(from Guestbook 82) Lee Bayley said:
I'm going to amaze you...I have the Big 30 survey
dated August 20, 1969 with a picture of Don Bishop, Johnny Laine and Dan
Stone with the caption "so heavy it takes three Big 97 jocks to hold it"...of
course they were holding the new KAKC Solid Gold album...and at that
time if something was awesome, it was "heavvvvyyyy". Inside were pictures
of all the jocks. The cover was a picture of the Tulsa skyline (which I took
on a Polaroid as I did all the pictures we used on the Big 30 survey) and
then we reversed polarity to get the effect. I have a couple...and one is
still in the wrap. I believe we sold close to 10,000 of them...and it was
only available by phone order for a period of two weeks...
I still have a laminated cover of the album on my office wall...
Thanks for asking...it's always fun to go back and dig up pictures and to
go through the bunch of Big 30 surveys I saved from that time.
KAKC airchecks, circa
Here is a special treat: a collection of Lee Bayley "airchecks"!
(approx. 13 minutes...storage courtesy of Tim Schmitz,
WebDub.com) |
(from Guestbook 90) Joy Cooper on the airchecks:
I could just close my eyes and believe I was tooling down Harvard in my Corvair
listening to KAKC...the radio was about the only thing that worked on that
car! You hear the songs now on "oldies" stations, but it isn't the same as
actually listening to the "patter" of your favorite radio station and disc
jockeys...that sound becomes ingrained in your memory and that is true "oldies"
radio like none other. I enjoyed the heck out of this, thanks webmaster!! |
(via email to webmaster) Lee Bayley on the airchecks:
I am really proud of the "timing" all the jocks of KAKC did on their shows.
I hope you will notice that. Not just the tightness
but as an example
at the end of the KAKC part of the tape you will hear a station ID that includes
the jingle singers with a shotgun blast in the middle of the jingle
in to Jr. Walker. You will hear a number of songs starting under the last
few seconds of cold voice commercials. Nine minutes in you will hear a 6
a.m ID I did over the intro of the Dells
.it's a 32 second talkover
on Saturday morning.
At this time we were still using turntables and records and carts
We didn't talk much but tried to pack a lot into what we said.
You will hear some of the programming specials and contests we did. The history
of rock and roll pre-promos, a "History of Rock and Roll contest" where we
took lines out of the show and asked listeners to identify the speaker and
did a "3 Punch contest on air"
..the "Jet Set" for a trip to
.."the Cash Cruiser".
The ID voice is Bill Drake. He is also the voice on the "Number 1 then and
Number 1 now" type things.
These are the original Drake jingles sung by the Johnny Mann singers (a group
that I worked with after moving to L.A.)
You will hear the original "20-20 News" and an example of how we occasionally
came out to an oldie (Roy Orbison). The "Solid Gold Weekend"
You will hear the tape speed varies from too slow to too fast
but then,
it is 30 years old
(via 8/31/2001 email to webmaster) Sonny Hollingshead on the airchecks:
The first part of the compilation apparently aired in January, 1971. That
is when "River Deep-Mountain High" by the Supremes and "Watchin' Scotty Grow"
by Bobby Goldsboro were hits. There is a reference to a Firestone January
Clearance Sale. (and "at Beneficial...doot, doot...you're good for
The next part of the compilation is from the Summer of '71. You'll note the
different jingles used by KAKC from late Spring of '71 through Spring of
'72. (This was my personal favorite KAKC jingle package.) One of the songs
on the aircheck with a Tulsa connection is David Gates' "Mother Freedom"
by Bread.
Next is a grouping of parts of airchecks from 1969. Watson Jelks (KAKC 20/20
News) makes reference to the date April 23, 1969. The compilation then moves
to the fall of '69 and includes a promo for the Drake/Chenault radio classic
"The History of Rock 'N Roll", which aired in October of that year. One of
the songs during the 1969 portion of the tape is "Dismal Day", which was
the first hit (a minor regional hit only) for Bread.
If my memory is correct, Lee Bayley left KAKC in the early Spring of 1972
and was replaced by Simon Trane. At about the same time, KAKC changed consultants
from Bill Drake to Paul Drew. AM Top-40 radio went into decline a couple
of years later due to a switch of the format to the FM band.
Watson Jelks did news for a while at KAKC, then went on the other side of
the window as DJ Woody Williams. He then replaced Chuck Adams as morning
man at KRMG, until he himself left was replaced by John Erling. The KRMG
lineup in the early 70's was Jelks in the morning, Dick Ford during midday,
Jerry Vaughn for afternoon drive, then Johnny
Martin and Bob Lafitte.
of history such as the Lee Bayley compilation are rare. It's a shame there
have been no books written to chronicle the golden years of AM Top-40 radio.
For more airchecks, visit reelradio.com.
That site is dedicated to keeping the history of AM radio and the legendary
DJs alive.
Listen to Lee's
farewell on KAKC (discovered at reelradio.com by Erick Church)
(from Guestbook 23) Lee
Hear Lee on KAKC circa 1970!
(courtesy of Steve Suttle)
I was unaware of the "memories" location and am happy to restore a link to
the city. Needless to say, after doing morning drive for KAKC during the
late 60s and doing "Pepsi's Dance Party" at the same time, Tulsa is one my
fondest memories. I was recently interviewed (at Channel 8 in Dallas) for
the upcoming KOTV 50th program and was asked if I missed the city. Let it
be known...I miss the city and I miss the people. I am still indebted to
Dick Schmitz for hiring me at KAKC and Steve Hope for lining
me up with Pepsi. I left Tulsa in '71 for Los Angeles where I ran a company
programming 300+ radio stations, then ran a company for the Disneys in Dallas,
then formed my own company to consult radio stations nationwide and am still
doing that. In Tulsa I helped put K107 on the air, put Magic99 on the air,
and worked with KRMG when they returned to #1.
In addition to programming radio stations I do limited voice work...if you
call the city of Dallas chances are it will be me talking to you if put on
hold...or Nations Bank..and others. It would be nice to hear from any of
you who were part of the great years in Tulsa.
7/2000: Lee recently went to work as a golf pro in Dallas.
10/31/2001: Lee retired from the radio business.
Lee Bayley tells how John Chick (Mr. Zing) showed an early-teenaged Lee
the ropes at KRMG...near the bottom of the Mr.
Zing & Tuffy page.
And don't forget that Lee was a host of
Pepsi's "Dance Party" on KOTV!