Date: 21-May-00 02:42 AM
Name: Roy Byram
Geographical location: Yuma, AZ
Thanks for the welcome! Alumni '69, East Central High School. Cindy and I
were wondering; what ever happened to Mack Creager? Your search engine didn't
direct us to an obit, so is he still kicking? Mack and my father-in-law,
Ken Vandever were great friends from KRMG days as well as KOTV. I remember
trading cheap shots with Mack gettin ready for the six o'clock and the ten
o'clock news. By the way, you forgot about Gary Griffith who was a sportscaster
at KOTV. His dad was Tulsa police chief!
Cindy reminded me that the original castle for Lee and Lionel's afternoon
movie show was retired to her family's garage until it was donated to a day
care center in Tulsa. Lionel and Granny Lion (there was a third lion but
his name escapes me) were also housed at the Vandever home. Some really bad
puppet shows were staged for the neighborhood kids in that garage. I read
that KOTV let Lee Woodward go in the 80's. that was a big mistake!! Then
again, I left Tulsa KOTV for San Diego KFMB-TV because of the stupid management
at the station. Some Dunn and Bradstreet Bigwig's son; that had been fired
from a station in Hawaii; made a bloody mess of the whole place. He was the
cause of my father-in-law retiring early from KOTV's Sales Department.
If Bob Brown ever writes back, I would like to again apologize for rear-ending
him in the KOTV parking lot in December of '70. My car was a new '70 Ford
Torino, his was an older Buick or Olds.
Oh, Sartain needs to tell about the "live" broadcast of his show and how
all the "night people" of Tulsa besieged the station and took most of it
for souvenirs. We laughed about it for three weeks!!
Time to sign off, By the by, what is your name?
Mack was at the KOTV 50th anniversary reunion; see pics on the
KOTV page.
The other puppet was "The Count"; see pic on the Lee
and Lionel page.
I was wondering whose terrible idea it was to lose one of Tulsa's great
TV personalities, Lee Woodward.
Re the live Mazeppa show: I was there, but not as a kleptomaniac. See
the "Origin" page for the story.
And the name is Ransom, Mike Ransom. ;-) |
Date: 19-May-00 06:55 PM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
Regarding talent fees------
The stations could be mean spirited about money for announcers. We heard
rumors that talent fees were sent for us announcers, but were kept by the
station management without notifying us of their existence. Just as penurious
was the general manager of KFMJ who demanded a 15% cut of any extra voice
work done by announcers---that is, if he could find out about it.
I inherited the $15 per show talent fee for the evening sportscast on KAKC
after Mack Creager left in the late summer of 1952. Mack told me about it
and advised me to fight for it. It really galled the program director, John
Wheeler, that I was to get such a hefty fee for the Mon.-Fri. 15 minute show.
This gave me a total of $325 a month for a 48 hour week, which wasn't bad,
and unheard of at KAKC. But, KAKC almost had the last laugh, because I had
to threaten to sue KAKC and the general manager, Jim Neal, in order to get
my last months paycheck after I left for KTUL.
This type of thing apparently is still going on. I saw an article about eight
years ago which stated that the highest profit rates in broadcasting were
in Texas, mainly attributable to the low salaries paid their on-air people.
Date: 19-May-00 06:15 PM
Name: Noel Confer
In the early 50's, I started announcing on KVOO-TV, Ch.2 for 75.00 per week.
I clowned on a kid's show for $5.00 per show, and I M.C.'d a music/talk show,
three days a week, for another $5.00 per show. I was named chief announcer
after a short time and my salary went up to $85.00 per week. We got $3.00
per spot for a live on shift spot and $5.00 for a live spot call back. Of
course I paid $90.00 per month to rent a nice 2 bdrm house. I bought a brand
new '55 Ford for less than $3000, with payments of $55.00 per month. I was
glad to get it. In '55, I moved to KOTV for $100 per week and made practically
nothing in talent fees. My last month on Ch.2, I grossed $1000. Talk about
being in tall cotton !!!
Date: 19-May-00 11:33 AM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: Washington, DC
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: KRMG icon Richard
Was reading in Broadcasting - longtime GM of KAKE-TV in Wichita, Martin Umansky
died at 83. Probably raised the bar in local programming in Wichita and created
a great local station of the 70's and 80's. Made KAKE a community-service
icon - kinda the way Tom Goodgame tried to do with KTUL in his heyday. Local
news AND public affairs were important responsibilities. For years KAKE would
have been a likely potential employer for us "escaping" T-town.
BTW his son Barry whom I worked with in DC at NAB (he was a staff counsel,
now a hotshot communications lawyer) - I never knew was one of us from the
Southwest, never connected him and THE Martin Umansky - so I guess it IS
a smaller world.
Date: 19-May-00 10:50 AM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: Warshington, Dee Cee
To Frank M. et al: question. Were radio guys getting salary + talent fees
when you worked in Tulsa? All of us TV techs got hourly wages at 40 hours
a week (and begrudgingly got o.t. OR comp time) but I often remember radio
brethern stuck working 6 days a week to make their 40 if not salary. John
Chick made all of $5 talent fee for doing v.o. for slide spots at 8 but looked
forward to doing on camera spots for the BIG money - which I am guessing
was $25-50 a spot unless a live spot in his show then he got a "taste" of
each spot he "sold" as a minimal commission plus a minimal on camera talent
At KVII in Amarillo - we got comp time which MOST of us were never allowed
to take when we wanted to and most of us ended up losing. When you left the
company - comp time was NOT turned into cash. Policy was "you should have
taken the time when WE offered it to you."
Other than my former boss there - former engineer/good old boy/straight shooter
Toby Tucker whom I heard left TV - most were snakey small market TV types.
Grrr. I am sure there are a lot more stories to tell.
I may have mentioned RL Bullock and Howard Craig Smith of KTUL both working
in Springdale, AR in the early 70's before coming to 8.
The owners paid sporadically - maybe you got your first 2-3 checks on time
then as I recall a.) you might be paid once a month "due to cash flow" and
then that would be behind 2-3 weeks or b.) never again. Big turn-over and
as I recall when the station was reported to Arkansas dept. of Labor - "the
fix was in" - for years I was told, nothing done to protect the employees
about backdue salaries but a state official was slipped cash by the station
owners - a "bud" as Jimmy Leake might have called them. Also complaining
employees may have been snitched to station management so their tenure would
have been short-lived.
Had to wonder with Tyson's and all the so much much more richer employers
in Sprindgale if this wasn't much more wide spread....Life ain't fair.
I think it was the former TV station in Goodland or Hays, KS (now just a
translator) that had studio crew bunks in the back of the studio in the '60's
- hard to find help - so workers got free rent, a small salary but were on
call 6-7 days a week. Get yer meals at the DQ.
A positive perk was at a station in Springfield, MO with a swimming pool.
Not having a sufficient water supply nearby for fire protection but was told
the owners had a pool was built for this and an as employee/family perk.
Does anyone recall which station this was???
Date: 18-May-00 07:53 AM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
In 1956, I overheard a TU history professor talking with a government prof.
The latter was saying that he had received an offer from Ohio State, but
that he was holding out for $4,500 a year. The history teacher was green
with envy. I thought, "Damn. I'm making $400 a month at KRMG, and I thought
I was underpaid!"
Oh, yes. By 1948 my dad's salary in Tulsa with British-American Oil Co. had
risen from the $185 in 1939 to $375. This was a drop from his World War II
salary as an Army major. He was raising a family of four without much
stress---single income family.
Date: 18-May-00 03:36 AM
Name: Roy Byram
Geographical location: Yuma, Arizona
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: anyone at KOTV
How did you find TTM? by accident
I worked at KOTV from January 20, 1970 until August 1, 1974; as a broadcast
engineer. Starting in the Videotape/projection area and moving up to Audio
Control and eventually to Technical Director (Switcher). I left for the greener
pastures of San Diego, CA and worked at KFMB-TV Channel 8 for a short while
until I went into the Air Force.
I also married Ken Vandever's (Head of Sales at KOTV) youngest daughter Cindy
24 years ago and have three beautiful daughters. I currently manage a RadioShack
here in Yuma after managing a smaller one in California for three years.
Enough about that! I do however have a few stories to "rat" on the on air
talent crew at KOTV. Like the Mack Creager incident. A whole lot about Mazeppa
and others. For a small fee, my silence can be assured. Just kidding!! I'll
blab to anyone that wishes to hear them.
Special note to Gailard Sartain, I know what happened to your original wizard
hat from your first season on KOTV. By the way, you make an excellent Oliver
So, from the guy in the control room, signing off. Play the Moonlight Serenade
and cut the transmitter.
I definitely remember reading your name in the credits. Also, I checked
my 1966 Lewis and Clark Jr. High yearbook, and you are there. |
Date: 18-May-00 12:40 AM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: 2 floors below the streets of DC
Salaries! Not TV but I recall reading somewhere former TU Pres. and beloved
prof, Ben Graf Henneke made something like $1,500 a year post WWII.
Long time Speech Prof. and sometime broadcaster Rod Jones also mentioned
that was what he could expect with a Masters, teaching at TU. I guess college
profs weren't supposed to make decent salaries THEN.
Makes me realize now why my Dad, just a high school grad but Medical Corps
dental tech with the Illinois National Guard, returning from the WWII Pacific
Theatre opted for getting "a good Union" trade job as a photo-engraver apprentice
rather than going to university for 4 years and dental school and achieving
a now long-lost dream of becoming a dentist.
You had to put food on the table and a union job had a better chance of doing
that then...
Date: 17-May-00 03:50 PM
Name: Frank Morrow
Geographical location: Austin, Texas
There was a unique program featured on one of the three Tulsa stations before
World War II. It consisted of the announcer reading various things such as
pithy sayings, aphorisms, and particularly commercials of no longer than
five seconds duration. He read them slowly because the listeners were supposed
to write down all the designated statements verbatim, then send in their
dictation to the station. Those whose responses were perfect
in grammar and spelling would receive a pro-rated share of a small pot of
This being 1939, and with the Depression still going on, my English-major
mother would write intently, hoping to supplement my fathers $185 a month
salary with British-American Oil Co. By the way, this income was big in 1939.
He brought his family to Tulsa from Bartlesville in 1937 where his salary
was $85 with Indian Territory Illuminating Organization, which later became
Cities Service, then later Citgo. Oh, yes, our rent at 13th and Trenton was
$27 per month for a two-bedroom frame house which still had an icebox, not
a refrigerator.
It does seem that previous generations had a better handle on grammar,
spelling, etc. If you watch the old Groucho Marx quiz show, "You Bet Your
Life", you see that the average working person appears to have had a pretty
solid foundation in geography, world affairs, etc. (unlike some of the
contestants on Regis Philbin's show). Of course, the Jeopardy contestants
of today aren't too shabby. |
Date: 17-May-00 12:17 PM
Name: Charles R. Scribner
Geographical location: Okie from Muskogee. OK USA
Web site: Camera Collector &
Misc Links
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Mr Zing
How did you find TTM? Pippin Toad Me!!!
Hey!!! I like It!!!! Jerry said it was a good one.
Thanks, Charles...Charles was interviewed on Jerry Pippin's internet radio
show last week, the same show I was on. Charles' site has a staggering number
of links to photography-related sites. I just took a peek at the one about
3D cameras...interesting. |
Date: 16-May-00 05:52 PM
Name: Jim Back
Geographical location: Edmond
Mike, Jim Wheaton is who you're trying to think of. He had several clients
in the '70s, most notably U-Need-M Tires. Remember the tom-toms, then the
catch phrase, "Ugh! You Need'm Tires?" I think there are a few threads on
him several Guestbooks ago.
See Jim Back's comments from the Guestbook, and one of Jim W's print ads
on Tulsa Radio page 5. |
Date: 16-May-00 05:14 PM
Name: Mike Miller
Geographical location: just outside the Beltway at Tysons Corner,
I think Perry Ward did Safeway spots. He was always nice to everyone and
upbeat on and off camera. I remember his son. Somebody should provide an
Also, what was the name of another one-man ad agency who did a LOT of radio
commercials in the 70s and possibly later. He had a distinctive older
voice and I think I first heard him doing Conners Corners (great burgers)
spots. First name could be Jim. Help.
Date: 16-May-00 10:21 AM
Name: Frank Morrow (via email to the webmaster)
Here is a follow-up to our discussion on todays commercialization.
As I was driving back from Dallas to Austin today, I listened to the most
popular call-in station to check out the content. Here is the rundown of
discussion/calls vs. commercials:
Talk, 4 min.; commercials, 4 min.; talk, 4 min.; commercials, 5 min; Network
news 90 seconds; commercials, 2 min.; local news, 2:25; commercials, 4:20.
That is all I could take. I felt embarrassed when I remembered my previous
entry about commercials in which I had said that two minutes seemed to be
standard, and that occasionally there were three minutes of commercials.
Of course, I didnt even mention the plethora of info-mercials
that we see on TV. All this has ushered in a new word regarding the media:
My TV-watching experience was completely changed by the introduction of
a) cable channels, and b) the zapper
In the past, you would tend to stick with a station out of sheer inertia,
since, to change, you would be forced to stir off your haunches.
The number of stations available bred a lot of itchy trigger fingers.
That probably forced a more frantic pace for programs, attempting to forestall
the inevitable "zap".
In the old 3-station days, you tended to "work with" a program for a lot
longer before giving it the boot.
The TV landscape after midnight is definitely a "vast wasteland", wall
to wall infomercials. Ron Popeil is still in there pitching, though.
Date: 16-May-00 08:54 AM
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, NY
I idly took a spin through the TTM archives and, surprisingly to me, found
only one mention of Perry Ward.
This is odd, because Perry was omnipresent in the fifties, pitching everything
he could bring to the tube. He ran a small ad agency and did his own commercials.
A smiling, rotund fellow, Perry had to work hard to bring in revenue in a
market that featured too many business owners who hawked their own products
on the air.
He had cheat sheets scattered all over the set, because, naturally, everything
was live and there were no teleprompters or even cue cards. One of the
problems--one among many in live TV--was that when you were supposedly safely
off-camera, the switcher (human or electronic) might be hung up and there
you stood with a piece of paper in your hand--a mortal sin, to be sure.
Perry was usually unflappable, able to make the proverbial chicken salad,
no matter what the situation.
On one occasion, he was delivering a commercial for one of the supermarkets,
a task that involved extolling the qualities and prices of several items
during a one-minute break. The piece de resistance was a thing called the
"Syfo Syphon Bottle," a device that allowed you to turn a water-filled jug
into a sophisticated seltzer bottle. Perry showed how you simply took the
cap off a bottle, poured in plain tap water, inserted the CO2 cartridge,
pushed a button and--Voila!--a stream of sparkling liquid gushed into your
I don't know what the problem was: Perhaps the threads on the cap were defective,
or maybe he just screwed it on wrong. At any rate, as he moved to the climax
of the demonstration, the camera racked over to an extreme close up of his
hands holding the bottle, his thumb pressing the button. And, sure enough,
water came out of the spigot. It also came out around the cap, lots of it.
Perry's pudgy little hands and his crisp white cuff were solidly drenched
by sparkling, foaming aqua which dripped happily toward the floor.
And then the denouement: A medium shot of Perry, soaked to the elbow, still
dripping, and being forced to assure the audience that they could purchase
this wondrous contraption "for only two forty-nine." He never wavered. He
said it as though it was really a good deal, one we'd all love to have at
Perry's son, a very nice kid, worked at Channel Six for a time--maybe for
a long time, for all I know. I left and lost touch with most of the staff.
Wasn't Perry Ward the spokesman for a chain of supermarkets, like maybe
Safeway? I do remember him.
Jim, your story about Gordon MacLendon's wire recreation of a baseball
game with the imaginary errant dog (see the Sports
Page) was quoted by Jerry Pippin on his KBIX radio show last Thursday.
He loved that one. |
Date: 13-May-00 11:13 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: Downtown Warshington, Dee Cee at 11pm
Sat. nite
How did you find TTM? My Mother told me to go there....after
taking out the trash...
Mother's Day stories in the 70's and today - how do you tell them. KTUL used
to try find the oldest Mother or Mother with most kids or do yet another
story on Mom's at work on Mother's Day - i.e., nurses and such. Or the Mom
of quads, quints or whatever with the "cute baby" tie-in. Channel 6 would
have done something more artsy. What then do you use for "holiday" music?
We wanna honor Mom but it is tough. (entry edited at Mike B's request)
Date: 13-May-00 01:14 AM
Name: Noel Confer
Come on, you guys. Time after time, I have griped, and moaned, and bitched
about filling out the BMI/ASCAP forms. Perhaps not as much as some of you
because I was more understanding, more placid...and because I was an ASCAP
Date: 12-May-00 05:05 PM
Name: Jim Back
Geographical location: Edmond
Those BMI/ASCAP guys were/are indeed a real pain. I don't know how it's done
today, but in the 1970s, we'd have to drag a typewritter into the studio
about twice a year for a week at a time to keep track of every song we played.
These logs were not used to figure out how much to charge us, but instead
were used to extrapolate how much to pay each of the song writers in their
catalog. So it wasn't enough that we paid them, we had to do their job of
assigning payment to their already-overpriced talent!
A few years ago the cable companies were sued by ASCAP - not over license
fees for networks like MTV, HBO, etc., but because they wanted money for
any and all of their music used on local public, education, and government
(PEG) channels. Most such music comes from licensed music libraries, but
we don't typically keep records on all that. They said we could just pay
them a blanked annual fee and be done with it, or we could try to prove we
don't use their music by researching and documenting every single piece of
music used (like for background music when city council agendas scroll on
the screen, etc.) on every local PEG channel. It's almost like they were
saying, "You cable operators probably aren't using much of our music, but
we figure the cost of proving it is greater than if you just pay us to go
Can you tell broadcasters and we cable guys don't have much love for music
Jim is Back! Bet you've heard that one about as often as I have been held
for "ransom".
By the way, my brother has been in much better shape for the last several
days...I am tremendously relieved. |
Date: 11-May-00 03:54 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: Washington, DC
How did you find TTM? Eddie Fritts School of Music Rights
When I worked as Night Supervisor at Pyramid Video in DC - one night about
12 years ago was pressed into service to edit some video for ASCAP - the
music rights folks - for their NYC office.
The client was engaging and I mentioned I had worked at NAB and how anti-music
rights the association had been. The producer said formerly he had been the
district coordinator or whatever they called the job of guy getting rights
cash collections from stations down in MS that covered then/now NAB President
Eddie Fritt's radio station. Said Eddie was notorious for evading these guys
at payment time and one time supposedly (when Eddie was a lot smaller
girth-wise), he crawled out an office window at the station to avoid a
We need Don Lundy, Jim Back or John Hillis to tell us now how stations and
cable entities pay BMI and ASCAP - as Jim Ruddle said it DOES boggle the
I also remember sometime after my tenure at 6, them not having kept BMI/ASCAP
records one year and they forced all the production staff to "just fill in"
(falsify) reporting forms for the annual payment.....
There is a possibility that your webmaster will make a brief phone appearance
on Jerry Pippin's KBIX internet show tonight at 6 p.m. |
Date: 11-May-00 10:39 AM
Name: Jim Ruddle
Geographical location: Rye, NY
While I totally agree with Noel and Frank about the commercial blight that
affects broadcasting, one area that has changed for the better is the elimination
of the damned second-by-second log keeping. And that annual BMI/ASCAP business
was simply insane. I don't know how it's handled now, but it was the biggest
P-I-T-A in broadcasting.
It's normal to look back at the Good Old Days That Never Were, and be dazzled
by illusion; however, the change of broadcasting from a phony public service
to an outright shill can't be looked upon as an improvement. Stations were
told to do public service--news being one way--and they all did. Perhaps
it was inadequate, with some converted plow-jockey stumbling over AP wire
copy, but it was an attempt to let a little light into an otherwise
Carlsbad-cavernous society that got its illumination, if any, from such sources
as the Tribune and Brother Conley.
PSA's and public service programs such as those touting the armed forces
and the national guard ("Here's to the Weekend Warriors...." may seem overdone
to our jaded ears, but, as far as I know, they did no harm, filled empty
airtime, and cost far less than the multi-million dollar DOD recruting campaigns
that seem to tell me that even I, antique and couch-bound, can be all I want
to be. Maybe I should leave the room.
Anyway, the idea that the Future Leaders of this Great Republic are listening
to FM rock stations that have NO, NADA, KEINE news--or maybe just word that
the first KISS concert of the new millenium is about to occur--and who never
watch news on television because it doesn't have a woofer thumping in the
background, eases the thought that my mummified remains will be on exhibit
in the Gilcrease Museum (Frontier Broadcasters Section) by the time these
twits take over.
Date: 11-May-00 12:09 AM
Name: Noel Confer
Frank Morrow and other old timers must be as shocked as I, over not just
the extended minutes of commercial time (both radio and TV), but the airing
of competitive sponsors, not only in the same break, but sometimes back to
back. Also, as I admire the wonderul production on many spots, I, as often
as not, realize that I have no idea what and for whom they're advertising.
And then we have Tom LoChiatto, Doug Hickey, and the arm-windmilling,
eye-popping guy from 4 Day Sales who stick to the basic hammer-it-home
philosophy. |
Date: 10-May-00 09:20 PM
Name: Frank Morrow (via email to the webmaster)
Before the Reagan de-regulation of radio there were some semi-self-imposed
limits on the amount of commercials. The semi part came from
the pluses which the FCC considered in the amount of non-commercial airtime
(sustaining) a station had when license renewal time came. Other
favorable factors were public service announcements and news shows.
Prior to de-regulation, at least in the 50s when I was in broadcasting,
commercials were limited: network station breaks were 30 seconds, newscasts
usually only had one main commercial of no more than 60 seconds, even though
many newscasts were of a fifteen minute duration; and double-spotting (two
commercials in a row) was frowned upon, although it occasionally was done.
If double spotting did occur, it was usually done with two 30-second commercials.
The commercials between innings of baseball were for 60 seconds. Never was
a commercial inserted during play.
The only exception to this I found was at KFMJ where the GM, Lawson Taylor,
came up with the idea of handy ads. He called them the equivalent
of want ads in the newspaper. They were considerably cheaper than the usual
commercials. There would be several short announcements stung
togethermaybe as many as ten--of about five to seven seconds in duration
Additionally, there were many public service announcements for organizations
like the Red Cross and even the CIA-front Radio Free Europe.
Even promos for the armed forces were free.
After de-regulation we can see that the broadcasters did not establish the
above policy out of the goodness of their hearts. Now, two-minute commercial
breaks are standard---many even longer---with many announcements being strung
together. Newscasts are truncated to make way for insertion of more commercials.
One-third of the airtime for TV newscasts is allotted to commercials, and
plugs for programming are placed as news stories. Commercials are even inserted
into sporting events while play is going on. (I heard a radio station in
Boston that would cutaway from Celtics games for commercials while
the players were running up and down the court.) Now, the Pentagon must pay
for recruiting commercials. I heard he most amazing example of this
commercialization when driving by McAlester, when a local station strung
together seventeen commercials and promos.
So much for the public interest, convenience and necessity.
Date: 10-May-00 02:07 AM
Name: David Crow
Geographical location: Tulsa & Stillwater
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Sam Jones, Jacob Givens,
& myself
How did you find TTM? Messing around
I hosted Hi, Jenks Live along with Jacob Givens from October 1996 to May
of 1997 on Cable Channel 20. The show was a live "Late Night with Conan O'Brien"
format program. It was very different from the current "uncreative" programming
put out by Tulsa, Broken Arrow, and Jenks.
We were the first "Hi, Jenks" class to focus on Tulsa with local bands and
guests. Our guests included Rick Wells, Sam, Jones, Uncle Zeb, and Scott
Higgins. Musical acts included Good, Black Wednesday, and Rage Against Men
(A "very local band"). This show was also put on with the help of Stephen
and Jeffrey Lassiter, Scott Guthrie, Brian Lundin, and Erin Brady. There
were also several other students who contributed to the show as well. Hi,
Jenks was a local television gem compared to what Tulsa Television offered
in the late 90's. I have tapes of every show and would be interested in anyone
who viewed or attended Jenks to give me an e-mail.
I'm sorry I missed that one. That kind of local TV is rare now. |
Date: 09-May-00 10:14 PM
Name: Bob Shelton
Geographical location: San Antonio
Favorite Tulsa TV show or personality: Boris Lon (Channel 6,
before your time)
How did you find TTM? Tulsa Police Unnofficial Site link
What a memory! I grew up in T-town in the early '60's. I saw those late shows
and late, late shows with my mother. I remember Fantastic Theater when the
theme song was "A Quiet Village," but your research into the Peter Hardt
theme is really impressive. Do you remember a show they ran a couple of times,
"Kalti: The Immortal Monster?", a kind of Blob ripoff. I've asked several
websites and they won't respond. Also, "The Killer Shrews" about a bunch
of long teeth wild dogs? Also, channel 8 had a Sunday afternoon theater for
a brief time with some really great cheezy movies.
Thanks for the memories,
Write if you have time...
So "Quiet Village" really was the theme song for Fantastic Theater originally?
I guess I heard right on the Johnny Martin show all those years ago.
How about Italian-made "Caltiki, The Immortal Monster"? I'll bet that's
the one you remember. Here is a link to a site about Italian horror pictures:
The Golden
Age of Italian Horror. Also, take a look at a great movie resource, the
Internet Movie Database (
Both your movies are mentioned there.
Click here for
1/29/2006: Here is a TTM feature on "The Killer
Shrews". And here is the slide for the Afternoon Movie:

The Channel 8 Saturday Afternoon Movie, courtesy of Peter D.
Date: 09-May-00 05:45 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: 650 Mass. Ave./Basement, Washington, DC
Folks: Webmeister Mike Ransom's brother was gravely hurt in a bad motorcycle
accident the other day in Tulsa.
Any good thoughts/wishes/prayers you could send his way would be appreciated.
Thanks, Mike. It has been extremely difficult. My brother came through
a surgery yesterday, and more are planned. The web site may not change as
often as it has in the past, but it is therapeutic for me to keep up with
it. Thanks for all your good
wishes. |
Date: 06-May-00 05:41 PM
Name: Mike Miller
Geographical location: Vienna, Virginia
During the 1984 National Republican Convention in Dallas, Al Neuharth invited
my boss, Nevada U.S. Senator Chic Hecht to his Gannett booth for a visit.
As Hechts press secretary, I tagged along.
Great food I recall and after the formalities, I decided to take the opportunity
to lodge a complaint we had with one of Neuharths newspapers, the Reno
Gazette-Journal. The Reno paper was extremely liberal and Senator Hecht,
was just to the right of Jesse Helms. I explained to Al, (we were already
on a first name basis,) The Gazette-Journal wont even read our
press releases. The editor wads them up with much ceremony and tosses them
into the waste basket. I waited for Neuharths jaw to drop.
Sorry Mike, but I never interfere with the editorial policies of my
newspapers, Neuharth replied. Nothing like striking out in the
owners box.
I was so annoyed I ate six more shrimp.
Date: 05-May-00 07:05 PM
Name: Mike Bruchas
Geographical location: In the bowels of the ATF building, my
new office...
How did you find TTM? A link came with USA Today!
To Jim Ruddle - dunno what cage for the Gray Ghost - Al Neuharth, but he
IS "paper trained". Arggggh.
16-17 years ago Gannett had the big editors/manager roundtable in OKC at
the Skirvan. They ordered something like 60 Lincoln Town Cars in black -
Al's was gray. For years he wore black, white and gray - no other colors.
All the managers/editors toured KOCO wher I worked - not Al - he did not
deign to appear there.
Al is on marriage #2 to a lady chiropractor from FL - with kids -- hello
Tony Randall or hello, Viagra. Was profiled in Parade magazine a year or
2 ago.
When he first retired from Gannett - after creating the "Mac Paper" - USA
Today -- he camped out at his then unmarried daughter's horse farm in Middleburg,
VA. Kinda like he had nowhere to go - she got married and sold the farm.
He got prickly at the Gannett Foundation and started the Newseum thang. Then
got re-married. He is a character - pretty brilliant though often NOT a nice
Date: 04-May-00 07:43 PM
Name: Webmaster
Archived Guestbook 37 today.
We had just heard from Trey Callaway, an L.A. writer/producer with roots
in T-town, reminisced about "Poor Ol' Pappy", discussed pro wrestling at
length and breadth, touched on NBC's "Monitor" radio program and crystal
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