![]() "Star Captain": Homegrown electronic music LP by Keith Slane "MAINTAIN: A concert of video realizations" - KTUL, Sat. p.m./Sun. a.m., 1973 Honest John's, Starship and Oz by Wilhelm Murg Used record stores: Turning Base Vinyl Into Gold by Wilhelm Murg Scratchy Memories of the Bill's T Record Empire by Wilhelm Murg George Harrison in Tulsa - webmaster's 1974 home movie. Yahootee Menu (Armin Sebran) offers his thoughts on Tulsa in the early 70s. Tulsa Counterculture-related items from Channel Changer 2: |
Next I probably listened to KMOD's progressive format, but eventually discovered KTBA. This was an awesome station. Particularly, Rob On Your Radio, my favorite all-time Tulsa DJ!!! Once I was able to drive, a few of us would occasionally drive out to Broken Arrow and hang out at the station. On one of these visits I snuck the car out without permission, while my parents were out for the evening, and managed to get two flat tires at once! I had to have my older brother Rick rescue us by bringing out a second spare. I don't think my parents ever found out!!
I also loved the Starship head shop, and Oz! Spent a good amount of time there, too! Anyone remember Bill's Bongs? I still have an aluminum one dated 5-29-74 #1 !!!
When the late Honest John Foutz started supplying KWGS in '69 or '70 with music for "Subterrania" - a new source for non-mainstream material appeared. I presume Matt Bunyan at Starship may still be supplying non-mainstream music to stations in Tulsey.
In the 70's we had Greer's, Honest John's discounting and some shopping center music emporiums then Sound Warehouse starting to discount. Peaches came in, cleaned up and went bankrupt nationally - while putting a lot of small record dealers out of business in Tulsa. Regretably Honest John Foutz has gone to the big record store in the sky. About 13-14 years ago and it was heart-related. He died too young - in his 30's. But he had worked for Greer's and bought stock originally thru them.... In the early '70's I sat out a tornado with him and his first wife in the hallway of his then house and part store on 11th Street.
Counterculturally speaking, does anyone remember the Head shop very close
to Nathan Hale high in the late 60's early 70's? First of its kind that I
can recall, I used to go in to buy incense and drool over the owner. And
there was a record shop on 15th I think that was the first to offer non-top
40 music...Dr. John's or something similar (Honest John's), does anyone
recall that? It was at that record shop where I first laid eyes on anything
about Leon Russell...that wonderful piercing stare from a poster declaring
him The Master of Space and Time which he was and still is in my
opinion. My counterculture liked to "drop" and go to the airport and look at the pretty blue lights and feel the rush of the airplanes when they landed...once a friend and I sneaked on to a plane empty for cleaning and we ran amuck only to be politely but firmly escorted off...would have been gunned down today. Also recall a teenage hangout called "The Machine"...very psychedelic with black lights, strobes, melting butter on the walls...no booze though but I was easier to please in those days!
To Joy Cooper... The headshop near Nathan Hale was called 'Lord's Tape Deck'. I went there several times for various records. One day, while waiting for the buses to arrive at school, I walked on down and bought The Rolling Stones High Tide and Green Grass album (which I still have today). Another day, there was a communist/anarchist in there and he pulled out a cap & ball Colt pistol, saying he was ready for "the revolution". I guess he thought we still used muskets. What a schmuck. The smell of incense and pot were interspersed in the place and I wasn't sure the guy behind the counter knew what day it was, much less who he was. Girls with 'granny glasses' and 'peasant tops' abounded. Those sure were fun times!
I was reading (this page) and remembered a place I was at where George Harrison and Leon Russell showed up one night. It was generally known as "The Free Store" and was located at about 13th & Peoria. It was a small brick building where hippies and street people would gather and do whatever they wanted. It had furniture, heat and 'lectricity. No one knew who paid the rent and utilities and we didn't care. Anyway, one night after one of Leon's birthday bashes (pictures from the 1986 bash), he and George showed up and played chess for awhile and BSed with folks. I had seen Leon around town for some time, but George was a new face, locally. Sure, we knew who he was but nobody made a scene or got stupid. We were all there to just lay back and have a good time. There was also a guy we called Weird Beard who looked like Aqualung. He would stand over a small gas heater up front and fart. Turned out the guy was a Fed! Baretta had nothing on that guy.
I was at a friend's house one night not three blocks from The Nine of Cups. Another guy burst in and said Eric Clapton was over there. We hauled butt, only to face a packed parking lot and a line of people out to the street. Obviously, we didn't get in, though we could hear the music because the door was open for a bit. Clapton played with the house band and we went back to listening to Firesign Theatre records. A day late and a dollar short.
I was about 17 and my brother (an electrical contractor) called and said he got a job to install lights around the fence on the old Aaronson Mansion that Leon Russell had just bought. Wanted to know if I would like to help. I was tryin' as hard as I could to play the guitar and piano and loved Leon so I jumped on the chance. Leon took us to Claud's in his Rolls and told me that he and a bunch of friends would be jamming at the Stables (yes, it was a live music club back then) lounge that night. I went but was too young and could not get in. I stood outside and in absolute amazement watched Leon, George Harrison, Eric Clapton get out of his car and go into the club. I think Chuck Blackwell was playing drums that night along with Carl Radle on bass. In case you don't know, Chuck has a very nice Stained Glass business on 145th E Ave in Broken Arrow, he made me a nice door for the front of my home.
As years went by, the Stables hired some Go-Go dancers to spice things up
a bit. The bands went away, the girls stayed. (the addition of Lewis Meyer
makes this a Tulsa TV-related and PG-rated
Stables matchbook
KDVS-FM - really fun freeform FM radio streamed from Davis, California. Keeping the spirit of underground radio alive; the DJs are free to play what they want. Read more about the freeform era of radio history online at Radio Free Binghamton WHRW-FM (coincidentally, Rod Serling's home town). WHRW is another streaming free-form station worth listening to. KVMR-FM community radio out of Nevada City, California presents an extremely diverse spectrum of music and talk. Of Tulsa-area broadcast stations, KRSC comes the closest to it on the music side. Gary Chew hosts a jazz program and reviews a movie there on occasion. What's the frequency, Kenneth? Why, it's 89.5, just like Tulsa's KWGS!
Both Don Cook and Stacy Richardson agree that KPIG carries the flame of free-form progressive radio, exemplified by KTBA in its heyday. I've got my KPIG Lard Card.
(from Guestbook 29) KPIG's Unkle Sherman said:
David Bagsby's recent CD, Keystone Lake & Palmer, features the Tulsa's Head Keepers suite dedicated to Dream Merchant, Odyssey Mall, Rubicon, Starship and Oz.
After the unearthing of the Plymouth Belvedere time
capsule yesterday, I had a tasty Thai Pepper rib-eye burger at J.J.'s
Gourmet Cafe at 647 S. Peoria (open only from 11 am - 1 pm, M-F).
Reflections on KTBA
Channel Changer 2
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