee AND Raydio News
- it's the best!
But drop by Ex Okies of the World Unite, the next time you are surfin' the
on Hamp!
Date: 05-Mar-00 07:02 PM
Name: John Hillis
Geographical location: Patent Medicine Heaven
Oh, yeah. Black Draught was what they used to call a purgative, a sort of
high-octane prune juice. I don't know what all was in Cardui, but I suspect
it was mostly alcohol that was easing what ailed "the ladies."
And one more from the same family--when I was growing up in Louisiana, there
was Dr. Tichenor's antiseptic--sold on the radio in commercials by "Cajun
Pete," originally Pinky Vidacovich of the WWL Dawn Busters program. Dr. Tich's
was 70% alcohol and about 10% peppermint oil. It was not by any stretch a
mint julep, but there were no doubt those for whom it functioned as a substitute.
It was sold as a relief for sunburn, mosquito bites, fever blisters, and
flesh wounds inflicted by marauding Yankees.
Here is a web site about
Cardui, among other things. Here is a bit about
Dr. Tichenor's
Antiseptic. His
is still available today. |
Date: 04-Mar-00 10:25 AM
Name: John Hillis
Geographical location: Way Far East Tulsa, Virginia
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Easy Country
How did you find TTM? Better with a Hadacol Chaser
Jeesh, go away for a few days and all this fun stuff happens... Ah, the
Chattanooga Medicine Company's fine products, including SSS Tonic, Black
Draught ("Makes You Smile From the Inside Out!"), and Cardui (T. Tommy Cutrer
would put on his most solicitious and smooth announcer persona and begin
those spots, "Ladies, can I have a word with you? If you suffer from..."
The girl singers also did Cardui pitches).
I don't remember which station carried the Porter Wagoner Show, which was
one of the first regionally syndicated efforts, and also one of the first
on videotape rather than film. Porter actually put on a pretty good half-hour
vaudeville show--a couple of numbers by hisself, one from the girl singer
(Pretty Miss Norma Jean, and, later Dolly Parton), a comedy spot by bassist
Spec Rhodes (he of the blacked-out tooth and "Hello, Sadie!"), a guest star
like George Jones, and an instrumental by the Wagonmasters, which had some
pretty fine Nashville sidemen like banjo virtuoso Buck Trent (who worked
with Roy Clark early in his career) and animated fiddler Mac Magaha. T.Tommy
Cutrer was first announcer, followed later by Hairl Hensley, who could get
a laugh by introing the show: "And now, here they are, the biggest stars
in country music--Dolly Parton!" Long pause and then the rest of the cast.
T. Tommy later became a state senator in Tennessee. Hairl's still working
on the Grand Ole Opry and WSM Radio.
The show lasted until the mid-70s, after the Porter-Dolly breakup, but the
best efforts were probably in black and white, when Porter's rhinestones
burned holes in who knows how many Image Orthicon camera tubes there in the
WSM studios. For a while, the show was owned and produced by Holiday Inns,
whose founder, Kemmons Wilson, dabbled around the edges of music and broadcasting
in the 50s and 60s.
Oklahoma footnote: Buck Owens, no slouch in the rhinestone department, taped
his syndicated "Ranch Show" at the studios of WKY in OKC.
And one note to make Jim Ruddle feel better: there is a tenuous connection
between Colonel Tom Parker and Coozan Dud LeBlanc of Hadacol. Tom's honorific
came from a "commission" by Louisiana Governor Jimmie Davis, composer of
"You Are My Sunshine." Parker, a former dog catcher and carny, was so taken
by the title that he threatened to fire any of his flunkies who didn't address
him as "Colonel." Davis, who's still around and recently celebrated his 100th
birthday, was a north Louisiana Baptist, so no doubt had several beefs with
the colorful Coozan Dud, a Catholic Cajun pushing an alcohol-laden elixir.
And to come full circle, Ken Ragsdale used to do a spot-on Alan Merrell
impression, wondering what kind of places of business were open during the
late-late movies that Merrell sponsored.
Date: 03-Mar-00 08:16 AM
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, NY
No connection between the Col. and the Sen. Someone told me that there was,
but it's clear they were two separate con men.
Date: 02-Mar-00 07:54 PM
Name: Lowell Burch
Geographical location: Tulsa
Web site: My TV
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Oom-A-Gog
How did you find TTM? Delicious
I thought I'd start a little homepage for you guys. Not much on it yet but
I will try to add somthing once in a while. I hope you check it out.
I like the parents have a shot of me at about age 4 drawing
a CBS eye on the blackboard.
You may have noticed that I set up a Web Ring for local television sites.
"Local Legends" in L.A. is somewhat similar to TTM. When I discovered it,
I got the Ring idea. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to discover even
one more similar site to add to the Ring! There are some about specific shows,
but no other general sites. |
Date: 02-Mar-00 03:36 PM
Name: Webmaster
Special treat, courtesy of Steve Suttle: an early KAKC Top 50 chart, now
in the
Pictures of Steve Suttle and Robert Walker from 2 other charts will be
in the Briefcase shortly.
I can remember listening to KAKC in the early 60s, hearing about this
"chart" thing. I was very excited when I got to lay my hands on one. The
logo on the chart must have burned into my brain, because it immediately
looked familiar when I saw it today.
Date: 02-Mar-00 01:50 PM
Name: Noel Confer
Jim Ruddle was correct, as usual. Col. Tom Parker was at the helm of Hadacol,
before he started managing the career of Elvis. He kept a large percentage
of the bible belt soused for a long time.
Here is a good
of Col. Parker.
And here's
The Colonel was clearly working the same kind of carny turf as Coozan
Dud, but so far have not turned up a direct link between the Col. and Hadacol
on the internet.
Read here about a book,
Dudley Leblanc: From Huey Long to Hadacol. |
Date: 02-Mar-00 11:53 AM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: Warshington, Dee Cee
Do those of you who spent time in OKC remember Alan Merrell Chevrolet?
"Due to da demands of da Mexican market, we need your used car..." or something
like that. He had dat NY accent.
The spots were cut at Channel 4 - Alan Merrell really wasn't that much of
bad guy but his rationale for years was now was time to trade in your old
car for a "good deal" from him. Often wondered if any of those cars made
it to Mexico....
Sure do. A recent article
in the Tulsa World mentioned in passing that his son ran for office sometime
back. Despite a large amount of money spent on the campaign, Alan Merrell,
Jr. lost to a retired guy, who only spent about $150 on his campaign. It
was surmised that the voters were really voting against Merrell, Sr., and
his omnipresent, Daffy Duck-voiced ads, as the article put it. Actually,
he sounded more like a jacked-up George Jessel.
This was mentioned in relation to the current campaign of car dealer Andy
Ewing ("IN Muskogee!").
Merrell's tag line was "Thank you for allowing me into your home or place
of business". |
Date: 02-Mar-00 07:44 AM
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, NY
Was the guy behind Hadacol, Senator Dudley LeBlanc, also Colonel Tom Parker,
the Elvis dude? Seems I knew this for a fact a hundred years ago.
My favorite Tulsa commercial was on radio, not TV. It ran during the noontime
farm show on KVOO and was a challenge to all the staff announcers who had
to read it live.
It extolled the virtues of "Doctor LeGear's Screw Worm Smear."
Thank God, I never had to do it.
Hadacol was a sponsor of Hank Williams' radio show in the late 1940's...During
the 1940s and early 1950s, Dudley "Coozan Dud" LeBlanc made millions selling
his "Miracle Elixir" Hadacol with the help of the top stars of Hollywood
and country music.
Dudley J. LeBlanc was also a colorful and skilled Louisiana politician,
radio host and author. He was also a promoter of Cajun culture, something
like Justin Wilson today (Justin was seen on regional commercials in Tulsa
in the 60s for Kitty Clover Potato Chips using his "I guar-on-tee" line.)
Colonel Tom Parker's real name was Andreas Van Kuijk. He was Hank Snow's
manager at the time Elvis came along. |
Date: 01-Mar-00 08:07 PM
Name: Tom Ledbetter
Geographical location: Cañon City CO
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: John Chick
How did you find TTM? Friends suggested I visit
A couple of my Tulsa friends have told me about this site, so I came on to
read what people were saying about Mr. Zing and Tuffy. I joined the show
as Shaggy Dog after the show had been on for about 18 months, and I spent
five years with it.
I worked with many talented people at Channel 8: Betty Boyd, Boyce Lancaster,
Wirt Cain, Don Woods, and many people in the production and engineering staff,
including Hurst Swiggart, Ken Kerr, Mike Denney and Tom Tipping.
But John Chick was the most talented person with whom I ever was privileged
to work. Our paths crossed a number of times. We were classmates at Central
High, and later, after we both spent time in the Air Force during the Korea
thing, we were again classmates and theatre majors at TU. In my view he was
the most talented and professional member of our acting group. As Mr. Zing,
he wrote songs, sang them, played guitar and banjo remarkably, and rode his
unicycle. I began to wonder if there were anything he couldn't accomplish.
I remember the time Jim Ruddle wrote about, when John disappeared unexpectedly
for a couple of days. Boyce Lancaster told me and Wayne Johnson (Tuffy) that
John was in Chicago for an audition. John told us later it was the hardest
audition he ever did, but that he won it. We werent surprised to hear
that. But we were surprised when he told us hed rather stay where he
was. He didnt want to move to Chicago, and he knew he wouldnt
have as much fun as he was having at Channel 8.
Our Central class is having its 50th reunion this spring, and I, for one,
will be wishing John could be with us.
Tom, it's good to hear from you. |
Date: 01-Mar-00 01:19 PM
Name: The webmaster
Archived Guestbook 33. We were just talking
about old TV commercials and patent medicines (remember Cardui or Black
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