Dick Van Dera--Uncle Zip - 10/06/99 17:05:58![]() Location: Tulsa, Ok.
Comments: I'll come back and add some of mine soon.
Dick Mike Bruchas - 10/06/99 13:40:03 My Email:bruchasm@atlanticvideo.net
Comments: Frank Morrow - 10/06/99 05:40:35 My Email:fmorrow21@netzero.net Location: Austin, TX
Comments: ![]() My URL:http://hansonline.com Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: the auction How did you find TTM?: surfed in
Comments: Terry Young - 10/05/99 20:09:37 My Email:xmare@swbell.net Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: Zeta Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Jim Ruddle
Terry is a former mayor of Tulsa. Mike Ransom (webmaster) - 10/05/99 18:55:34 Location: Tulsa
Great to hear from Jim Ruddle. I'll add his comments to the page that
mentions "Zeta". Mike Bruchas - 10/05/99 18:03:35 Location: Washington, DC
Comments: Besides Tulsa Little Theatre - was it the Spotlight Club that did "The Drunkard" for years on Riverside Drive? It seems half the Tulsa TV/radio talent of the past did tours at one or the other.
Are both still functioning? Mike Bruchas - 10/05/99 17:51:47 Location: Washington, DC
Comments: When you first went to Chicago - whom did you work for. I vaguely remember Park-Ruddle News but forget what station you were on. I also thought you did a stint at WTTW. When did you leave Chicago and where did you go next?
Good to hear from you! Jim Ruddle - 10/05/99 14:21:08 My Email:gardel@erols.com Location: Rye, NT Favorite Tulsa TV show: SunUp Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Bob Mills of SunUp Stupidest local commercial: Anyone where car dealer did his own
Comments: After three years of government work (chasing icebergs in the North Atlantic and checking the weather in the Pacific for the US Coast Guard, as a radio operator) I came back to Tulsa and got hired by Dick Campbell, at KOTV, where Cy Tuma was the king of the hill, assisted by Don Norton, who did most of the news writing and scut work. Others there were Don Marvin, Lee Woodward, Bob Mills, Jim Newton, and, later, Noel Confer. Anything for a buck, I did commercials (all live, tape didn't even get demonstated at the NAB convention until 1956), filled in as early morning news anchor, sang on a half-hour daily program called "Memories Are Made of This." God! it was awful. And most memorably, and to this day humiliating, I was "Zeta, on Satellite Six," dressed in helmet, goggles, and a uniform that belonged on an usher at a porn flick. We showed "Little Rascals" films and I introduced each one by looking into my "Zetascope" and waiting for the directors to dissolve into the film. It was worse than "Memories Are Made of This," but I didn't have to sing. It also paid a good talent fee and I was a whore.
The name of the long time sheriff was George Blaine, and I remember him
distinctly because on the night before I left Tulsa for the service, I was
rousted by Blaine and a couple of his dogsbodies in
Clarence Love's Lounge where I had been digging
the music and bothering nobody. The problem, in Blaine's eyes, was that I
was the only white guy in the otherwise all-black joint. He was set to run
me in on some trumped-up charge until he found out that I had enlisted and
was leaving the next day. Really a credit to the community, he was. Frank Morrow - 10/05/99 06:20:01 My Email:fmorrow21@netzero.net Location: Austin, TX How did you find TTM?: friend
Comments: Two classmates of mine met Frank Simms in New York--- Wally Renegar and Shirley Barbour. He remembered them from Central Day on KVOO when we did Eggs at Eight on May 8, 1951. (Frank agreed to be best man at Wally Renegars network TV wedding.) My father stayed home from work that day and recorded eight hours of the production. I still have the audiotapes. I made a one-hour TV documentary using that material. I showed it in Austin and in several other cities on my public access TV program Alternative Views. (At its greatest degree of proliferation, the program showed in approximately 290 cities with over 11 million households served. I produced 560 shows over a 19-year period. It never showed in Tulsa because, shamefully, Tulsa did not have a public access system.) Pardon the digression. I was very close with Doremus, at least as close as one could get with him. He was my pledge father in Kappa Sigma; he was our intramural quarterback, and I was his favorite receiver; we shared a lot of evenings together after we both signed off; we played tennis together near his home in Sapulpa; I went with him on shopping trips to buy a used car. Finally, he married the girl with whom I had my first date back in junior high school at Horace Mann. (Does anyone know where she is now? Joellen Jody Casler. She went to Central for two years, finishing at Broken Arrow.) John was almost overrun with women who were attracted to his voice on his late evening program on KRMG. I had a similar show on KAKC, but didnt attract the number of females John did. And he wouldnt share! He frequently would come dragging into the frat house at breakfast after a night of frolic, trying to get the energy to go to class. I envied him, and wished I had the confidence with women that he had.
John was one of those rare people who never had a negative thing to say about
someone else, and no one had anything negative to say about him. I loved
the guy. I was so saddened when I learned of his death with Alzheimers,
particularly the long time he was afflicted with it. Noel Confer - 10/05/99 04:46:14 My Email:nconfer@aol.com Location: Tulsa
Comments: We are missing a lot of information and stories about Tulsa TV in the 50s...please tell us more. Bill Hyden - 10/04/99 20:07:55 My Email:billhyden@prodigy.net Location: Tulsa
Comments: John Doremus won a scholarship to The University of Tulsa by winning the competition on a Going To College program. Ben Henneke was emceeing that show then...later Rod Jones and, perhaps, others hosted it. I worked, as a student, with Ben on some of those trips but do not remember whether I might have been on the one Doremus won. I joined KRMG as an announcer in August 1951. Joe Knight (Neidig), of the "Spinning Round Table" had taken leave of absence from KRMG to engage in his 'tour of military service' and Doremus was hired to fill that void. When Frank Simms left KVOO radio in November of 1952, I spake with the other co-host of the morning "Eggs At Eight" program, Walt Teas, and he led me to program director Joe O'Neill and I was offered a job on the KVOO announce staff. At that time, Joe Knight was returning from his military obligation and Doremus was given notice, since Joe would get his old job back. After my work at KRMG on a Friday in November 1952, I talked with manager Bob Jones, telling of my KVOO offer and that it would permit Doremus staying on the KRMG staff. Jones agreed. Quickest move I ever made...finalized after Friday work on one station and went to work at KVOO on Monday. Of course, Doremus did extremely well in Chicago... and was billed as America's Greatest Voice...with, probably, no dissenters. In 1985, when Sam Stewart and I were endeavoring to produce a feature length documentary re: OPERATION VARSITY, the airborne Rhine crossing of 24 March 1945, I called Doremus to see if he might be interested in investing in this. It was like old home week on the phone and he insisted that I come to Chicago to talk it over. I did. I got the earliest flight I could obtain and when I arrived at his office/studios, John was not there. I sat in his office for 4 hours before he showed up. He said he must have put the wrong day on his calendar. I had brought him a videocassette of a promotional tape we had produced to try and interest investors. At one point, John said "I've got a Cronkite tape here we can use to dub over". I explained that we did not need to dub anything...the tape I brought was his. John left his office...and I noticed his office walls were adorned with autographed pictures of presidents. He had for some time provided the music that was available on Air Force One. After considerable length of time, I left his office to see why he hadn't returned. He was standing in front of a 3/4" player trying to make the 1/2" VHS cassette work in it. I knew something was wrong then. We terminated our visit shortly after and I didn't have an opportunity to visit with anyone there as to John's condition. A few years ago, he died of Alzheimer's disease. Prior to his death, I had talked with two of his sons... and was told by one that he was in a nursing home in Naperville, Illinois and that he did not even recognize members of his own family. A tragic end to the life of one so relatively young and so talented. During John's days at TU he was active in the radio chorus of Arthur Hestwood...his singing voice was as good as his speaking voice. When Ben Henneke heard that the Alzheimer's Foundation in Chicago was honoring John at an annual function there, he (Ben) wrote a tribute to John that was printed in the Tulsa Tribune.
One thing about TTM...it surfaces memories, both good and sad, of these wonderful
people of our past. Another salute to you, Mike Ransom, for building this
website. Mike Bruchas - 10/02/99 17:39:01 My Email:jmbruchas@juno.com
Comments: In Chicago in the 50's/60's he had "Patterns in Music" on WMAQ radio then for a while a TV show with the NBC studio orchestra (before it was phased out). My folks and I loved his shows. He would weave stories around music - mostly classical or show tunes and his always good "ear" picked some of the most listenful, fascinating non-elevator music. Somewhere in a paper I read he was a TU alumn from Sapulpa and it may have helped me make my decision to go out of state to school. For years he was 7pm to 10pm on "the Q". Later he went to WAIT then the overnight shift on WGN replacing Chi-town legend (and legendary drunk) Franklin McCormick. He later was off the air doing his canned music programming full time for American and other airlines in the early days of music on flights at John Doremus & Associates. One of my biggest thrills was to talk to him on the phone one day when home on break from TU. He invited me down to WGN any time. The next year TU roommate Wayne McCombs came to Chicago with me to go to a Cubs game, see the city and as we lucked out went to visit at WLS (then a powerhouse rocker) then a few nights later we spent the overnight shift with John Doremus and got about :90 of airtime on WGN. John had his engineer tape the broadcast and I think I said the dumbest, most insipid stuff in my life in front of one of my Chicago media idols. I still have that tape. It was neat because WGN was being heard in about 20 states - John put us on "national". WGN was a tight union shop but John had great rapport with his crew. When I was working up here 20 years later at the NAB - National Association of Broadcasters - I called his office in Chicago to see about him doing voice-over work and got hold of a very saddened receptionist who told me he was not in any shape to do that kind of work any more and was hospitalized. Never knew what with. John Doremus died about 3-4 years....I think his scholarship for TU students may still be helping kids out. The late Bob Lauer and later KTUL's Dick Van Dera (after doing is Nam stint as a corpsman)were 2 Chicago natives that I went to school with that John Doremus helped put thru school on his scholarship program.
He went a long ways from Sapulpa. Frank Morrow - 10/01/99 05:57:34 My Email:fmorrow21@netzero.net Location: Austin, TX How did you find TTM?: friend
Comments: First, there was KOME through which we broadcast Central Highs weekly program "Experimental Theater of the Air" under the direction of the legendary CHS speech teacher Isabelle Ronan. Also at Central we had "KVOO Day" (or "Central Day" if you worked at KVOO), in which the students took over all the production and performance duties at the station. This was at the last of the "Golden Days" of radio. Next, it was KAKC during my freshman year at TU. I took over the announcing duties from Raymond King and hosted the night disk jockey program, "Music for Listening." ($185 a month for a 48 hour week) After signing off, I would go over to KRMG to meet John Doremus, then go to Bishops for a meal of dollar pancakes. Lewis Meyer did a weekly program on KAKC, and Mack Creager did sports. (It was great fun to create sound to simulate crowd noise, while Mack made the Oiler baseball games come alive with only the Western Union ticker tape to provide minimal information. After a year I moved to KTUL, working for Karl Janssen and with people such as Jack Morris, Jack Charvat, Ed Neibling, Vic Lundberg, Jack Alexander, Roy McKee, Al Clauser, and Roy Pickett. While at KTUL I co-narrated the Tulsa Easter Pageant for two years over KRMG. After three years I got a job for a few months with KFMJ where the weird Lawson Taylor was general manager. Squeezed in between all this were a couple of newscasts over KWGS. This was like reading in a closet, because there were no FM receivers at the time. My last stop was with KRMG, a great place to work. At first I did the night music show "Music til Midnight," taking over from Johnny Chick who had followed Doremus. When KRMG started its newsmobile, Chick was selected to man it. However, because the work gave him ulcers, Johnny was moved to the afternoon disk jockey show, replacing the departing Joe Knight. I assumed duties on the newsmobile, and worked the late afternoon and early evenings while Doc Hull and Johnny spun records. I also did newscasts working with Glenn Condon, a beautiful person. Also at KRMG were Keith Bretz (program director), Bill Minshall, Bob Parkhurst, Larry Strain, and Mack Creager. Driving the newsmobile was a blank check: It was the first of its kind in Tulsa (maybe Oklahoma). I chased ambulances, interviewed visiting dignitaries, and covered local significant events such as the indictment of the Police Chief, Police Commissioner and some detectives on corruption charges. There also was a crash of a B-52 on the outskirts of Skiatook. But the big thing was another first: taking the newsmobile to the airport during tornadic weather, and broadcasting from in front of the radar screen, reporting where the areas of danger were. One listener called and said, "Take that guy off the air. Hes scaring us to death!" There are three incidents which are recounted in the new book on professional wrestling, "Theater in a Squared Circle" by Jeff Archer. One was my meeting with the scary Ed "Strangler" Lewis late one night at KAKC, and the other two were my experiences interviewing Gorgeous George and Farmer Jones over the KRMG newsmobile. I have many memories of these years which I will write down sometime. I would like to hear from other announcers and staff members from this era. This is a significant part of Tulsa history which has yet to be documented.
Frank, we really appreciate hearing from you. Lowell Burch - 10/01/99 00:29:06 My Email:J9Z1B95@aol.com Favorite Tulsa TV show: UFFCM Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mazeppa Stupidest local commercial: Reeve's Brothers and Don't forget ol' Pappy
Comments: Mike Ransom (webmaster) - 09/29/99 18:32:58 Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Terry Young
Comments: Robert Stemmons The Whistler - 09/27/99 07:14:02 My URL:http://thewhistler.com My Email:whistling@aol.com Location: Jenks America Favorite Tulsa TV show: Mazeppa Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mazeppa Stupidest local commercial: Horn Brothers "Far" Sale How did you find TTM?: repeat visitor
Comments: Mike Ransom (webmaster) - 09/27/99 04:01:06 Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: Lee & Lionel Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Lee Woodward
Comments: What came first: your talent for entertaining people, or a desire to entertain? Did you and your brother Morgan ever work together? How did the character of Lionel evolve? What is your musical background?
Do you ever feel nostalgia for having a public persona? Sleepwalk aka Rita - 09/25/99 17:58:49 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/5534 My Email:larrita@compuserve.com Location: Bartlesville Favorite Tulsa TV show: Rick Wells *smile* Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Rick Wells Stupidest local commercial: any car commercial How did you find TTM?: sheer will power
Comments: Mike Miller - 09/24/99 00:04:41 My Email:typo1@erols.com Location: Vienna, Virginia
Comments: Also looking for a copy of "Tapes of Wrath," a great network blooper reel of some years past, but still great fun. Anyone who has either KOTV blooper tape or "Tapes of Wrath" please contact me or Bill Hyden. We need copies for the reunion.
Thanks, MM G.Ailard Sartain - 09/23/99 14:13:54 Location: Baltimore Favorite Tulsa TV show: Teen Town Topics Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mr. Mystery Stupidest local commercial: Lynn Hickey Junior
Comments: Hurricane Floyd has had his way with the production what with the rain and wind and all. It was great hearing Yahootie Menu on the sound clip. Armin Sebran was a great addition to the company. Re: the Jeff MacKay telethon "incident" - yes it was a staged situation. I'm still in touch with Jeff - he is well and living in Los Angeles.
Lawzee, G.Ailard Terry Young - 09/23/99 06:00:32 My Email:xmare@swbell.net Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mike Miller
Comments: Mike Bruchas - 09/22/99 23:06:39 Location: OK on the Potomac
Comments: Who was the long long time Tulsa County Sheriff - was it Dave Fowler? He always looked like and talked like a "Western lawman" to me. Though I also remember at one time a lot of the deputies looked almost too large girthed to get into their patrol cars! Foot chase - hell no, just roll them deputies at felons! I can't complain though - the ones that responded to calls at KTUL were always great.
Then you had in OKC - the colorful (black & white that is) DA Bob Macy
who is still wearing black string ties a la a gambler. Talk about a gimmick
that folks wouldn't forget you for! Mike Miller - 09/22/99 22:45:25 My Email:typo1@erols.com Location: Vienna, Virginia How did you find TTM?: private detective
Comments: A friend who worked at KAKC, named Beverly Criswell, and I went to a psychic who told us it was buried near power lines, under blackjack trees and was booby trapped. We searched and even got some Tulsa County Deputy Sheriffs involved, but never found it. Lesters wife used to kid me that I was getting close, but she never would tell me where it was.
Several years later, after I had moved to Dallas (WFAA-TV) I got a strange
call late at night. Do you want to know where Martin Edwards
car is? the female voice whispered. You bet, I said. The
lady began laughing. It was Mary Pugh, in town just wanting to say hello. Terry Young - 09/22/99 22:39:55 My Email:xmare@swbell.net Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Lee Woodward
Comments: Mike Bruchas - 09/22/99 22:36:19 Location: Alexandreeeea, VA
Comments: Culture shock set in when I arrived in OK and TX. All those criminals/murders and fugitives had 3 names (first,middle last - no mobbed-up nicknames) such as Tom Lester Pugh when usually refered to in newscasts. I guess it was to differentiate from the HONEST Tom Pugh or Lester Pugh. Maybe their sometimes odd middle names helped drive them on the road of crime. Freudian. In Amarillo - I guess to aggrandize their sense of importance as news hounds - we had Bill Tell Zortman, Mildred Ellis McCoy and George Patrick Casey as on-air talent. In the days of names on slides - not electronically generated on a CG - these ego hounds (okay Pat Casey is NOT an ego hound, he just followed a bad KVII trend) never realized this made their names teeny tiny when shot to slide to be visible within "safe title" lines on most TV sets. This was not a case of a married reporter hyphenating his/her name with that of a spouse - just they felt it made them sound mo' big time. What is that Dan Rather's middle name?? Bobby Joe? Beavis Buford? Spencer Bernard ("that man with 2 first names" was the REAL former OK Lt. Gov's campaign slogan)???
Oh yeah also in Amarillo at one time 2 stations had guys with the same names
- Mark (Baker?)#1 was a reporter at 1 station and Mark (Baker?)#2 was news
director (though not on air) at the other for a while - talk about potential
for confusion! John Hillis - 09/22/99 17:21:08 Location: a galaxy far,far away Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Poor Old Pappy (see, I didn't forget) Stupidest local commercial: see above
Comments: Was that Brinlee? Seems to me maybe it was, but maybe I've just got Rex on the brain.
When Lilian Newby was assignment editor at KOTV, she'd tell tales of McAlester
prison riots from her days on the Daily Oklahoman. She was the only woman
reporter, and probably the only woman around those violent and scary happenings.
Lil was an old-school newspaperwoman, who could have been a character in
"The Front Page." She moved to Washington and worked for Congressman Wes
Watkins and one of the other Sooner Congressmen for a while, then went to
law school and practiced with one of the big communications law firms up
here. Mike Ransom (webmaster) - 09/22/99 16:19:50 Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV show: News/weather/sports Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mike Miller
Comments: Terry Young - 09/22/99 02:39:49 My Email:xmare@swbell.net Location: Tulsa Favorite Tulsa TV personality: Mike Miller
Comments: Mike Miller - 09/22/99 01:08:12 My Email:typo1@erols.com Location: Vienna, Virginia
Comments: Cleo Epps, Queen of the Bootleggers, was coming out of federal court and her brother came at me with a knife. She was a colorful figure who secretly testified before a Tulsa County Grand Jury investigating the bombing of Judge Fred Nelson. The bombing was linked to Lester Pugh and Albert McDonald. Cleo was shot in the head after getting into a car with them and her body found three months later in a septic tank. I believe Pugh is still in prison and McDonald was killed behind bars.
I spent much time covering Brinlee and Pugh and McDonald during the 70's.
They were very scary people and shared a love of explosives. Mike Bruchas - 09/21/99 22:50:15 Favorite Tulsa TV show: news eight
Comments: R-I-D-E-S-H-Y I think was the phonetic numbers to dial on a phone for a "service" for prostitutes as I recall and a big expose'. Also my little gray cells remind me of the seemingly endless hunt for Rex Brinlee - but I can't remember what for. I did learn later that his Mom was the Mrs. Brinlee at KOTV when I worked there. Also when I worked at 6 - I shot video out at Locust Grove after the Girl Scout murders. Didn't the presumed killer die in jail before his trial or execution of a heart attack? That was a tragedy and I thought someone said they may have NOT got the right suspect for the crime. And lest we forget the murder of bootlegger Cleo Epps - we need background on this. It WAS a big story but I can't remember why she was murdered. Then we have the murder of the chairman of Telex at Southern Hills - that has never been solved. All so long ago - but all stories got a lot of air-time in Tulsey.
Any newshounds besides Mike Miller out there - write in, too!