Date: 04-May-00 02:25 PM
Name: Trey Callaway
Geographical location: Los Angeles
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Uncle Zeb, Gailard
How did you find TTM? Ran a search on KAKC
Wow! There's so much to comment about! What a great site!
I'm a writer/producer for TV and film in L.A. now-- but I grew up in Tulsa,
and still cherish my radio/TV memories.
I often wonder what ever became of KTUL's cartoon show host "Uncle Zeb."
I actually got kicked off his show as a toddler because of a heated dispute
with another three-year-old! I also wonder what happened to "Morning Mouth
McCarthy," the delightfully obnoxious morning guy on KAKC. I was a card-carrying
member of his "Morning Mouth Club," and wouldn't I love to get a hold of
one of those old plastic KAKC Supercards!
My father (a local Tulsa radio/TV producer and marketing exec) worked a great
deal over the years with Dick Schmitz at Irving-- and I had the pleasure
of working with him as well, also voicing some spots with actress Jeannie
Tripplehorn (then Jeannie Summers of KMOD). Hope Dick and his wife Irma are
still doing well. I also wonder whatever happened to that great laid-back
Tulsa VO talent whose first name I can only remember as Dino...? He used
to do a bunch of spots for either Orbach's or Oertle's, I think.
I was a jock myself one summer-- pulling the graveyard shift at KRMG, which
I also have fond memories of-- except for the time that I accidentally sent
John Erling into a tizzy after failing to reset a bunch of carts which I
had been using to make my own mix tapes. After the third or fourth mis-cue--
he finally went on a tirade until they discovered I was the unwitting culprit.
Here in L.A. during the 90's, I also had the pleasure of producing a bunch
of different radio spots with Beau Weaver (formerly of KAKC) and Ed Hopkins
(formerly of FM 96). Both men are successful VO talents in L.A. now-- and
were an absolute joy to work and reminisce with. I had first met Ed as a
wide-eyed kid when my dad took me to FM 96 and let me sit in the booth during
Ed's shift. Small world!
I also have fond memories of the Admiral Twin. I had a small speaking part
in "The Outsiders" as a teenager-- which was mostly fun for me because I
got to meet Gailard Sartain, another local hero of mine.
Anyway, I've rambled enough-- thanks again for a wonderful trip down memory
lane! - Trey Callaway
P.S. - Is the KELi spaceship building still there?
Alas, no, the mothership has flown the coop. But there is a small picture
of it around 1965 on the KVOO page.
Zeb is alive and well, and has written in to the site; see the Uncle Zeb
I saw Dick Schmitz about a year ago...he was doing fine at Irving Productions.
You must be referring to Dino Economos. Haven't heard about him lately.
Which part did you play in "The Outsiders"? What are some of your productions
out in L.A.?
Thank you for your comments, Trey, and we'll be looking for ya! |
Date: 04-May-00 10:31 AM
Name: John Hillis
Geographical location: Outside the Newseum lookin' in
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Don't Forget Poor Ole
How did you find TTM? It Found ME!
How's about Al Neuharth in a steel-cage match with Gorilla Monsoon? (My dough's
on Al...that's one tough cookie)
And speaking of Poor Ole Pappy, how about commercial jingles that stuck with
us for decades? Like:
"The whole town's talkin' about the Reeves boys,
TV boys, the Reeves boys,
The whole town's talkin' about the Reeves boys,
If you didn't buy at Reeves, you probably paid too much!"
It continues to amaze me that these things stick in our minds, but I can't
remember if I mailed the bills last week.
Other nominees for local jingles that won't leave the brain pan?
By the way, I second Mike's admiration of the Newseum--it's one of the best
change-of-pace attractions for DC visitors when you think if you see one
more neoclassical column you'll explode. The Newseum is highly hands-on,
great for kids, and grownups seem to enjoy it too. And it's all inside and
air-condition, which is no small attraction when you've been wilting in 90
degree, 90 percent humid DC summers on the momument trail. Good TV production
facilities, too...we've taped a couple of shows there where we needed a large
studio audience space. Dunno if they have any ex-Tulsans on staff.
Date: 04-May-00 07:54 AM
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, NY
To Mike Bruchas:
Which cage will Al Neuharth be in?
Date: 03-May-00 06:59 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: Warshington, Diz Zee
How did you find TTM? Janet Reno's guys knocked on my door to
tell me!
More Okies in CA in TV management.
Contributor Don Lundy - GM at KERO-TV in Bakersfield, advises that he got
a letter from Bob Grissom who worked at KTUL after our hitch there.
He saw an article about Don in the OSU J-School alumni magazine and noted
that he,too, went to OSU, graduating in 1971 and worked at Channel 8 from
(Any ex-OSU J-school types able to scan us a copy of this article?)
He' s now GM at KEYT, the ABC afffiliate in Santa Barbara (The Young + The
Restless' Mike Denney's home town).
Don's station is an ABC affiliate and he hopes to meet brother Grissom at
the ABC affiliate meeting in NYC in a couple of weeks and share stories.
Maybe get him to drop TTM a few lines.
Tis a smaller world and us Okies is a'takin' over!. Don
Date: 03-May-00 04:37 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: Shilling for the NEWSeum
Hey, Tulsans!
Get thee to Mohawk Zoo starting tonight thru 5-8 for the Newseum's "NEWSCAPADE"
mobile museum visiting Tulsa.
Interactive displays, mock chroma key news sets for kids, travelin' news
Al Neuharth - founder of USA Today and a semi-journalism legend will be there
tonight (Wed.) yakking with VIP's!
Next time in DC - DO go see the real Newseum (a name coined by Neuharth)
here in Arlington, VA - will blow you away.
Watch their TV shows on PBS or see the more restrained(?) branch in New Yawk
Date: 03-May-00 12:35 AM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
Magurk or McGuirk?
I talked with Jeff Archer today about the misspelling of Leroy's name in
my story. Jeff said that, in doing his research for his book on professional
wrestling, he saw Leroys name spelled in various ways, particularly
Magurk. He wasnt even sure of the correct spelling, which
of course is McGuirk.
Regarding my assertion about Gorgeous George getting his ideas for wrestling
from his college graduate work, Archer said that I may have indeed heard
or read this (Hell, George might have even told me that during our interview.),
but that it was just part of the hype of bogus stories that were passed around
for publicity purposes.
Its all part of the theater.
Date: 02-May-00 04:06 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: WCW or was it WWF country????
How did you find TTM? It got me in a half-nelson....
The rasslin' circuit.
From the guys that often dropped over 2" tapes on their way thru OKC at KGMC
in '80 and cadged a free soda or TV station cuppa coffee before driving on
to Ardmore or Enid - it was not glamorous, they did hit the Armory in tank
towns. Every country girl had a crush on them but havin' a fling was taboo.
They DIDN'T stay at the Holiday Inn, more likely the cheapest motel in town
or slept in their cars and showered at the "arena". They WERE conscious of
their public image. Regretably, I can't remember the names of the guys that
stopped by. Either now they are mega-stars or sellin' insurance, I'd guess.
Rasslin' was again in a period of not being campy but a blue collar sport.
Channel 34 often had "sworn to the death" opponents splitting up driving
the circuit together and stopping by. Many lived on speed and caffiene to
do it all - more like long haul truckers, not "entertainers". Usually the
guys dropping off tapes were NOT Cowboy Bill Watts but undercard folks.
Well ya gotta "make your bones" in any job, I guess...
Date: 02-May-00 09:11 AM
Name: John Hillis
Geographical location: East of Sallisaw about 1,100 miles
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: NWA Champeenship Rasslin
featuring Cowboy Bill Watts
How did you find TTM? With a step-over toe hold
When Ken Broo and I had lunch last year, he reminded me that the pesky loudmouth
8-year-old brother Billy that Barbara Goldberg used to bring by KOTV while
she was working on production crew is now Goldberg, the grappler. I just
recall the kid hanging around the sports room and being a fly. I guess that's
MISTER Fly, now.
A remarkable part of the story is that some of these guys are pretty long
in the tooth and still manage. Ric Flair came by our studios here back around
1992, and, while he still had the moves, in-person you see there are a lot
of miles on the guy, and not all interstates, either. And 8 years later,
he's still pluggin.'
Inspired by this thread, I did a web search last night, and found a bunch
of web sites for ole-time pro weestlers, including one listing the demises
of various grapplers. As you'd expect, heart attacks (sometimes even in the
ring) brought a lot of those guys down in their middle years, an indication
of both how hard it was on the road and the likely use of steroids and other
drugs. Seemingly, the second leading cause of death was auto accidents. Nor
surprising, as these guys drove from match to match, in tank towns five or
six nights a week.
Until about 20 years ago, when WWF consolidated the regional circuits, this
was the last form of retail live entertainment in a town like Vinita, or
Okmulgee save the donkey basketball game that came through once a year. But
for the performers and the promoters, the dollars were small, the roads were
long and sometimes unpaved, and the work was hard.
Date: 01-May-00 11:18 PM
Name: Noel Confer
When I was a wee lad of 12, having just moved to Tulsa, I took a paper route
which took me in the area of 1st street and Archer, downtown. It was spooky
for a kid to see at 3:00 or 4:00 am. A big event that had the street buzzing
one day, was about a gang fight that took place in the "American Bar" a favorite
hangout and fighting arena for Native Americans. This morning, as usual,
the fight was raging and the cops were called. Two officers showed up and
the crowd turned on them. One of the officers was Leroy McGuirk. Witnesses
said he had brawlers stacked up like stove wood, in front of that bar. I
didn't see it...but I believe it. Years later, I took my turn in the subterranean
studios of KAKC. When the wrestlers came down looking for "Mr Sam", they
were sure to catch your attention...particularly one called "The Swedish
Angel". If you ever saw him, you'd never forget him...I haven't.
If you have seen "Plan 9 from Outer Space" by Golden Turkey Lifetime
Achievement Award winner, director Ed Wood, you have seen the Swedish Angel,
aka Tor Johnson. "Plan 9" also starred the psychic Criswell, remembered on
this site by former mayor Terry Young: "Never have seen anyone wear as much
make-up in my life". Criswell appeared once on "Generation Rap", produced
by Terry, and starring the twin psychologists Jan Kizziar and Judy Hagedorn
(see the Other Kiddie Shows page on this site).
You can also read about Vampira, another star of "Plan 9" on Tisha Parti's
site in L.A., Local
Legends. |
Date: 01-May-00 06:23 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: Warshington, Dee Cee
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: LeRoy McGuirk and sometime
KOTV announcer/audioman/rasslin' MC, Jimmy Belden
Piggybackin' on rasslin' stories - former Tulsan Larry Burnett and KTUL/KOTV
alumnus is married to the sister of the wrestler/sometime movie/tv star,
I went to junior high and high school back in Chicago with Randy Poffo, who
was a great natural athlete but then of small frame. A pretty normal kid.
His Dad, Angelo Poffo, held a Guiness Book record for number of sit-ups or
push-ups done in 1 sitting for about 30 years. Angelo was a rassler on TV
in Chicago in the 50's, later a high school gym teacher for years. Back then
wrestling HAD been hot on TV -later was for the over 50 set and demographics
skewed to blue collar, working and beer drankin' crowd.
Randy was so good an athlete, after high school and some college - he played
baseball for the Cards farm teams for a few years, but I think injuries prevented
a long career.
You say, Randy who? Slam down a Slim Jim, Pardner - Randy Poffo - by way
of steroids and who knows what - became "Macho Man" Randy Savage - nationally
known pro rassler!
My lifelong friend John Steger - now a carpenter/interior specialist at the
JPL out in SFO - lived down the street from Randy. His step-kids can't believe
their old man (of 49) beat up Macho Man Randy Savage.
He did and made him cry - but then they were about 9-10 years old. That makes
the Macho Man about 47 - maybe time to get into movies and out of "theatre"...
Randy also was into high school wrestling - always wonder who may have beat
him - in that game - and what they would think now!
Date: 01-May-00 02:45 PM
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, NY
Another add to Frank Morrow's stuff--I love piggybacking.
In the hallways near the wrestling rooms at the old Tulsa Central High School,
pictures of onetime high school athletes adorned the walls. Among these faded
relics was one showing the handsome, young Leroy McGuirk, who was good enough
to be on the U.S. Olympic team in either 1932, or '36, I don't recall which.
Another Brave wrestler who went to the Olympics in those years was Rex Peery,
who later coached Central wrestlers for probably twenty years, then rounded
out his career by coaching at Pittsburgh U. At a reunion of Lafayette College
students, in Easton, Pennsylvania a few years ago,(I was just a guest)I mentioned
that I had once toiled under Peery's piercing eye. It was as though I had
said I had learned singing from Caruso. "Hey! This guy knew Rex Peery!" and
the word was passed along through the crowd.
It seems they take their wrestling seriously in the Lehigh Valley.
Date: 01-May-00 01:24 PM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
I wish to apologize for the gross misspelling of Leroy McGuirk's name in
my wrestling stories and E-mails. I shouldn't write those stories so late
at night/early morning. No problem...fixed it up!...MR
Also, I can't find any corroboration for my assertion that it had been stated
that Gorgeous George got the idea for his wrestling routine because he had
written a doctoral dissertation or masters thesis on the subject. I might
have mixed up George with Timothy O'Leary.
My Ph.D. supervisor would be chastising me now for such sloppy research.
Date: 01-May-00 12:10 AM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
How many people know that Leroy McGuirk was a graduate of Central, and was
an outstanding wrestler there before World War II? A dim memory tells me
that he went on to Okla. A&M and wrestled there, but Im not sure
about it. He was Jr. Heavyweight wrestling champion for a long time. I remember
hearing the name of Leroy McGuirk when I was in grade school.
After he was totally blind, Sam Avey made him the promoter of the wrestling
matches at the Coliseum. Whether that was a title in name only or if Leroy
actually performed this function, I dont know. I have no reason to
think that he didnt do it.
Avey would come down to KAKC at about 5 or 5:30pm the night of the matches,
and would do a 15 minute program, talking about the upcoming card later that
evening. Frequently, there would be one of the participants with him,
particularly Danny McShain. Leroy McGuirk was there only on one occasion
with Avey.
 Jack Moore would stay
after his day shift to do the announcing, which consisted only of an intro
to Avey, reading commercials for El Wino soft drinks, and an outro. The El
Wino commercials always had a tongue twister in it. Get your favorite
flavor of the flavor favorite. Because Avey always looked intently
over Moores shoulder while he read the commercial, Jack would improvise
a little, always making our big boss squirm. Jack particularly liked to twist
the tongue twister a bit. For instance, he might say, Buy a case of
the flavor favorite with your favorite flavor. I never heard Moore
stumble, probably much to the dissatisfaction of the rubber-necking Avey.
When Avey and McGuirk were out of sight, some of the announcers would do
a cruel simulation of a radio broadcast of the matches. Leroy was supposed
to be the color man. The announcer would say, Well, how do things look
to you, Leroy? (Silence.) Well, I notice that Duke Kiamuka bit
McShain in the ear. Did you see that, Leroy? (Silence.)
These were the mean 50s, when cruel jokes were quite prevalent. For
instance, there were Little Margie jokes.
Can Little Margie come out and play baseball with us?
Her mother would reply, Well, you know that Margie has no arms and
Thats all right. We plan to use her as home plate.
Date: 27-Apr-00 11:14 AM
Name: Wade Hemmert
Geographical location: Tampa Bay, Florida
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Unclammy Film Festival
and Cramp Meeting
How did you find TTM? Just lucky, I guess........
As I remember him, El Destructo was a man who wore a cardboard robot "suit"
(I think) on the UFFACM. He was sort of like the '70's version of Oom-a-gog;
another robot-man that permeated the Tulsa airwaves with Big Bill many years
earlier. I only saw a handful of episodes featuring "E.D." I don't remember
what his role was in the show, but I think he was there to perform goofy
antics and create mayhem in the skits performed during the movie breaks.
Mr. Sartain, if you read this, it would be so cool to have you back on the
air in T-Town. After the UFFACM went off the air on t.v., I listened to the
Unfilmy Can Festival and Camp Meeting show you had on KAKC (I think) during
the mid '70's.
By the way, I am a transplanted T-town electrical engineer who graduated
from T.U. about 8 years ago. I would consider moving back if the right
opportunity came up. So, if any one out there in TTM land is looking to hire
an E.E. in the Tulsa area, please look me up!!
Date: 27-Apr-00 08:32 AM
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, MY
Just to elaborate on Frank Morrow's remembrances of "grapplers," as the
newspapers frequently called wrestlers:
Gorgeous George started hitting the bigtime in the late forties and early
fifties. I recall him being interviewed at KAKC in 1950, attended by the
ever-present valet, and sending the girls into fits of giddiness by presenting
them with his trademark "Georgie Pins" which held his curls in place.
Lewis, or "Strangler," was one of the most talented wrestlers ever to
have entered the ring. He was probably the last true wrestling champion in
the sport, holding the title for many years. At the time he became world
champion, heavyweight wrestling was nothing like what it has become. He and
another top-notcher named Joe Stecher had several memorable bouts. Lewis
was immensely strong in the arms and his headlock usually prevailed, but
Stecher had even more powerful legs and if he got an opponent in a scissors,
it was more than likely the end of the game. In those early days, the match
would continue until someone was pinned or unable to go on. In one legendary
match, Lewis and Stecher wrestled for something like six hours in an outdoor
ring, with automobiles being brought alongside the ring as the sun went down
so that the battle could be illuminated by their headlights. If memory serves,
the match ended in a draw.
For a few years, Ed Lewis lived on South Cincinnati, in Tulsa, with his wife
and daughter. I passed his house every day to and from school at Horace Mann
Junior High. One day, I saw him on the porch and ventured a timid "hello,"
to which he responded with a great smile and a pleasant greeting. His wife
saw that I was unsure about what to do next and asked if I'd like a Coke.
I accepted, went inside, and became instantly accepted.
After that, I used to chat with Lewis whenever I saw him, but he traveled
constantly and so our meetings were not that frequent. He was well past his
glory days, about sixty-five, and weighing in the neighborhood of 275-pounds.
His head was huge, his ears almost closed with cauliflowering, and, as Frank
said, his voice was deep. But he was the walking cliche of the Gentle Giant.
One day, while I was hanging out with chums outside Quaker Drug Store, on
18th Street, Strangler and his wife showed up. He was in a sweat suit and
had been running in Boulder Park. They greeted me and he put his arm around
my shoulder and we talked for a minute or two before they walked away. All
the guys were round-eyed at this apparition and couldn't wait to find out
who the "monster" was.
I read about Ed "Strangler" Lewis in, of all places, Henry Miller's "Plexus"
(I think). I sure didn't know he lived in T-town at one point. |
Date: 26-Apr-00 11:43 PM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
I met three professional wrestlers during my radio career, two of whom I
interviewed on the KRMG Newsmobile in 1957. Each was a memorable occasion.
The first one I interviewed was Gorgeous George when he was at the height
of his career. As I understand it, after writing his doctoral dissertation
on professional wrestling for a psychology degree, George decided that he
could really take advantage of his new knowledge.
He was the first to invent the bizarre school of wrestling. Before he would
enter the ring, he had a valet who would spray disinfectant in the ring,
followed by bursts of perfume. Next, rose petals were dropped around the
wrestling mat. George then would make his dramatic entrance, wearing long,
glittering, expensive robes, and looking like Liberace if we all had been
on LSD. He had long, curly, blonde hair, which he had "done up" perfectly
before the match. George was a villain who also could be cowardly. People
hated him. All this made him famous and rich.
Jeff Archer, who wrote
the best book on professional
in a Squared Circle"tells me that "George was the FIRST wrestler
to identify television as the future for wrestlers creating a persona and
becoming household names. According to world famous legendary wrestler Killer
Kowalski, Because of his antics, most people did not realize the Gorgeous
George was one great wrestler. There were few who could match him in wrestling
skills. Kowalski attributes all the notoriety he and others received
to Gorgeous George putting wrestling on the TV map."
Because I was almost always scrambling for subjects to present on the KRMG
Newsmobile, I decided to go out to the fairgrounds and interview Gorgeous
George before the matches, which would start in about two hours. He was not
the friendliest guy in the world, particularly after I asked him before we
went on the air if he preferred to be called Gorgeous, or Mr. George, or
a combination of each. After an introduction about the matches later in the
evening, I asked him when he was going to get his hair done. His eyes flashed
lightening. "It already IS done!" he snapped. The interview didnt last
for much longer.
The next wrestler I interviewed was the opposite of George. It was "Farmer
Jones." He was a good-natured man from Arkansas who wore overalls with only
one strap holding him in. He was an awesome sight: He was huge---well over
three hundred pounds. Jones was so big that he couldnt fit into the
front seat of the VW Microbus to do the interview. I had to open the sliding
side door so we could sit inside the vehicle with our feet resting on the
ground. I sat down first. When Farmer Jones followed, the poor Microbus tilted
so precariously that I had visions of the Titanic and Lusitania.
But it didnt faze the jovial Jones. He said, "I shore love to scramble
with the boys"---his term for wrestling (or "rassling" as it generally was
known, to differentiate the "grunt and groaners" from the legitimate high
school and college wrestlers). "Once I git on top of em, they aint
goin far."
My first contact with a professional wrestler occurred in 1952 at KAKC when
I was doing my night disk jockey show, "Music for Listening." It sometimes
could get a little lonely and a bit scary down in the basement of the coliseum
all by yourself, with nothing to keep you company but the sounds of your
music, your voice and the scrambling of the rats on the other side of the
wall behind you. During such a moment I heard the buzzer from the front door.
I looked through the control room window and the large studio and down the
long hall to the door. I could press a button and let the door be opened,
if I chose. A huge figure in a long, black overcoat was pressing the buzzer.
I didnt recognize him, and continued to look at him while trying to
decide whether to let him in. He then started to bang on the door. That convinced
He strode toward the control room with the confident steps of a man who was
used to getting his way. As he threw open the door, I saw an enormous man
with menacing eyes and black, bushy eyebrows. He had very large hands which
looked like they could snap anything in two. But the most impressive thing
was his neck, which was larger than his ample head. There was no flab.
"WHERE'S SAM AVEY?" he roared in a deep, cavernous voice. (Avey was the wrestling
promoter and owner of KAKC.) It was eleven oclock at night. Not only
would Avey certainly not be at his piddling radio station at that hour of
night, he didnt even have an office down here. This is what I was thinking.
I merely told the man that Avey was not there and I didnt know where
he was.
"Well," he said, fixing me with a look which could make you incontinent on
the spot, "When you see him, tell him that Ed Strangler Lewis
is looking for him!"
With that, he turned and strode out of the control room, through the newsroom,
and down the hall. A sonic boom accompanied his closure of the front door.
I felt my body to make sure that I was all there, and checked all my orifices
to see if any further action was required. I felt lucky to be alive, having
survived this encounter with the man who for many years was the terror of
professional wrestling in the heavyweight class. His nickname was his signature;
his technique very simple. Although he had retired, he looked like he could
handle anyone, anywhere. All these images about this man are still so clearly
engraved in my mind. Ill never forget those menacing eyes, that
fear-instilling voice, and particularly that enormous neck.
Maybe pro wrestling deserves its own page at
this point. |
Date: 26-Apr-00 11:05 AM
Name: Wade Hemmert
Geographical location: Tampa Bay, FL
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: G. Ailard S. Artain
How did you find TTM?......While searching for memories about the
"good ol' days" in Tulsa
Does anyone out there in TTM land remember the 45 that Mazeppa recorded for
Brass Monkey records back in the early 70's? The songs were "Scope Them Turkeys
Out" B/W "What's So Funny?" I think I wore out my copy (and my parent's patience)
by playing it so much. I remember it was available at all the ".....downtown,
Southroads, T.U. (at 1417 East Eleven-teenth), Springdale, Eastgate" Greer's
locations. Ahh yes, those were the good ol' days.
On another topic, didn't Peter Hardt host another late nite horror show some
years after "Fantastic Theater" ended? Seems like it was in the mid to late
'70's and it featured old serials from the '30's and '40's like "The Crimson
Ghost" which starred the late Lone Ranger, Clayton Moore.
A number of people here have remembered that single... You mentioned "El
Destructo" (a "robot" featured on the Mazeppa show) in your first note; could
you tell us more about him? Or Mr. S.Artain, if you are reading this in
"Classic Cliffhangers" is the show you are thinking of. It was mentioned
in Guestbook 13. |
Date: 25-Apr-00 10:45 PM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
For Bill Hyden: I tried E-mailing you, but the msg was bounced back as an
invalid address. This happens to me with specific people. I can receive from
them, and can reply to them, but I can't originate a msg to them. Weird.
I have no choice but to send this to you on this web site:
Good to see you are still there. It has been such a long time between E-mails
and entries in the Memories web site, I was getting worried.
I had a parallel reaction from KRMG. I offered to send them several tapes
from my years there in 1956-57. I received no answer. Apparently they were
not interested in the old, old days. Or, perhaps, the real reason is what
happened to you: corporate HQ wanted to run everything themselves. It's another
example of what happens when out-of-town conglomerates own everything.
When I was in the Navy, I referred to headquarters as "hindquarters." I guess
the appellation is also applicable for the corporate big dawgs.
Date: 24-Apr-00 08:46 PM
Name: Bill Hyden
Ransom, Confer, al...
Yes, I think an all-media event would attract ex-radio-TVers by the numbers.
Perhaps media suppliers, etc. might even underwrite the whole thing, if organized
properly... with enough lead time.
I do have some 200 addresses (including 118 e-mail) of ex-KOTV personnel...and
I was involved in the 1994 KVOO and KVOO-TV reunion. We have the contact
list from that.
The KOTV reunion last November was a crash program! It two solid months out
of my life and I experienced 'deficit spending'. I couldn't do that again.
I had hope that some will step forward to plan another. All the contact
names/addresses are readily available from me. I would help as time permits.
Since KRMG's 50th Anniversay was also in 1999, I tried to interest them in
'participating' in the KOTV gathering. I had inquiries from KOTV-exes about
people who worked at other television, and radio, stations. The response
I got back from KRMG (someone in the upper echelon of Cox, I think) was a
message on my answering machine: "We don't want your assistance..."
I suppose my plea is for someone to step forward and start organizing a planning
group. It would need at least a year of planning. People have to prioritize
the event and put it on their calendar...ahead of time! We had nominal response
for a summer of 2001 KOTV re-reunion...which may not be feasible now.
Two guys that could help make it happen are Norton and Confer...they helped
a lot last time.
Let's gooooooooooo Tulsa..... Bill
Date: 23-Apr-00 07:28 AM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
Thanks for the light blue letters.
You're welcome. If anyone else has suggestions, please let me know. I
do things the way I THINK they'll work best, but I like to get feedback. |
Date: 22-Apr-00 08:20 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: At work - again on a "holiday" weekend
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality:
DC cops call it being on the bubble - for us in TV/radio - it also means,
"Holidays? What holidays?".
So many of us have worked holidays forever or had Xmas on Dec. 27 or Dec.
22 because we were working Xmas Day.
I am doing it this holiday weekend, luckily I have no family here to deny
my presence from.
But - ah ha - this is a holiday that has some stores closed (hello, Walmart?)
and wants family members together - but you viewers need your news and
entertainment, so we work.
My librarian here at GoodLife TV delivers pizzas for Domino's to supplement
his unfortunately meager paycheck. He is off Sunday WITH holiday pay - the
Domino's pizza franchises are giving their help Easter off!
Easter has never been a "paid" holiday for us techies or newsies. I think
by mistake 1 year, a station I worked at DID give us holiday pay on Easter
but nowhere else ever has. It was always tough to explain to those new in
the industry that it ain't a REAL holiday to management like Xmas.
This is a busy news weekend though - I got called at 6am after about 2 hours
sleep by an INS friend - who said, "Turn on your tv - NOW!". It was the press
lead-in to the news conference on the Elian snatch in Miami at 5a.m. today.
I spent 2 1/2 years at INS as a contractor doing video, a/v and telephony
projects - so I worked as a munchkin (low life techie - "the old AV guy"
I was refered to as with brass) for the current Commissioner.
I could hear the AG's Parkinson's causing her hand to softly bang the podium
mic continuously - at the long press conference this morning - so I knew
she was stressed out. She IS a nice person and I felt for her.
That shot of a Border Patrol SWAT guy (finger OFF the trigger) was scarey
and probably the picture of the year.
Most of the Border Patrol SWAT guys I vaguely knew were Texans/Arizonans
that helped local police out West if called upon and get little p.r. - patient,
good old boys or ex-Army special forces types - who don't fire first like
our other federal gendarmes.
Yep, from the folks John Hillis commands here at NewsChannel 8 to WTTG Chief
Photog ex-Muskogean Carlos Hernandez - it will be a long weekend covering
Elian and his Dad here. Some stories never wrap up neatly....Some images
do remain with us though, sadly....
Mike, I hope your work day is not too arduous. Thanks for the background.
I also noticed that the finger was intentionally off the trigger in the picture
on page one, something I had not been aware of from the TV coverage. Has
to be a Pulitzer winner.
Hope you all have a Happy Easter. |
Date: 22-Apr-00 07:09 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: Alexandria, VA
For you Buddy Rich fans - the late drummer did a jazz suite based on the
Monitor theme. I had it on disk from World Pacific Jazz from the early 70's
- but saw recently that is now available on CD - check your local record
My disappointment when coming to Tulsa in '69 was that KVOO - then MOR format
- didn't carry ALL of Monitor all weekend long like WMAQ the NBC O&O
in Chicago did. Of course about that time WMAQ went wacky and tried country
for a while and lost a lot of MOR listeners in Chicago. 5,000 or 10,000 watt
AMer WJJD - owned by Plough, Inc. of Memphis - makers of all that suntan
oil we used to buy - was THE one and only country station in Chicago for
years. I think they still beat out 50,000 watt WMAQ for the country audience!
I believe WMAQ still carried Monitor on weekends - was a great concept in
radio programming!
To relate Buddy Rich to TV, I remember a Bob Newhart show in which his
name came up. Bob was telling Emily that he had been in an Army band that
once worked with Buddy Rich. I forget the exact setup, but the punch line
was Bob recalling Buddy telling him, "Man, you stink!"
There is a CD available entitled " their worst!" For
one track, a disgruntled member of Buddy Rich's band secretly captured on
tape a lengthy and profane tirade against the band by Buddy about how bad
they stunk. Do you suppose he was a perfectionist? He was a great guest on
the Johnny Carson show, though. |
Date: 22-Apr-00 05:39 PM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
I remember hearing Jim Ruddle from time to time doing his network news. I
was so proud to see another ex-Central, Ronan-ite make it so far in radio.
I also marveled at how beautifully mature his voice had become.
We're trying lighter blue links on the black pages at Frank's
suggestion...what do you think? |
Date: 20-Apr-00 11:01 AM
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, NY
Monitor was a great radio program, with its readily identifiable beeping
sound. Bob and Ray were regulars, along with their inimitable cast of
characters--my favorite being the fashion-conscious reporter "Natalie Attired."
I got collared for Monitor duty while working at WMAQ (AM and TV) in Chicago.
I had a regular network radio newscast at 8pm, Central Time, ("NBC News on
the Hour") but when things got short-handed in New York, particularly in
the summer, I would be asked (told) to do Monitor News on the weekend. This
meant I would fly out of Chicago on Friday night, hole up in some hotel in
midtown Manhattan overnight, work the noon to eight p.m. Monitor newscasts
(every other hour) then go back to the hotel and sleep so that I could get
up to do the eight a.m. to four p.m. Monitor trick. Then, back on the plane
to Chicago so I could do my regular radio and TV workweek. Sometimes this
would go on for a month or more.
I might add that, along with a lot of other clowns, I worked under an NBC
boiler-plate contract that said the company had "unlimited use" of our services.
There was nothing additional in the pay envelope, because everything was
credited against a guarantee and it was impossible to run up more credits
(by the fee schedule) than the guarantee, which, at first, was simply scale.
Noel's idea sounds good to me. But let's not wait too long. I can't get away
at Christmas.
Hey, Jim, we need to get at least a picture or two of you from your radio
and TV days. |
Date: 19-Apr-00 06:32 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: Muggy Dee Cee
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Harry Volkman
How did you find TTM? The need to confess my sins er stories
of KTUL and KOTV...
Radio voices from around the world. I was addicted with my first crystal
set picking up the old rocker WCFL whose transmitter towers I could see from
my house as a kid. Okay they were 2 1/2 miles away but trees were shorter
then. WCFL -owned by the Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL - get it?) and
later based in Marina City, those twin corn cob buildings in all the movies
- which was owned by the Flat Janitors Union. Yep in Chicago - "supers" were
janitors and lived in your complex. Had money, too. It was a sad day when
'CFL went Christian after rocking head to head with ABC's WLS for years and
was sold. Sadder when rocker and market leader WLS went news-talk. WCFL was
Mutual radio, too.
Can remember hearing Richard C. Hottelot in the 50's-70's and CBS Rome's
old old guy, Winston Burdett seemingly forever. Burdett I think was a Murrow
"boy" from WWII and was stuck in Rome after maybe a touch with being blacklisted
here as a suspected Communist fellow-traveler of the 50's - have to check
Howard K. Smith's book or one of Bill Shirer's great tomes on reporting.
CBS' long-running "World News Round-up" at night ran 15-30 minutes till the
80's - lotta talk for radio!
NBC's "Monitor" anthology weekend radio was an addiction till it was phased
out. More up beat than NPR is now. Gene Rayburn of THE MATCH GAME was a long
time personality on it.
When driving to Tulsa from Chicago in my '67 Buick Opel - we would always
listen to **Arthur Godfrey** on CBS radio on KMOX if going thru St. Louis
around 10am. Hard to believe in the late 60's, early 70's - he was STILL
on the radio! And the shows though low budget weren't bad. Godfrey didn't
sound half in the bag all the time either.
Last night heard Gaby Tabanyar (pardon the mis-spelling) from Manila on CBS
radio on the big plane crash - he was CBS' guy there FOREVER. Though I also
think he covered Viet Nam and Malaysia. He sounds great and less breathless
as he was when younger though he must be upper 70's now. Even vaguely remember
seeing him on a CBS TV a few times way way back when.
When I was at TU - we always joked about being "Morris Gindi, Cairo" as a
fake announcer's name kiss-off in radio class. The REAL Morris Gindi covered
Cairo for CBS and the Middle East also for eons.
You always wondered how these guys got on when NOT stringing for CBS radio
or whomever.
As a comedy schtick,we would try to imagine Morris Gindi or Gaby Tabanyar
doing all-talk news radio in their fast,clipped tones or helicopter traffic
reports in Manila or Cairo... "We have ox cart congestion on the 405 and
a bad bad waterbuffalo scat slides on Sepulveda..."....
Or reading live copy spots for places like "Country Bob's House of Satay
and Felafel"..... uh huh....
The crystal used a "whisker" (a bare wire insulated from your fingers)
to find a sensitive spot on a galena crystal. This formed a natural diode.
Then you tuned in a particular station by putting a contact arm across a
wound coil.
There was also a radio in the shape of an old fashioned rocket. The diode
was built-in. It had a lead wire for clipping onto a large metal surface
to serve as an antenna. There was a rod with a round red knob in the nose
of the rocket that could be pulled up or pushed down to tune in the
station. |
Date: 19-Apr-00 12:00 PM
Name: Don Norton (KOTV News l953-60)
Geographical location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
How did you find TTM? Bill Hyden mention
I think Noel Confer's idea of a general reunion (more than one TV station)
is a good one, and it should be organized SOON! I just got word yesterday
of the deaths of Roger McGovern, a KOTV pioneer (in news) and Don Brewer,
a TU grad who went to Kansas City when KCMO (now KCTY) opened up television
Roger was Cy Tuma's first newswriter and plugged for me to join KOTV in l953.
After he left, I started six years on the noon news.
Bill Hyden did a tremendous job on the KOTV reunion in November, but was
hobbled by a bad choice of dates (Thanksgiving weekend).
Date: 19-Apr-00 12:33 AM
Name: Webmaster
Archived Guestbook 36. We talked about Tulsa
radio in the Fifties, obsolete tech terms, "Jimmy Giant", TV cameras for
sale, country music on Tulsa TV, King Lionel's music (from "Camelot"). Heard
from Don Norton, from the latter of the two known Tulsa radio Jim Peterses,
and welcomed back Erick Church.
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