(from Guestbook 162, 5/7/2004): Patricia
Elsass of Tulsa said:
The Tulsa Library found your webpage for me, and sent me the information
to find the webpage. I've not thoroughly gone through your webpage, yet,
but was wondering if you might be able to identify the gentleman in this
Click to see complete photo
Our Brownie troop was on this KOTV 6 TV show when we were in the 2nd or 3rd
grade. We are talking way back in the early 1950's (1951-53). Sadly, no one
wrote the names of the girls nor the name of the show on the back of this
picture, and now we are hoping you might know something of the very early
1950's shows. KOTV does not know who he is! I've contacted them, and asked
them if they might be able to identify the gentleman M.C. and the show, and
they cannot!
Hopefully you can be of help to us, our alumni group, in trying to name all
of the girls in the group, and we'd love to be able to identify the show
and the M.C. you see in the pic. I do appreciate any help you might be able
to give us...thank you so much!
The girls in this photo are of the Class of 1962, of Will Rogers & Central
High Schools. The Brownie Troop was from Kendall Elementary School.
Could it be Bob Latting from the Kids
Karnival, or Chris Lane? Can anyone identify
the host or any of the girls?
Later note from Lorna Alexander (Chris Lane Alexander's widow):
"It does NOT appear to be Chris. It is not his hairline, for one thing."
Dave Harmon (K6XYZ[at]comcast[dot]net) said:
"I am 98% certain that starting from the right..
"2 Nancy Hawkins, 3 Judy Day, 4 Jonelle English, 6 Catherine (Kitty) Holloway.
"These 4 girls are for sure CHS 61', not 62'.
"There are 3 more girls that I recognize but I am only about 50% sure of
their names. I'll take a look at some personal stuff I have and try to name
them as well."
(via email, 6/1/2004) Alan Lambert said:
Bob Latting's daughter was in school with me so I was fairly familiar with
what he looked like even in addition to his TV appearances; it is NOT Latting.
I was very familiar with Chris Lane. It is NOT Chris. The bad news is I do
not know who it is. Sorry. I just know, with a certain level of confidence,
who it is not.
Here is another outstanding puzzle: who is this
fellow in the space suit at KVOO in
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